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“Miranda loves diapers just as much as us and is also our Mommy.” Renee spoke into the device with a greedy smile growing across her face. She felt goosebumps grow on the back of her neck as the gravity of the situation hit her. Her eyes went wide, knowing that she was sinking the three of them further down this diaper hole. The average person probably would have been appalled by this. This device was able to change the minds and reality of whatever the person wanted. They could have ended world hunger, changed the course of history completely for the better. But instead, they decided to regress themselves into mindless adult babies.

And Renee couldn’t have been happier about it. The device dropped to the floor, and Renee closed her eyes, waiting for the changes to start.

Miranda had been sitting at home and taking in the warm afternoon with some much-needed relaxation. She’d thought multiple times about starting her Bio homework, but her phone and TV were just too much to pull away from.  

“Fuck I really do need to start that shit.” She thought, looking up from her phone to catch a glimpse of an Ellen DeGeneres interview. She found her mind thinking about last night. She stayed up practically to 2 a.m. to finish her homework and felt like absolute death the next morning. She recalled how her eyes would slowly betray her as she sat cross-legged on her floor, writing and writing about the difference between RNA and DNA. She’d catch her neck relaxing, but just as she was about to fall asleep, she caught herself, and jolted back awake…

At least, that’s what she could remember at first. The memory started to turn hazier the more she tried to recall. Within an instant, pure confusion struck Miranda. 

“Wait that’s…. what happened?” She mumbled out loud, as she found her entire attention suddenly sucked into the memory of last night.

Her room was gone. Replaced instead was the pink wallpaper of a lovely nursery. Two huge cribs took up one half of the gigantic room, while the other half was a large play area. The play area was complete with baby blocks, plushies, and other various toys scattered across the room. It smelt faintly of dirty diaper in there, and it might have been because of the mound of used adult diapers overflowing in the large diaper bin. 

Miranda was still on the floor, but instead of sitting cross-legged over her homework, she was sitting up on her knees. Her homework was long gone. In fact, she hadn’t done a lick of homework in years now. She was far too busy for that. How could a mother of two adult baby girls have time for anything like that?

“Oh, sit still you crinkle butt!” Miranda said to Renee. She had soaked through her diaper so heavily overnight, that her cold wet bed woke her up. Her natural reaction was to wail as loud as possible so mommy could take care of it for her.

“*Sniff* Mama, why me wets da bed so mush? I tought you said me big giwl? You said so yesa’day when I told you I wet my diapie withou’ yous checkin’!!” Renee said, folding her arms and huffing at Mommy. Miranda let out a short laugh, and shook her head.

“Ne-Ne. I told you were becoming such a big girl! Not that you WERE one yet! Baby, you can barely go a few hours without leaking all over the floor.” Miranda said, as she brought the fresh diaper up in between Renee’s crotch. Renee just looked away in anger.

“Whateva’ momma.” She said, shoving a thumb in her mouth almost as if to say, “Fuck you, I piss diapers for a living, who cares anyways?” She shot her gaze back up toward her mommy. “I don’ hafta go potty in da potty if I don’ wan to! You don’ mama.” She said, pointing toward Miranda’s crotch. It was covered by her flowing night gown. Miranda just giggled and shook her head.

“Of course you don’t, Renee. You can be just like your mommy!” She said, lifting up her gown. The glow of a thick white diaper around Miranda’s waist beamed back at them. As if on cue, her diapered crotch started to discolor and grow yellow as a flood of warm pee gushed into her diaper. Miranda laughed and shrugged. “See, your Momma makes oopsies just like you all the time! You don’t ever have to get potty trained, little girl. I mean look at Ashely!” Miranda said, pointing toward one of the cribs. Ashely was sound asleep in the crib. A pacifier bobbed softly in her mouth. A gigantic diaper was taped tight around her waist. It had to be at least 4-5 diapers thick. “Your sister gave up on potty training a loooong time ago, and now look at her, she is a content little waterfall every night. See how calm and happy she is?”

The convincing argument from Mommy actually resonated with Renee. She shot a contemplative look at her sister. You could tell from there that she was absolutely soaked, even though she was wearing enough diapers to support a small family. Something in her mind changed. Renee’s hostility slowly melted back into childish joy. 

“Hehe, otay momma! Me no’ gonna get’ potty twained! I’ma be wike you and Ashwey!!” She said, already letting go into the fresh diaper around her waist. Miranda let out a laughing gasp.

“Look at you! Wetting your diaper already! You really do wanna be a little baby, huh?” She said teasingly. Renee vigorously nodded her head yes. 

