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It was the most infinite dreams you could think of. Scenes of herself rolling onto her back and sucking mindlessly on her feet. The drool spilling down her chin like a waterfall. Her gaze, fixed onto the spinning mobile above her. Other times she would be on one of the play mats, staring quizzically at the number line in front of her. It all looked so foreign to her now. The faintest part of her knew that she should know what those numbers meant, but she just couldn’t for the life of her. Her attention span was shit now though, and if it wasn’t colorful and whirling, her brain had about 3-4 seconds before it moved onto something else. This time, it was the warm sensation growing around her crotch. It always made her giggle when her diapers would suddenly get all mushy and warm. She never knew why, but she loved it. Some big and strong person would change her diapers at some point. Usually she just found herself sobbing in between rattle shakes so someone would finally notice her bursting diaper.

The dreams went on for what felt like weeks. At first, she was positive that this was all in her head. The dreams were just so outlandish, that she knew deep down that this probably wasn’t her reality…. Probably. The longer the dreams went on though, the less she was sure. Every now and then she’d be lucid enough to question whether she was dreaming or not, only to be pulled right back in by a colorful TV screen or the burst of fresh drivers from the diaper she was getting taped into. 

The world moved in a blur for Alice. As time went on, she just kind of accepted it. It was so easy to not care about anything anymore, so why would this be any different? It was only her life. It seemed pretty obvious she was just a dumb drooly baby anyways. What was supposed to change?


“Owiee…” Alice muttered, lifting her hand toward her head. She had the worst headache she’d ever had in her entire life. Her vision was blurry at first as she blinked. A few seconds later though, and it was starting to come back into vision. “Wha-… Whewre am me?...” She mumbled, looking around the nursey. Her brain was working as hard as it could to understand what the hell was going on. She looked to her left and saw Maddy lying there on the floor next to her. She looked completely zoned out. A vacant look in her eyes accompanied the dull smile she had. 

“Maddy… wake ups… whewre awre we?” Alice said with a heavy childish lisp. It didn’t bother her in the slightest though. It seemed completely normal to her to talk like a 3-year old. Maddy didn’t respond, she just giggled and squirmed as more pee lazily leaked into her diaper. Alice noticed and giggled at how silly that was. “Siwwy Maddy, yous neva gonna makes it to da potty!” She said, giggling again then looking down at her own diapered state. She shrugged and said, “Eh, me too’s.” Still though, none of this seemed that weird. She looked around the room and saw plenty of adults taped into disposable diapers and rolling around on the floor like regressed toddlers. It felt almost natural to her.  

Her brain was slowly waking up, but there was a ton of it missing now though. Her head just felt so light. There wasn’t any background thought, no conversations with herself. It was just whatever caught her attention at that moment. Her cognitive thinking and understanding had diminished to that of someone who wore diapers 24/7. Her fine and gross motor skills took a severe hit too. The thought of even walking up to someone seemed very foreign to her now. She still had a few memories from before all of this, but none of them made any sense to her. Why on earth would she not wear a diaper? Or talk to someone like a grown up? It just seemed so strange now. There was a whisper of her former self up there. But when it came down to it, she barely had the brain of someone in pre-school now. Permanently.

“Come on, Alice. We’re leaving.” A voice suddenly said above her. It brought her out of the drooly vacant stare she had from trying to think so hard. 

“Huh?” She said, before she felt someone’s hand grasping her own. With a tug they suddenly brought her to her feet. Alice hadn’t stood up on her own two feet for what felt like ages now. She wobbly tried to keep her balance, relying heavily on the person who had just yanked her from the babyish stupor she was in. “Mama?” She said, slowly shifting her head to the right to get a look at the person who had control of her.

“Yes it is little girl, where on earth have you been? Toddling around without mommy’s permission? You are going to get such a spanking when we get back to the house. You are-… ugh” Charlotte said, trailing off at the end.  She closed her eyes hard. She brought her free hand to her forehead to try and center herself. “God this shit runs so deep, I’m so sorry Alice. We never should have come here. They fucked me up really good.” She said, looking back up toward her friend. Alice just cocked her head.

“Was you talkin’ bout’ mama?” Alice said, still clinging to Charlotte for balance. Charlotte winced at that last part. She took a few deep breaths, then started talking again.

“Everything, Ally-ALICE. Your name is Alice, and you are a very smart, promising, respectable student. You try really hard, especially when it comes to making it to the potty on time. Sometimes I have to spank you, and that’s okay because that’s what a mommy is for. I really- UGH GOD!” Charlotte said, smacking herself in the face. “THAT ALICE! THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!” Charlotte yelled, pointing toward herself, then back toward Alice. “They fucked us up good with all this hypnosis and drugs. I’m practically slipping back into it every couple seconds!” She said, looking at Alice. 

Alice was in practical shock from all the yelling. The surprise was so great, that her bladder responded appropriately. Her already thick diaper ballooned out even further from the heavy wetting accident she was having. Charlotte noticed and just shook her head.

“Yepp, they got you pretty damn good Ally. Fuck those god damn AB/DL people. They suck everyone in that they can and throw them into this baby land. It’s super cute, and I just want to eat you all up-… but fuck we need to get out of here. Now.” Charlotte said sternly, her arm yanking Alice toward the door. Alice groaned in response. 

