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 (This was supposed to be a caption, but I loved the idea so much, that it's turned into a short story! I'll post the caption later, but I wanted to give my $5 members first dibs. Enjoy :>)     

“Well, here goes nothing” Melissa thought to herself after a long exhale. There she stood, on the precipice of starting her new life at “New Age College.” It was a school that popped up out of nowhere really. She was about to pick her top choice of Dartmouth, when out of the blue this school not only offered a full ride, but tons of money a month to study her dream of Mathematics. She’d always been a wiz kid, so free college plus a stipend to do what she loved? It was too much. After a short debate with her parents, it was decided. She’d be starting this fall there.

That didn’t do much to calm her fears of starting all over at new school though. She’d never been more than an hour or two away from her parents. New Age College was over 5 hours away. She was isolated essentially. No one she knew from high school was going there too. So, it was essentially a clean state. 

With another breath, Melissa took her first steps into Sounds Hall where everyone was getting assigned their dorms. She followed the crowd of people that were streaming toward the red brick building. She exchanged some pleasant smiles toward some cute boys that passed by. She made not of some faces as she walked through the front doors.

“Melissa Thompson” Melissa said to the lady at the long table. Everyone was reporting to this table to get their room assignments. The women smiled and nodded, she proceeded to look through a long list of names.

“Thompson…..Thompson……..Thompson……….. oh.” The women said as she found the name. A strange look appeared on her face as she peered closer toward the paper. She furrowed her brow, and looked to the person next to her at the table. She nudged them and said “Hey, she’s supposed to get escorted right?” 

Melissa shot a very confused look at that sentence. “Escorted?” Melissa thought, “What the fuck are they talking about?” She wondered, as the person nodded to confirm the women’s question. The women’s confusion quickly changed to a happy-go-lucky smile. 

“Alright, sweetie! We’re getting someone now to take you on over to your room! You just sit tight, and we’ll take care of everything for you!” She said like she was talking to a 3rd grader. Melissa recoiled in confusion.

“Oh, do they normally do that?” Melissa said, taken aback by that sweetie comment. Sill though, she was unsure of how they introduced freshmen to the dorms. Perhaps this was just procedure? The women chuckled in response.

“Well of course they do! We don’t want you wondering off to the wrong place now do we?” The women said, winking at the very end. Melissa was as confused as ever. The women turned to her coworker and muttered, “These people are so strange to me. Never understood that shit, and I never will.” She said, before turning back to Melissa. “Ohp, here they come now!” She said, as two beefy men cam to Melissa side.

“Come on, little one.” The male nurse said, as they guided Melissa away from the line. Her confusion showed even brighter on her face as they took her away from the admission line. 

“Come on.” One of the men said, looking uninterested. “Let’s get this over with.” He said, motioning toward the doors. Melissa looked at the two men, unsure of what to do. 

“O-okay. She said, following the two men. After a brief walk, they brought her to the nearest dorm next to Sounds Hall. They escorted her quickly to a room on the first floor. The fast pace of everything put her almost in a daze as they brought her to the door of her room. “Hey should I like bring my stuff from my car? You didn’t even give me a key or anythi- OOF!” She squealed, as the two men quickly opened the door and shoved her in. She fell to her knees, expecting hard tile to greet her shins. Instead though, it was soft carpet. 

“Is the baby ready for a nap!?” A voice rang out from across the room. Melissa instantly shot her head up.  A bright women around the age of 30 beamed down toward her. She was holding what looked like a disposable diaper in her left hand. 

That wasn’t the only thing that caught her off guard though. The whole room was basically a nursery. The walls were painted a soft yellow pastel, and bumbling animals danced across the trim. Toys were scattered across the floor, an a changing table was even stuffed in the back corner.

“I’m sorry?” Melissa said in shock, as the women made her way across the room. She stopped just short of Melissa on all fours.

“Oh, you bunch are always so worried about getting into ‘character’ as I like to call it. I know, its your first day, everything is new. But its okay, little one! You have nothing to worry about.” The women said, gently pushing Melissa onto her back from the all fours position.

“Hey what the!” Melissa said, before the nurse shushed her.

“Shhhh, quiet little one. It’s okay. Let me take care of you. You Adult Babies are all the same. Always so worried at first. It’s okay, let your new Mommy take care of you…” She said, her words sounded so soothing. Melissa’s mind was racing though. None of this made any sense.

“Adult Babies? Like the people who wear diapers and shit? She thinks I’m fucking one of them?!” Melissa thought, as the women began sliding down her pants. “Hey, Lady, Listen I’m not one of those-“ a pacifier from the lady’s pocket was suddenly thrust into her mouth. 

“Hush, you’re home now. It’s okay. Just enjoy it. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Just relax, and let your Mommy take care of you now. You’re just a baby here. No more adult thoughts, okay? Just like you wanted. You’re mommies little one, and I’m going to take care of allll the grown up decisions from now on. You just lay back and let Mommy put a fresh diaper on you. I don’t know how you made it all the way here without having an accident in your pants!” The nurse said, taking off Melissa’s panties and shirt. She was down to bare skin. She wanted to push the women away and run straight out of the room. Melissa knew that this was super fucked up. She wasn’t an adult baby. Someone had to have made a mistake on her admissions. Yet….

Part of it felt nice. She was always the hot shot in high school. Always getting the best grades. Constantly pushing herself to be better than everyone else. No one knew what it was like to constantly have to be on top. She always wanted release from it all. She had tried drugs at times, but none of it satisfied her. She was constantly searching for an answer. None of ever seemed to work though. Could this be…?

