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The same blue flashes the girls saw before illuminated their fall into the void. There weren’t any screams this time, and it wasn’t because they knew that Derrick was behind all of it. Rather, the sheer embarrassment from what had just transpired kept the three of them quiet. 

The sparks and whirls only flashed for a few minutes this time. Unlike the hours it felt like when they first fell in. With one final spark, the floor came back from under them.

“Oof!” Nora yelled, not expecting the floor to appear so suddenly. She collapsed onto the floor in a heap. The other two girls caught their balance just before they would have fallen over themselves. The world finally set after a few seconds. The girls were in the blue room again, with only their heavy breathing filling the room. Nora slowly got to her feet. 

The three girls looked at one another. A grim, scared expression was painted across their faces. Each of them looked to the floor, not daring to look one another in the eye. How could you? Especially after acting like complete toddlers just moments ago in front of one another. 

The silence in the air hung. Neither of them wanted to be the first to talk about what had just happened. Soon though, a bright yellow light appeared on the wall next to them. The three regression bars had appeared, and they were different than before. 

The bars still had each of their names on the top. This time, there were 10 tick marks on the left side of them. They pulsated for a moment, then to much of the girl’s dismay, started to sink down. Bella’s and Zoe’s stopped at 9, but Nora wasn’t so fortunate. She watched with eyes the size of a beachball, as her regression bar sunk down to 8. Nora shot a frightened look at the other two.

“What does it mean?!” Nora said, motioning toward the bars. 

“Didn’t he say that they showed how ‘immature’ we are now or something like that? Regression I think?!” Zoe said back to Nora. 

“Okay, but why am I more regressed than you guys!” She said, putting her hands to her head. “Guys, I don’t want to be dumb!” Nora yelled out in fear. 

“Nora, chill. We’re going to get through this… this crazy place alright?! We need to all calm down and stick together if we’re gonna get out of here. He said before we went to that first place that if we don’t play along, we won’t regress. God that was such a fucked up thing for me to say.” Bella said. Nora just shook her head.

“Guys, I’m trying to go through the math we did in our Calc class yesterday. It….” Nora said, looking up at the girls. There were almost tears in her eyes. Zoe and Bella perked up at this. Nora was one of the smartest people in that class. She had aced every single assignment that year. “… I don’t understand any of it. Guys, I don’t understand calculus anymore! It just looks like gibberish! This is so so bad.” She said, collapsing to the floor. Tears started pouring out of her. Zoe and Bella rushed over to her.

“It’s gonna be okay, Nora. We’ll figure it out. We’re going to get through this, I promise-“ Zoe was suddenly cut off from thunderous laughter above. 

“Hahaha! Oh, we’ll see about that…” Derrick boomed. The room started to spin again. 

“Guys, TOGETHER okay?!? STAY T-O-G----” Bella yelled out, as the void engulfed the room, and sent them to their next story.




The first thing the girls perceived was the sound of a car driving. Bella instantly recognized it was her car from how god damn loud it was (We all owned a shitty car in senior year that had its disastrous quirks, like no muffler..). A split second later, the world came back to them. The bright light of the morning hit their faces. Sure enough, they were all in Bella’s car. Bella was driving, Zoe was in the front, and Nora was in the back-middle seat. 

The three of them were quiet for the first minute. This all felt so strange, it almost felt, well real to them. They were driving down the same road they always did to their high school. It seemed like a typical fall morning. Had Derrick released them? Bella was the first to speak up.

“This seems….. really real guys.” Bella said, looking to Zoe out of the corner of her eye, and Nora in the rear view mirror. Nora nodded her head.

“Yeah this feels like, very much like, a really real day going to school.” Nora said, looking out toward the window. Both Bella and Zoe took note to how awkward that sentence was for Nora.

“You don’t think…?” Zoe said, looking toward Bella. She shrugged in response.

“That he let us out? I don’t think so. But damn, the school looks exactly the same.” Bella said, as the building came into view. The three of them stayed silent for a few moments, as they pulled up into the parking lot. 

“Wouldn’t hurt to check it out, I guess.” Zoe reasoned. The school looked almost entirely “normal” to the three girls as they got out of the car. The only part that looked off was the lack of activity. There were always people walking in and out of the building or bustling behind classroom windows. There wasn’t any of that. It was eerily quiet and calm. 

“Stick together guys, no matter what happens. The second we see anything weird, we’re out of here.” Bella said, as the three made their way to the entrance.


“What the fuck….” Zoe said, as the front door closed behind them with a loud *CLINK*. The hallway in front of them was nothing like their normal high school. The walls were all a soft, pink pastel. The floor tiles had little nursery rhymes and playful looking animals on them.

“Did they turn this place into a super daycare or something?!” Nora blurted out, taking a couple steps forward. The girls looked in horror at their new surroundings.