“You too Momma! Come be babies wit’ us tonight in da cwib!” She said, getting up to her feet. Miranda just sighed and shrugged. 

“Alright little one. Last one in is a poopy diaper!” She said, before hitting the lights and jumping into the bed with Renee. The two of them cuddled in their still warm diapers, before drifting off to sleep. 

The scene melted away from Miranda’s head as she came back to earth. She blinked a few times as her vision focused again on the TV. Teletubbies played as they began to break out into song and dance. Miranda smiled at the childish TV show. Sometimes (really all the time), she loved watching silly cartoons on the TV. Even if Renee and Ashely weren’t around. It helped her get into a lovely little space in her head, and made it so much easier to play around with her kids. 

“Yepp, soaked, just like I always am when watch TV for too long.” She said, squirming around in her seat to feel warm pee pressing up against her body. “… Or do anything for too long! Hahah.” She shrugged and got up from the couch. “Oh giirlllssss!” She said, walking down the hall and to the nursery door. She flung it open and gasped instantly at the sight.

Ashely and Renee were wildly scissoring their soaked diapers between one another. Each were moaning into their pacifiers and obviously very close to climax. Neither of them seemed to notice or care that Miranda was standing in the doorway. She stood their dumbfounded.

“Girls!” She yelled. Neither of them stopped their intense grinding session. 

“GIRLS!!!” Miranda boomed from the doorway. That one got their girl’s attention. They suddenly grinded to a halt. Their chests inflated in and out quickly as they tried catching their breath. Miranda looked furious with the two, and had her arms crossed.

“I cannot believe…” She said, as she started taking off her shirt. It came off within a few moments, as she continued to stare daggers at the two lesbian adult babies. “… That you two would be HUMPING each other in soaked diapers….” She continued, popping her bra off and exposing her huge boobs to he already naked girls. 

“… And not invite me!!” She said, as she dropped her jeans, leaving her standing in nothing but her own soaked diaper. Her face changed instantly to a sexual grin, as she jumped into the pile of women. Yes she was their mommy, but they were still young, hot, delicious seniors in high school. How could they resist?

The three girls began what was their daily ritual of diaper grinding, diaper filling, and intense make outs with one another. It was a complete diapered lesbian free for all. They’d go practically for hours at each other, cumming over and over again in their soaked diapers. The only thing that would give pause to their action, was when one of their diapers would eventually burst or slide off their waist from how full it was. Even then it was a quick diaper change, then right back into the action. 

“Diapiesss, diapie di-di mommy! Ashely squealed as Miranda pushed a hitachi wand deep into her diapered crotch. It sent diaper waves of pleasure into Ashely’s severely deteriorated mind. All she could do was sit their and babble sexual nonsense as her mind just flooded with images of diapers. 

“Such a good girl. Good baby girl, think about your diapers for mommy. Cum nice and hard for me in your diaper, baby!” Miranda said, as Renee rubbed the front of her soaked diaper for her. Miranda bit her lip as she felt herself getting close to orgasming again. Renee knew just how to keep her on that edge.

Renee had always been the biggest risk taker of the group. She got her rocks off to pushing everything over the edge. It was part of the reason as to why the three of them had gone from near graduating seniors, to diaper filling adult baby lesbians. She knew just how to get Miranda to say or do whatever she wanted, especially when she was about to edge. She grabbed the device from behind her diaper.

“Say it, Mommy.” She said, rubbing Miranda’s diaper just in that right spot. It always sent her over the edge. “Say something so fucking hot when you cum.” Renee said, pressing finally into Miranda’s squishy diaper.

“MMMMmmm FUCK!” Miranda yelled, closing her eyes. Her mind filled with complete sexual desire and fireworks. Renee knew it was time.

She pressed the button and brought it up to Miranda’s lips.

“Uhh FUCK, I wish we were the dumbest fucking adult babies possible, and all we did was fuck each other and blow out diapers in daycare all day FUCKING LONG!” Miranda yelled, unaware of the device in front of her lips. 

Renee had the most devilish look across her face as she quickly pulled the device behind her back before Miranda could notice. She giggled as Miranda collapsed in a sexual heat on the floor.

“Hehe, bye-bye evewy wone!” Renee said, standing up and pointing at the two panting girls. She giggled and bounced up and down as she felt a strange wave of childish excitement rush through her.

“Was talkin’ bout? … Huh?” Miranda said. Her face grew a little confused in between breaths of air. “Why me talk wike…?” She wondered. The world suddenly went hazy, then black all together. 


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