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“I just don’t feel cute enough!” Jessica yelled to the reflection in the mirror. She was frustrated at her recent purchase, the so called ