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“Just don’t say anything. Just don’t say anything.” Jess said in her head repeatedly. Her cold shoes squished as she took the final step up to her house. Her cold shoes weren’t the only reason her cheeks were bright red as she rolled the doorknob. In fact, her drenched shorts with streaks of pee running down from her crotch to feet was the main reason. 

It just came up on her so fast. She was talking to her best friend, Courtney, when it just hit her like a ton of bricks. It was like a smashing tsunami suddenly crashing down on her bladder. She had mere seconds to act. The shock of it was too much for her though. It ended with her stammering in front of Courtney as a classic dark spot began appearing around her crotch. The kind of spot that normally grows on someone who hasn’t mastered going to the potty yet. There Jess was though. Soaking her shorts in front of the entire cheerleading team. Just like a little kid who couldn’t make it to the toilet to save their life. 

“Hey, Jess! How was practice?” Jess’ Mom said as Jess walked into the house. She just had to get down the hall and into her room. She kicked her shoes off lightning fast and started booking it toward her room.

“Fine mom!” She yelled back. She was almost in the clear. She was almost Scott-free from this nightmare of a day. With only a mere few feet away from the door, she heard a sound that made her heart drop instantly.

“OH. MY. GOD!” Jess’ mom yelled from across the hall. Jess’s hand was literally on the doorknob to her room when she heard her mother. She felt her head drop and a heavy sigh leave her lungs. “ I knew something was up! Are you really getting that childish? You sounded like a little kid with something to hide running down this hall.” Jess’s mom said as she walked up to Jess. She had spun around and they were now face to face. “Honestly, Jess. How many accidents has it been at this point?!” Her mother said, pointing down to her daughter’s obviously soaked shorts.

“*Sigh* I don’t know mom.” She said meekly, looking away in shame. Her spandex shorts had never felt so cool and clammy. Her mom snorted in response.

“You don’t know? Have you really lost count? My god. If you’re going to be wetting and MESSING your pants like this, then you deserve to be in diapers.” Jess’ mom said, grabbing her daughter’s hand firmly. She started leading her down the hall toward the spare room. At least, that’s what it had always been. As the two entered the room though, it had completely changed.

Gone was any kind of guest room. Instead, an adult baby nursery stared back at them. Stacks of diapers lined the walls. Bright and colorful toys littered the floor. And in the center of it all? A full-sized changing table. Ready for Jess to lay on it and take her next steps back into babyhood. The sheer embarrassment from the situation kept her mouth sewed shut from any of retaliation.

“You want to act like a baby? Hm?! Well then you’re going to get treated like one.” Her mother said, pulling her over to the table. She quickly lifted her up onto the table and stripped off her shorts. “I could tell you weren’t taking these accidents seriously. It was a matter of time before I’d be taping you back into diapers. I got this all set up after the 20th pair of soaked pants I had to wash. It’s time to put you back into where you belong.” She said, throwing her daughter’s pants in the trash, and pulling out a diaper from the table. “And if you’re going to wear diapers like a baby, then you might as well mess them like one too.” Her mother said, also pulling out an enema bag from a change table drawer. 

“Momm- Mom! Please! This is just crazy!” Jess said, finding some strength. Her mother just shook her head.

“Not as crazy a grown 18-year-old woman like yourself having accidents left and right.” She retorted. Jess just sunk further into her changing table. She stretched the diaper out wide in front of her face. She held it for a few seconds, almost as if she was mocking her daughter. “Say bye-bye to your big girl underwear, Jessy! Say bye-bye to ever using the toilet!” She said, waving her right hand to further humiliate Jess. Jess’ cheeks burned bright red as her mother lifted her legs and slid the diaper underneath her. She felt her bum warm to the soft padding. Within an instant, her mother expertly taped the diaper around her waist.

Her mother effortlessly flipped her on her stomach. “Are we ready to start making big messes like a baby?” Her mom said, taking the nozzle and working her way through Jess’ diaper. Jess, feeling already completely defeated by the situation, just shook her head yes. What was the point in fighting it anyways? There was not stopping any of it now. 

“Look at how easy this is for you. Have you just been wetting and messing your pants on purpose, so I’d put you back in diapers?” She said, placing the nozzle firmly in her bum. Jess shook her head no.

“No! I just- oh!” She said out in surprise. She could feel the enema working its way into her body. Her mother squeezed the bag, pushing every drop she could into her daughter’s bowels. 

“There you go, little Baby. Let’s make a nice mess for your Mommy.” She said, getting the last of the liquid into Jess. Jess could feel her bowels already churning, it wouldn’t be long until she was filling this diaper like the baby her mother kept insisting, she was. 

“Mom, I’m so sorry. I’ll stop! I promise! Please, just get me out of this thing! I’ll be normal. I won’t have anymore accidents. I’ll try as hard as I can until I…. Until I… I…” Jess said, trailing off. Her eyes closed shut as it took every ounce of concentration not to mess her diaper. After that wave hit her, she looked back up at her mom. “I’m serious, I know I haven’t been that great at making it to the potty- I mean toilet lately. But that can…. Change…..” Jess said, looking her mother right in the eyes. This time there was no fighting it. She knew she had no chance. With a look filled with sadness, helplessness, and general acceptance, she let go, and felt the backside of her diaper fill.

Part of it was because she was suddenly overcome with the childish feeling of messing a diaper in front of her mom, in her own nursery. But most of it though, was her just finally accepting what she had become. Jess stuck a thumb in her mouth and maintained eye contact with her mother. She didn’t even have to say it.

“I know, Baby. I’m glad you had your diaper on too. Let some more out, and I’ll change you into a fresh one.” Her mother said. Jess just nodded and pushed, sinking her finally back into the land of bottles, toys, and a never ending stream of diapers.



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