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Okay. Way better this month than last to say the least. 

I think the most progress I've made this month by FAR is wearing full sized adult diapers in public. At the beginning of the month I thought a lot to myself, "Do I really want to continue this?" "Do I really want to diminish my potty training and start wearing diapers 24/7?" This had all started out as just something fun at first. I think its everyone's fantasy here to wear diapers all day everyday and not have to worry about making it to the bathroom on time. It's strange at first when you start blending your sexual reality with your everyday real life.

So I thought to myself that if I was really serious about wearing diapers and having regular genuine accidents in them, then I needed to get extremely comfortable with them.  I couldn't just wear them when I was alone, I had to start making it part of my regular underwear. I had to move on from thinking "These are diapers, I wear these for fun" to "This is my underwear, and I have to wear these diapers in order to hide my accidents." It was a bold plan for someone my age and profession. But honestly, after a lot of thinking and self reflection, there's a lot of good that can come from it.

Diapers are hot. Honestly I legit think that they're extremely attractive on men and females. If you ask me whether I prefer a lacy thong, or thick squishy diaper on a women, it's kind of a no brainer. I'm slapping a puffy diaper on a girls butt any time of the day. So I truly do feel hot af in one when I'm out in public. When I catch someone staring at my ass in public, it feels so good to know it's getting a little boost from the puffy fabric around my hips. I feel hot, which makes me kinda horny, and it helps melt away the anxiety of wearing in public. 

And I don't really think that people are paying attention.  Most people (Except if you're an abdl like all of us here XD) aren't looking for people wearing diapers. They're naturally thinking either my ass is big, or they genuinely can't notice. No one has ever said a word to me, and the more I think about it, I don't think anyone ever will. Think about it yourself, how many times in your life have you gone up to someone and said ,"Um, ma'am, excuse me but I think you're wearing a diaper." Never. No one does that. Not a single person is going to come up to me and mention the fact that I'm wearing a diaper. And even if they did notice, they'd just write it off as someone who has bladder or bowel problems, and why should they care? They're not going to remember me in a few days. Hell, they'd probably forget about it within a few minutes. Do you remember what every single girl you saw three days ago looks like? Exactly.

Wearing in public is not an issue whatsoever anymore. It took a couple times to get through the barrier, and once I figured out everything I just said above, it's become incredibly easy. In fact, I haven't worn something that wasn't a diaper or pull-up around my hips for about 3 weeks now. And yes. That includes going to work.

That's been tough to be honest. It took me all of December and January to really get comfortable with the idea. I'd worn pull-ups to work a bunch of times before the start of this month. I had tried wearing once, but I got too freaked out a few hours in and decided to change. I was so anxious that someone was going to notice a crinkle or the outline of a diaper around my butt. These are people that I've known for a while now. Some of them are even good friends. They have no idea that I secretly wear diapers. So it's been tough to maintain a consistent diapering at work, but I'm definitely getting there! I have a few outfits that I know people can't tell when I'm diapered. I'll wear about 2-3 times a week at work. If I'm not wearing a diaper, then I'm sure as hell wearing a pull-up. Padded protection has become my underwear now. Whether its a diaper or a pull-up, I'm in one 24/7. And I'm honestly loving it.

I think the next step might be coming out to my friends. I've thought a lot about this. If I really want to take that next step in wearing 24/7, then people I'm close to are going to have to know. That way there's no hiding anything. I can just wear without having to worry about if they can tell I'm in diapers or not. That's a huge step though, and it's going to take a little bit for me to work up the courage. That's essentially sealing myself in diapers for a long time to come. If I really, really think about it, I do want that. I just need to get there. It's a big leap!!

If I had to gauge where my potty training is now, I'd put it at someone who's just about got the hang of using the bathroom, but there are plenty of close calls, and some accidents sprinkled in there. This month I had what I'd consider my first real accident! It happened while I was in the car about 5 days ago. I'm 95% sure it's because I had to stop suddenly at a crossing.  When I checked myself about 5 minutes after that stop, I was wet. I had literally no idea!!!!!! I squished my legs together, and my diaper was warm. I was shocked at first. A couple of emotions ran through me at that point. It's weird having an accident when you're 23. You question why it happened, and you know deep down that you shouldn't be having accidents. But honestly, I couldn't stop smiling. It just felt fun having a wet diaper. My wet diaper. I didn't think much of it as I soaked it the point where I needed an immediate change.

I'm able to fund a lot of my diapers through this patreon. I can't thank you all enough for your support. Truly, your patronage directly funds my diapers. I plan to have more diaper updates in the near future. I want to do about 2-3 a month. I have captions and story updates within the next few days too :) !! 

I love you all. Here's to wearing 24/7, and here' to the next baby steps in my diapered journey :)



Dillon Schultz

Awww little Maggie I'm so very very proud of you~ you have come QUITE a long way indeed on becoming a happy big baby~ if you need the support when you feel the time is right to tell your friends we will help you~ I for one am VERY happy you have taken this journey.


I literally got hard reading this and I’m so proud of you baby Maggie continue and increase your diaper time and I promise you will regress mentally into a happy baby