“No.” Melissa thought, shaking her head from these strange new thoughts. “I’m not fucking doing this.” She mumbled, looking up at the women diapering her. 

“Listen, lady. I’m sorry, but I’m not and Adult Baby. Or whatever the hell you said. I think there’s been a mistake here.” Melissa said, a tone of certainty in her voice. The women raised he eyebrows in response.

“Ah, is that the truth?” The women said, placing the final tapes of the diaper around Melissa. 

Melissa nodded her head yes. The women also nodded in response. 

“Well, well.” The nurse said, scooping Melissa off the floor. For a 30ish year old women. She was incredibly strong. “If that’s the case, I might have to go contact the admissions office then.” The nurse said, carrying Melissa toward an oversized crib. For whatever reason, she didn’t have the urge to fight the women’s embrace. She simply let her guide her wherever she wanted across the room. “While I’m gone though, I’m still going to put you down for a nap.” She said, placing Melissa in the crib. The soft cotton sheets felt warm on Melissa’s skin. 

“Alright, but please hurry.” She said, trying her best not to think about how soft the crib. It was like laying on a pillow.

The nurse nodded and threw a blanket over Melissa. “Well, regardless. Rest now, okay my dear? You’ve had a long day doing all these grown up things. It’s nice to take a break from everything. I’ll be back in a bit after I sort everything out.” She said, patting Melissa on the head. She nodded in response, still strangely sucking rhythmically on the pacifier in her mouth. Even after noticing that though, she still didn’t want to spit it out.

“Thank you.” She mumbled. The nurse spun around and left the room to Melissa and her thoughts.


She tossed and turned for what felt like hours. There were no clocks in the room, so she couldn’t be sure how long she was in the crib for. What she was sure of though, was the growing need to pee. She’d been holding it in ever since she got to campus. Her bladder ached in pain.

“God I gotta piss so fucking bad.” She thought. A twinge in her bladder caused her to sit up and quickly scan the room for a bathroom. She saw a door across the nursey next to the large changing table. “Worth a try at least.” She thought, before lifting herself out of the crib. Her diaper crinkled in response to the escape mission.

She quickly scuttled her way across the room. Her feet felt oddly nice as they pressed down onto the warm carpet. Within a few seconds though, she was face to face with the door. Without hesitation, she grabbed the handle and spun it open. The sight of a bathroom greeted her thirsty eyes.

“Oh, thank god!” She said. Melissa quickly hopped into the room and shut the door behind her. As her door closed though, the door to the nursey suddenly opened as well. Melissa pressed her ear to the bathroom door. It sounded like a few people had entered the room.

“Melissa, are you still in here?” The nurse’s voice rang out. 

Melissa moved away from the door for a moment. She looked at the white porcelain toilet in the corner of the room. She stared at it for a moment, as a few thoughts began running through her mind.

“You know, I bet they expect me to just wet this thing.” Melissa thought, as she looked away from the toilet, and down toward the diaper strapped firmly around her waist. It was a lot more comfortable than she thought it was going to be. She hadn’t worn one since she was potty trained. And it did fit very snug around her crotch and bum. She looked back up toward the door.

“Melissa, are you in there? Come on out! We’ve got everything set to put you where you belong!” The nurse said, her voice sounded closer. 

“All my life I’ve been the best at everything.” She thought, looking back toward her diaper. “I’ve never been ‘the average kid.’ Hell, I’ve never even been the below average kid.” She thought, feeling another pang in her bladder. “What if I was, for once, lower than the below average? Like, the lowest I could possibly be for my age?” She mumbled, looking over toward the toilet once more. A devious idea finally bloomed in her mind.

With a smile, she turned back toward the door. She spread her legs a little bit and breathed a sigh of relief. 

“Ahhhh….” She sighed, as a heavy stream of warm pee started flowing into her diaper. “…. An unpotty trained, adult baby…” she thought, finishing her previous train of thought. A yellow discolored stained started growing around the crotch of her diaper. Her entire bladder started emptying itself into her first wet diaper. It felt like a million things to Melissa. A few giggles even escaped her. But above all. It just felt wet and warm.

A wide grin was planted firmly on Melissa’s face. The weight of her wet diaper hung around her waist. The tapes stretch downward to compensate for the new weight. She took a few moments to admire her handy work. “Yupp, that’s as wet as I can get it.” She said, looking back toward the door. She knew what she had to do. She breathed in for a moment, exhaled, then grabbed the door handle. With a pacifier still planted her mouth, she opened the door.

The two guards from before were standing on either side of the nurse. All three had surprised looks at Melissa’s sudden entrance. After a few seconds to take in sight of Melissa and her soaked diaper sagging around her waist, the Nurse shot back a slight grin.

“Oh, what happened, Melissa?” The nurse said, taking a step toward the girl. Melissa, smiling as well, just shrugged.

“I don’t know. I tried going potty and my diaper suddenly got all warm….. aaaaand then I didn’t have to go anymore?” She said, channeling all the chargers she babysitted during her teenage years. She shrugged even higher and opened her hands as if to say, ‘I’m really not sure.’ The nurse smiled and nodded

“I told you two. It just takes a little time for them to adjust.” The nurse said, looking toward the guards. They scoffed at the nurse, the turned around. They quickly exited the room and shut the door.  “Well, come on then, little one. We need to change your diaper.” The nurse said, motioning toward the changing table. 

Melissa smiled. Dropped on all fours and crawled toward her first of what would be many changes. 


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