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I listen to a lot of regression hypnosis (Shout out to Happy Nappies aka Nicole Dosei. That’s my favorite shit by far). One of my favorite ways to get off is to listen to some tapes, regress, and then just float in baby land for a bit. I thought of this story while I was heavily regressed and high one day. I was literally babbling to myself behind a pacifier, soaking my diaper, and typing the outline for this story out in word. These were my notes:




Headphones barrier

Super lose no lucid?


Go down together

I guess this is the story that came out of that garble of notes…


Awake. The light in the room seemed harsh and blurry at first. You heard some groans accompany the ones you were making from across the room. Slowly over the course of a few minutes, your vision came into view. What was in front of you shocked the hell out of you.

“Holy shit. Ooohhh my god. Okay. What the hell is going on?” Your girlfriend said to you. She sat across from you in this gray room. You didn’t know where you were, what was going on, or why the hell you were strapped to a chair with nothing but a diaper on. She started struggling to get out of the restraints. Her plump breasts jiggled with each twitch of her muscles.

Your head was strapped to a head band. No matter how much you tried to move your body, the straps kept you locked in. Your girlfriend was in the exact same situation. The two of you were locked in these chairs, double diapered and all.

And that’s when you noticed the headphones on your girlfriend. The fear across her face was obvious once your eyes met. You opened your mouth to speak, but she interrupted you before you could get anything out.

“How the fuck did we get here? Why are you wearing headphones? Am I wearing ones too?!” She yelled out. You nodded you head yes in response. She grimaced at your reaction. She looked down at her legs. The large white diaper pushed her legs wide apart.

“Who the heck put me in this diaper? I’m way too old to be in these things” She said with a slight tone off annoyance in her voice. It was as if this was a nuisance to have a diaper taped tight around her waist, rather than an embarrassment.

“It’s really dumb we’re in these things.” You said, doing your best to sound cool and calm in this situation. You were always the level head one in the relationship. Always the one to take control of a problem, and make sure nothing bad happened. Your girlfriend took in some deep breaths. She was doing the best she could to center herself in this situation.

“Okay let’s try to retrace our steps…. I don’t even remember having to… how did we end up here? Who did we make really really like… mad to put us in these chairs and diapers? Who even puts someone in diapers who obviously doesn’t need them!” She said matter-of-factly. As if to add weight to her statement, she lifted her head up in pride. That obviously proved that she was grown and didn’t have to wear thick diapers during the day.

You found yourself nodding your head in agreement with her. You were going to talk more about how you got into this situation, but you found yourself focusing on the diapers again. 

“Yeah like, we obviously DO NOT have accidents or anything like that. Why are they putting us in diapers that we DON’T need.” You said proudly. Your girlfriend just nodded and looked away as if she was contemplation. She started swinging her feet up and down as she took a few moments to take in the whole situation. 

You found yourself fidgeting in your seat. It struck great fear in you to be lashed to a chair in the middle of nowhere. However, the more you sat there, the more you felt yourself just want to get up and do something. Your girlfriend seemed to say exactly what was on your mind in the moment.

“Gosh this is just so… boring!” She said with a huff. She looked around the room with an obvious look of frustration from this situation. “They couldn’t have put like, a TV in here and put something fun on?” She said, you just nodded in agreement again. You found your eyes drifting again toward her diaper. It just felt kinda nice to stare at it. You knew that there were very pressing matters to deal with, like escaping from this lashed prison, but looking at your girlfriend’s diaper for a little bit couldn’t hurt first…

“What.” She said to you, it broke you out of your staring trance. You blinked for a second and looked back up her at eyes. A look of worry was on her face. “I didn’t have an accident did I?!” She said, sounding genuinely concerned that she had just wet her diaper. She breathed a rather large sigh of relief once she looked down and saw her diaper was still white and pristine. “Jeez loueez, don’t scare me like that! You know I hate tinkling in my diaper!” She said with a slight blush on her face.