“Yup, totally a story where the high school is some kind of daycare. And there’s probably a 100% chance its fucked up somehow.” Bella said firmly. She took a few looks around the place, and immediately spun around to face the door. “Yeah, we’re not doing this guys. Let’s get the hell out of here before we start pissing in diapers again.” Bella said. She placed her hands on the bar to open the door, and pushed.

Nothing happened.

Bewilderment spread across Bella’s face. She pushed again to no avail. The bar wouldn’t budge.

“Are we fucking locked in?!” Zoe said, turning around to face Bella. She just shook her head.

“Of course, we are, why wouldn’t we? God why the fuck did we come in here?!” Bella said, spinning around to face the two girls. She got shocked looks in return.

After a brief 3 second pause, Bella shook her head and shrugged, “What? What are you guys looking at?” Bella said, throwing up her hands. And that’s when she saw it.

The skin around her hands were starting to turn pale. It was spreading too, slowly you could see that it was moving from her fingertips, up toward her wrist. Her red nail polish had faded to clear. 

“WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!” Bella said, taking a few worrying steps away from the bar. 

“Did the bar fucking change your skin color or something?!” Zoe said, taking a step away from Bella. 

“Maybe?! Holy shit it won’t stop!” Bella yelled, watching as her skin drained of color up toward her elbow. 

“Guys. It’s not just the walls. Look.” Nora said, pointing down toward the floor. The other two girl’s heads shot down immediately. Their shoes had changed. Gone were their flats and sneakers, replaced instead by pink light up Velcro shoes. 

“The walls and floors are fucking with us! Fuck guys we need to get out of here ASAP before our entire everything changes!” Bella yelled, motioning down the hallway. “This door is locked, but maybe we can find a-“ Bella was cut off from a voice down the hall.

“OH, are those the last three toddlers we’re looking for? Where have you been? Hm? You three must need changes by now!” Mrs Keller echoed from the down the hall. The three of them froze like a deer in headlights. A split second later, Zoe spoke up.

“Fuck! Mrs. Keller! RUN!” Zoe yelled, instantly bolting off to the right and down a separate hallway. Bella, reacting purely in the fear of the moment, bolted to the left. Nora hesitated for a moment, looking in both directions. Mrs. Keller was fast approaching and nearly upon her. She went with a pure gut reaction and bolted to the right along side Zoe. 

Nora was about 4 steps behind Zoe by the time she started sprinting. Her eyes immediately fixed onto the pretty colors illuminating from each crash of Zoe’s foot onto the ground. Something inside her brain just wouldn’t let her look away from them. They were just so much fun to stare at. Nora felt a little worried about that. She knew something was going on in her brain. She didn’t think like this.

It all started when she got back from that first story. Her brain had just felt a little off. Like someone had drained some of the weight out of it. She found herself having to focus on her friend’s conversations a lot more, otherwise her mind would start to wonder. Hell, the entire time they were trying to decide whether or not to even go into the school, she was preoccupied with looking at a really pretty butterfly fluttering around.

The worst part though was the fact that all of it didn’t bother her nearly as much as it should. She knew it wasn’t good that her mental ability had taken a hit, but to be completely honest, it didn’t really matter to her all that much. She was really upset about it at first, but the less she thought about it, the more fun things seemed to be. So, she was a little more ditsy? And maybe she had a stray thought about wear training panties here or there? What was the big deal?

The two girls rounded a corner, then sprinted down a long hallway. Zoe was looking for as many directions as possible to throw off Mrs. Keller. She hooked a left, then a right, then another right. Then skidded to a halt to hide around a corner. Nora was right behind her the whole time.  

Zoe was inhaling gulp after gulp of air. She hadn’t sprinted that fast in her life. 

“*inhale* I think *exhale* …. *inhale* …. *exhale* We’re good….*inhale*” Zoe looked down the hallway a couple more seconds for any sign of Mrs. Keller. After not finding any, she resolved herself to turn away.

“Nora are you-“ Zoe said in mid-turn around. She stopped herself the moment she saw Nora though. She was standing next to a classroom door, looking in to the room. “Nora! What the hell get away from there!!” Zoe said, walking up toward Nora.

Zoe got a peak into the classroom as she walked up to it. It was exactly what you’d expect from this place. A room filled with seniors in nothing but diapers, tottling around and playing with toys. Nora looked longingly at the room. 

“I’m not fucking around with you Nora, let’s go. We need to get out of here. Come on! This place is obviously fucking with your head.” Zoe said, grabbing her friend’s arm. Nora didn’t want to budge.

“They look so peaceful in there, though. You don’t think we could join them for a few minutes?” Nora said, spinning around to look at Zoe. Zoe nearly gasped. 

Nora’s clothes had morphed into that of a toddler. She just couldn’t resist pushing herself up against that door. She knew it would speed things up and throw her back into pull-ups at least. Her pants had disappeared, and so had her shoes. All that was left was a shirt that said, “Little Stinker” on it, and a pair of pull-ups. 

