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“Poopy, dis no goods.” Melissa thought to herself as she looked up toward the colorful bars around her play area. She knew something wasn’t right, but suddenly didn’t care anymore. The pretty pictures of flowers and animals were so incredible to her, that she simply could not look away. The colors just seemed so vibrant. It was like she was staring at the most beautiful painting she’d ever seen in her life. “Whoaa…” Was all she muttered as the animals danced around the white bars. Her hands mindlessly lifted up and tried lightly grasping at the animals. They just seemed so pretty and fun to play with. 

This had practically become Melissa’s life the past 6 months. Every single babyish toy, picture, or TV show that you could imagine. It locked in Melissa’s heavily regressed and empty mind now. She knew something was up the second they started feeding her those bottles with such a strange taste. Even after her first diaper change, the lady immediately popped one of them in her mouth.

It tasted spiked. Like someone had put a shot of absolute in it. She remembered asking the lady why she’d put alcohol in her drink, but she just chuckled and shook her head.

“Oh you’re gonna wish it was alcohol.” She said, squeezing the bottle harder so the milk would squirt out faster.

The same thing happened after each bottle. The moment the nipple as taken out of her mouth, it was like the world was slowed down times 50. Every motion of her arm, her legs, or even her neck. It all felt so lazy and uncoordinated. It barely even made sense to her how to even move her body. It was like every inch of her was humming this warm beautiful tone. 

Her mind seemed to slow down even more. All the white noise in the back of her head just shut off. In fact, most thoughts on her head seemed to fade away. Only the shiny, colorful objects in front of her mattered. The jingling sound of a rattle would occupy every ounce of her brain. She often found herself just sitting on a mat, shaking her rattle over and over again. The dumbest grin, and blank expression on her face. Drool was always dripping down her chin and onto her onsies. She couldn’t even comprehend that she was spending hours on the floor, just mindlessly playing with this toy. All that mattered was the bright, fun, babyish toys setting off fireworks in her 1-year old brain. 

In the beginning the highs would wear off if she took a nap. After waking up she’d have some moments of clarity to realize what was going on. The more and more she took though, the less those highs seemed to dissipate. Or was it, that her brain was simply devolving into a babyish mush? She didn’t really know, nor did she really care. 

She knew this wasn’t right. She knew that she was becoming a true baby again. She did her best to stop taking the bottles, but she was practically addicted after the first few. Her mouth would water the moment she even thought of a bottle. She found herself whimpering whenever a caretaker would start preparing one above her. She wanted them so bad. At times she’d even paw at the legs of a worker in hopes they’d go faster. 

Her potty training seemed to fade faster than she would have liked to admit. It really took only a couple days of bottle training for her to waking up soaked and having no idea how it happened. A week later, and she was having daytime accidents constantly. It quickly reached the point where she was continuously dribbling into her diaper. If she was fed a bottle, it would be mere seconds before that fluid would end up in her diaper. Often she would be completely soaked moments after finishing one.

The part that seemed to weird her out the most though? The fact she didn’t care at all. In fact, that seemed to be the biggest factor this drug had on her. Nothing that happened in her diaper mattered. It was completely up to someone else to check the state of her diaper and to fix it. As far as she was concerned, her potty training mattered way more to the caretakers than to her. Several times a day she would suddenly notice a puddle of warm pee around her leaky diaper. She would never even give at half a thought as she continued playing with her baby toys. “Me, babyyy… diapie gooood…” She would babble to herself while in outer space thanks to another bottle. 

Still though, as she looked at the play pen around her, a whisper in her mind told her that this wasn’t right. A grown college student like her shouldn’t be playing with baby toys and mindlessly soaking diapers. That thought ran through her mind less and less lately. And it always seemed to resolve itself faster each day. As the days in baby land kept going, the less she could imagine her life as anything else. She truly struggled to remember a time where she wasn’t babbling loudly to a cartoon, as a heavy stream of pee gushed into her diaper. The back part of responding with a mushy mess as well. 

As the colorful animals danced around the bars, she decided to resolve that thought in her brain permanently, simply by not thinking at all anymore. That was simply too much of a grown up thing to do anyways. She tried reasoning it further in her mind, but the colorful toys and rattles drew her out of her train of thought. With a lazy, vacant stare she watched as the room spun around her. The only thing drawing her out of that babyish haze was the warm mushy feeling around her crotch that suddenly discovered. 

“Gwaa!!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands and rolling onto her back. A thumb planted itself in her mouth as she sunk into the final stage of her new baby life. 



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