“It’s okay, it can happen to anyone!” You said, trying your best to stay the levelheaded one and keep her reassured. That really seemed to calm her down.

“It’s… okay to go pee pee in a diaper?” She said. It was if she was learning this for the first time. Her face looked very curious, like she was hanging on your next words.

“Well… like.. sometimes you can go pee pee. No one thinks it’s that bad… I thinks…” You mumbled out, not entirely sure of your own words. You looked around for a second to think of those words made sense, but you found yourself not really worrying about it after a few seconds. Your eyes kept wondering, lazily looking around the room, not really thinking about anything for a little bit. It was nice to just let your mind wander. There were so many big kid worries that you were thinking about. You found a soft smile growing on your face as those worries kind of melted into the background. The room started looking a lot more friendly. The stress of the whole situation was gradually wearing away. You drifted through this buzz when suddenly a noise from your girlfriend broke you out of your trance.

“T-heh….hehehe…” She giggled with a mischievous look on her face. 

“Whas dat?” You said lazily, finding it so much easier to just let the words spill out of your mouth rather than actually try to articulate them. Your girlfriend suddenly fell into a fit of laughter.

“Ahehehe! I go pee pee!” She squealed, jumping up and down in her seat. The giggles continued through each bounce. “Me has accident! Uh-ooohhh! Heheh…” She giggled off as her diaper started discoloring in the front. Your eyes instantly locked onto the drooping diaper. You couldn’t look away even if you wanted to. It just felt so good to stare at diapers. So good to think about them. So good to…

“You pee pee too!” She squealed, suddenly pointing toward your own diaper. 

“Wha?!” You said in shock, as your hands shot to the front of your diaper. She was right. Your diaper was warming in the front, and getting all wet and mushy. And frankly. You didn’t even care at all. It felt so much fun to wet your diaper. You felt yourself giggling at your wetting accident, just like your girlfriend. “Hehe… are we… are we even potty twained?!” You found yourself saying without thinking about it. You felt your knees grow weak as you suddenly slumped in your seat, and fell onto the ground with a soft thud. She shrugged at your question, and followed you onto the floor.

“Was bein’ poddy tw—twa---” She tried saying the word, then just blushed. Her giggles came back as she started bouncing up and down again on the seat of her diaper. You thought it was kinda funny how much she seemed to like doing that. Sure, you were doing it with her, but you didn’t like it THAT much as her. Her face looked like she was in a dream. 

The two of you bounced and rubbed your diapers for who knows how long. It just felt so good, and it was so much fun! Suddenly though, the bouncing seemed to subside as your girlfriend slowed down. Her face turned from a drooly high, to a vaguely serious one. Her bouncing stopped hitting the ground, and her bum started lifting slightly into the air.

“Poooo peeeeeee” Your baby girlfriend said. Her face contorted, and a serious of grunts started escaping her mouth. You looked at her quizzically for a moment. Is that what you were doing too? You weren’t sure, but something thick and mushy was suddenly filling the back of your diaper. Her words didn’t really make sense to you. Really, any words didn’t make any sense. As the two of you finished your messes, you sat your bums back down with a squish.

It was like fireworks in your brain. Any train of thought was instantly derailed by the ecstasy of squishing in your messy diapers. Giggles escaped both of your lips as your hands found the front of your diapers. None of it made sense, and you couldn’t even comprehend why, but the front of your diaper just felt so good to touch. You tried saying something to your baby sister to tell her that, but it just eeked out as, “Nam ma ma… naaamam bad aa..” you gurgled to yourself.

“naaaa bbrrrrrraaaa….” Your girlfriend responded, as the most intense wave of pleasure she’d ever experienced crashed into her body. The orgasm broke her brain. Like a sledgehammer to a window. Every plug in her brain popped out as everything suddenly went warm and blurry for the two of you. 

Your second infancies began like the warmest, loveliest dream you could ever imagine… 


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