“Nora, I don’t know what the fuck is going on with you. You’ve been acting strange ever since we got into this story. I’m not fucking around with this anymore. You can play baby if you want, but I’m not. What’s it gonna be?” Zoe said with anger and fear in her voice. Nora was taken aback by how forward her friend was. 

She knew what she wanted. She sighed and nodded. “Alright, yeah I’m sorry, this has just been… a lot to handle. I’m good, let’s go.” Nora said, motioning down the hall. 

“Good. Follow me.” Zoe said, spinning around. A wicked grin grew on Nora’s face the moment Zoe’s eyes left her face. As Zoe positioned her feet to start running again, one of Nora’s happened to ‘accidently’ lock in between them. 

It almost happened in slow motion.

“HEY WHA-!” Zoe yelled, before landing on her butt. She gasped the moment her bum hit the warm floor. She knew that being on the ground would accelerate whatever the hell was happening to their clothes. “DID YOU DO THAT ON PURPOSE?” Zoe yelled, looking down toward her crotch. “*GASP* Fuck Nora, see?! I’m in Pull-ups just like you!” Zoe said, motioning toward her lower body. Sure enough, she had the same exact same outfit as Nora on. 

“I didn’t mean it! It was an accident, Zoe! Honestly!! I’m so sorry! Here come on, just let me help you up!” Nora said, pure excitement was bubbling inside of her. This was working exactly the way she planed just moments ago. “Why not have a little playmate too” Nora thought as she was halfway through lifting up her friend. Just as Zoe was about to gain her balance though, she let go. 

“HEY-“ Zoe yelled out again, falling right on her bum again. This time though, the crash wasn’t nearly as hard as it was the first time she fell. A confused look spread on her face, as she looked down. The sight instantly brought her to tears. Without much control, Zoe began balling in front of Nora.

“Hehe, someone’s got a diapie on now!” Nora said, pointing toward Zoe. Zoe continued wailing.

“Why- Why—Why are you so mean to meeeeee!!! WAAAA!!!” Zoe screamed, hoping that some big adult would spank Nora for being such a meanie to her. Nora loved every second of this. She could barely believe this plan had actually worked. Satisfied with her work, she was ready to sink herself down to Zoe’s level too. She stuck her butt out, then walked up to the wall.

“Hehehe!” A few naughty giggles escaped Nora as she felt her pull-up morph into a thick puffy diaper.  “Now we gets to be diapie buddies now! Isn’t it gonna be so mush fun!” Nora said, as a pacifier appeared on a string around her neck. Zoe shrugged as she started to gather herself through sniffles. 

“I guess *sniff*, but yous-yous didn’ has to be such-such a meanie about it! I could haves gotten a da-diapie on myswlfs!” Zoe said in between sobs. Her quiet sobbing slowly stopped. She began to collect herself, as her mind started to wander. The effect of the floor was pulsing through her body at this point. Her legs felt so heavy. The idea of even walking didn’t just feel like too much work, but a little foreign to her. She spent so much time in her head, she didn’t even realize her eyes were starting to glaze over. A torrent of pee began squirting into her thirsty diaper.

“Hehe, time to gets da teacha!” Nora said, spinning around and walking up to the door. She peaked in, the teacher was right in the middle of a lesson at the board. She didn’t care, she was ready to be just like everyone else. She grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.

“Oh Ms Teasher!” Nora exclaimed loudly, “We needs some diapie changes over here!” She said, walking into the nursery. The room smelled thick of baby powder and stale urine. The teacher recoiled in surprise. To really put the nail in the coffin, Nora acted out her grand finale. “Here I come baby land.” She whispered to herself.

She spread her legs apart and started to push. Her face clenched, as a few grunts started to escape her as her diaper started to grow discolored in the front and began to sag. She opened her eyes and looked at the lovely soiled diaper staring back at her. A wide smile was on her face.

“Uh-oh! I made oopiseeeee! Heheh” Nora said, grabbing the pacifier from around her neck. She instantly popped it in her mouth. Her lips began to rhymitcally suck on the plastic nipple. With each suck, her mind felt lighter and lighter, until suddenly, the idea of standing up became so foreign to her. Everything became so much brighter and colorful. Coherent thoughts began fading as happy baby babble and warm mushy feelings around her waist took over again. With a plop, she fell on her bum and let out a squeal of happiness. She’d sunken right back into babyhood.

“My dear! It would appear so!” The teacher yelled out. Nora looked over at her friend Zoe crawling into the nursery, a pacifier of her own bobbing in and out of her mouth. She was suddenly filled with such joy that she’d get to craw around with someone else too!

That sight began to become blurry though. The sound of Zoe babbling something to her started to sound pixilated.

“Gaddaddaaa?” Nora said, doing her best to communicate with her friend, but she just didn’t have any capacity to do that anymore. The nursery began to fade around her. The last thing she saw, was the teacher whisking her away, before the void took over again.


