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What a month it's been.

First and foremost, I can not thank you enough to those who purchased diapers for me off my wish list. To say I was getting low was an understatement. I should have a good amount for the next coming weeks. I'll update my wish list again soon so keep an eye out ;)

To be frank, this month has been kind of hard in terms of keeping 24/7. That's kind of why I didn't post much about my progress this month.  I'll talk about some of the challenges shortly, but I'll talk about all the good first!

I started this journey about 2 1/2 months ago now. I've gotten incredibly used to wearing diapers and using them whenever I feel the urge to go. It doesn't really matter where I am. If I'm at home or standing in line to get a coffee. It really doesn't matter. If I feel any pressure in my bladder, I can just let loose. Now if I'm in a super comfortable position, say cuddled up in some warm blankets and completely alone, I'll notice I'm about to pee about 3-5 seconds before I start flooding my diaper. My warning time when I'm comfortable has definitely decreased. I'm at the point where if I'm just by myself at home chilling, I feel uneasy about being unprotected. Even if it's just slipping on a pull-up, I need that security in my mind that I won't accidentally dribble in my pants (It may have happened once...(It totally did)).

I haven't had my first real, full fledged accident. BUT. That's not to say I don't get super close at times. In fact, whenever I drink, I 100% need to be wearing some kind of protection now. If I'm at home drinking some wine or rum, 8/10 times I wet without noticing. One time when I was totally hammered pee just started running down my legs from how leaky my diaper was. No fucking joke. If I'm going out with friends I wear pull-ups almost every time. I feel nervous if I don't. I normally don't need them (I'm constantly mentally checking my bladder though). Like I said though, if I'm at home drinking or getting high, all bets are off. You can typically tell how drunk I am from how droopy my diaper is ;)

Now, if I'm being completely honest, it has been a challenge to keep with wearing diapers every second of everyday. I'm comfortable wearing pull-ups out, but a full diaper has been difficult at times. I'm just so nervous that someone is going to notice or see, especially at work. I think that's been one of the major blocks in my progress. That, and the mentality of actually wearing 24/7. I will admit there are times that I wonder why I'm doing this. I am a young woman, most people aren't trying to work the clock back on their potty training. I get in my head with it sometimes, but I eventually get over it. I think I'm just in the dog days of diaper training. I love diapers. I love wearing them. I love using them. I love that they've become my primary underwear now. And if I'm being 100% honest, I kinda want them to be my underwear all the time. I just need to get there mentally. 

Overall, I'd say I've put a small dent in my potty training. I can still hold it like a big girl if I really need to, but I'm not normally trying to do that. And if I'm drunk, I'm more likely to have wet pants at the end of the night than dry ones, and that really excites me tbh. I guess what I'm saying with all of this is, bare with me everyone. This is an entire life style change. Its gonna take time for me to be 100% with all of this. 

I can't thank you enough for all of your support. Your words, let alone patronage, keeps me doing what I'm doing. I love each and everyone of you! Without this patreon, I wouldn't be able to fund my diapers (Most of the money goes into that now-a-days...)  and daily life needs. Here's to another month of stories, fun, and above all, diapers! :)



Dillon Schultz

Well I'm glad you have made progress in something you truly wish to do. It is never easy to do what you are doing


That sounds great, no mention of how messing is going and if thats getting any easier tho, any word on that?


I was having trouble messing at first, but I've become pretty comfortable with it now. When I mess I typically change almost immediately. Trying to stay clean down there is important to me! I'm not trying to lose my potty training with my bowels, but hey, you never know! I'm open to it ;)