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The whole quarantine thing has been working WONDERS for my diaper training!

My job is officially 100% work from home now. And I think we all know what that means... it's been round the clock diapers since the day that happened (~4 days now). I think this is going to take me to the next step with my diaper training if I'm being honest. 

I feel like overall I've "Hit a wall" with my diaper training. What I mean is, I'm incredibly comfortable with wearing diapers. To the point where it feels weird when I'm not wearing one. I consider my diapers my regular underwear at this point. When I'm wearing regular panties, I feel like I'm just buffering my time until I go back into diapers. So when I'm wearing at home, I can wet 100% without a problem, and there are definitely times where I'm not sure if I remember wetting. I have a general idea of when I probably wet, but I simply don't pay attention to it. Do you remember every single time you used the bathroom when you're home? So I'm having pseudo-accidents, but I feel like I haven't taken that next step yet.

What I mean is I haven't started having consistent accidents yet. I can still feel when I have to pee, and most of the time I tell myself to let go. I think this is because I'm constantly flipping back and forth from adult diapers, to pull-ups/panties when I'm at work. So it's tough on my training having to be a big girl for a few hours a day. But... I think that's changing :)

Like I said I'm at home now, and it seems like that's gonna be the case for a multiple weeks. I'm going to focus A TON on my diaper training while I'm home. I'm going to drink a lot, and I'm going to do my best to just let it go the second I feel it. I really think that if I can keep this up for the whole month of April, I can make a serious dent in my potty training. Maybe even graduate back into full time protection by the end of it! 

Diapers have become a part of my life. It's been 4ish months since I started this journey, and I love it. I've always like diapers, and it feels simply wonderful to have them in my life 24/7. I want to be un-potty trained. What's wrong with that? It's my choice. Life is short. If I want to be in diapers, then who cares? I'm very free spirit with those kind of things. If I want to live my life a certain way, then I don't care what others think. I want to be a pants wetter, and no one is going to stop me.


Some of these pictures are old ones I just never posted.

I know the diaper is on wrong in some these pictures. I was high af when I took these pictures. I thought it was funny so I kept it :)



Dillon Schultz

Oh my gosh!! That is going to help you so much with that! I hope you begin to forget your potty training soon!