“Me don’ wanna weave mama! Fwends hewre!” Alice said, pointing toward the giggling, drooly Maddy on the floor. Charlotte look down at her heavily regressed friend. Her eyes became sympathetic.

“Aw, aren’t you two just simply adorable? When was the last time someone changed your diapers, hm? You two are practically leaking at this point! You two can say goodbye to any chance of potty training for quite some years huh?” Charlotte said. Alice giggled and nodded her head in response. “Now, where is a changing table for you- Daahh! COME ON!” Charlotte said, yanking her friend for the second time. The two hurried out of the nursery.


The light was harsher on Alice than she ever would have expected. It had been quite some time since she’d been outside of the house. The dust from the free for all outside hung high into the air. Hundreds of tents were still scattered across the dusty field. All different kinds of smoke, of various colors wafted upward and scattered to the wind. The commotion was constant. Thousands of people going in and out of tents, chatting with others, fucking right out in the open, tying others to a chain link fence, it was the exact same free for all.

“Stay close to me, Alice. I don’t want you wandering off.” Charlotte said, giving Alice a stern look in response. Alice just nodded. Never in a million years would she have thought she’d be walking out of Kink Land, strapped into a thick bursting diaper, and only a pink pastel shirt that said “Baby” on it. But the fact that she didn’t want to leave? She’d never thought that’d be a possibility.

She whimpered and cowered behind Charlotte as they walked through the crowd. It was a lot for someone who had been so used to the bright colors and playful lullabies of the nursery. She found her mind drifting back there. A vacant stare came across her face again, as she zoned out to her baby land. Her feet slowed down in response. 

“Come on, Alice. We need to leave now. I don’t want either of us getting more fucked up.” Charlotte said, but Alice had come to a complete stop. She spun around and looked at the girl. “What are you-“ She said, before stopping almost immediately. She saw instantly what Alice was looking at. 

Right next to Alice, stood a man holding a silver plate. The plate wasn’t what caught Alice’s attention, but rather, what was on it. “Drivers, $5 a bump” said a little paper sign on the plate, next to a practical 3 foot mountain of powdered drivers. Alice’s face was like a Christmas tree staring at it. 

“ALICE. NO!” Charlotte said, staring at the drivers herself. Her mouth instinctively salivated. She’d taken plenty of them herself, she found herself slipping back into her role from just the thought of them. “Mommy told you no, now lets go, or I will not hesitate to spank you in front of EVERYONE HERE!” Charlotte said, pointing a general finger toward the crowd. Alice just smiled back in response.

In the end, I don’t think anyone knows why she did it. You could say it was her heavily regressed brain, you could say it was the heat of the moment, but maybe, way way deep down, in a quiet dark corner of Alice’s mind, she wanted this. Perhaps, and most likely, it was a mixture of all of it. With one last devilish grin to the world, she did it. 

With her free hand, she nocked the silver plate over, sending an avalanche of drivers to the ground. Alice immediately fell to the ground with it. A huge pack of powder fell squarely on her face. She took the biggest breath in that she could. It felt like pure ecstasy running through her nose and mouth. By the end of the inhale, it was like sucking warm milk from a baby bottle. The sweet liquid dripping continuously down her throat.

“FUCK!” Charlotte screamed, falling to the ground to push all the powder off of the now squealing and giggling Alice. As she did that though, a waft of drivers hit her own face. The sexual high hit her instantly like a ton of bricks.

“Aww, did someone fall down and go boom boom? Did someone make themselves into a stupid little baby? Hmm? Is this what you want you dumb little rug rat? To be a leaky baby who can’t take care of themselves?” Mommy Charlotte said, picking up a pile of drives that had fallen on the ground with a free hand. “Well if this is what you fucking want.” She said, throwing the powder into Alice’s face. Another round of babyish fireworks exploded in Alice’s brain. The world started to melt into a pretty swirl of soft pastels. She couldn’t understand a word that Mommy was saying to her. All she could do was giggle and clap along to the wonderful feeling Mommy was giving her. 

“I’ll be your Mommy.” She said, grabbing her own pile and throwing it into her face. The fetish inside of her ramped up to a million. “You’re going to be my dumb little baby forever, aren’t you now?! Say bye-bye to your adult life!” Mommy said, grabbing pile after pile of drivers and throwing them into Alice’s face, and her own. She didn’t even notice herself suddenly humping the top of Alice’s diaper. 

With each handful of powder into Alice’s face, things changed permanently for her. Thinking started to drift away from her. She simply had no capacity anymore. Every part of her brain unplugged itself, leaving a babbling, completely mentally regressed Alice to permanently wander baby land. She just let every experience wash over her as her diaper suddenly felt warm and tingly down there. A few humps later, and she was squealing as she came hard in her diaper. All the thoughts she could ever had permanently drained out of head. She was completely empty up there. It’s what she wanted. 

“Jeez, some people just can’t handle this place.” A man said to a friend watching this whole event transpire. 

“You’re telling me!” the other said, as he watch Charlotte whisk Alice up from the floor, and back toward the nursery. 


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