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Hello Everyone!

It's been a really interesting ride with this Patreon. When I first started making content for this community, I had ZERO clue where it was going to go. I remember starting all the way back in the summer of 2017. Thats nearly 3 years ago now, and it's just crazy to me how much time has passed. How much time and energy I've put into these works. The stories I've made, the diaper journey I'm currently on. I never thought any of it would be possible. 

In no way am I exaggerating when I say this. I'm able to live because of this patreon. If I didn't have it, I don't think I'd be able to do a lot of the things I want to in life. But enough of my sob story about how much I love you all. Lets get down to the brass tax here.

I've contemplated doing this patreon full time lately. My job is great sure, but recently I've been thinking about moving in another direction career wise. I'd want to pivot into a relatively close field, and to do that, I'd probably have to be unemployed for a while, or take low pay entrance level jobs. 

I'd live off of this patreon completely for some time it'd seem. And what does that mean? Well, for starters, I'd produce a TON more content for this page. Right now I'm averaging only a few captions or stories a month, and about one diaper update. If I were to do this full time, I'd set aside numerous blocks of time practically almost everyday to produce content for you guys. 

Below is a poll that gauges how much I'd raise prices by. No I know, some of you are probably thinking, "What the fuck, why is this lady prices on me?!" But there are two main reasons for this. To start, I've never raised my prices since I started this page. Since then, multiple artists have changed the market in ways that make my page frankly very reasonable for the amount of content I've produced. I want to continue that, and keep my page at the "Market Value" of AB/DL content I'd produce.

Second, and mostly importantly, I'm going to be living off of this. There's a certain amount of income I need to live. If it's not enough, then I'd have to stay at my current job so I could still support myself. 

Working from home will also have another extreme benefit.... I can wear full sized disposable diapers 24/7!!! In previous updates I've talked about how wearing at work has been my biggest struggle. If I work at home though... well... that's where I wear diapers 24/7 anyways. I'd be able to make a serious dent in my potty training. In fact, if I can do this full time, then I'm expecting to frankly become incontinent from wearing so much. If you guys will pay me to do it, then what the hell. I've already gotten this for with my diaper training. You can all be there to support me, and watch me go through it!!! :)

I've opened up a poll to see people's interest on how much they'd be willing to pay, versus the amount of content they get. What I'm thinking is this:

Support Tier: Price will be $3-4, still receive only captions, potentially long delays on the all access tier stuff (That would make it $4). With my caption tiers, and what I come up with, there will be around 6-8 caption stories a month.

All Access Tier: Price will be X amount (See poll), receive instant access to my stories, captions, audios, and diaper updates

Single Caption Tier: Price will be $12 a month, get a single commissioned captioned image (~500 words). I would open this up to 3-4 slots

Double Caption Tier: Price will be $20 a month, get a double image caption (~750-1000 words). This would be 1-2 slots.

Triple Caption Tier: Price will be $30 a month, get a triple image caption (~1500 words). This would be 1-2 slots

Story Tier: Price will be $50 a month, get ~2000 words of a single chapter in a story. 

Please vote below to see what you would think the All access Tier should cost, based on the amount of content I'd produce as a creator. I think this is the most fair way to determine prices, as opposed to me just randomly setting prices. 

Thank you guys, as always. Please take your time to consider this. My life kinda depends on it.

Tl;dr I'm thinking about writing full time from home. I'd produce a lot more content, and wear diapers even more because I'm at home (Probably become incontinent tbh). Below is the potential amount I'd raise tiers by based off of how much content I create. Please vote!



Your content is great! I and many others would love to continue to support you in adding content to the patreon as well as making sure you're being kept in diapers ! :)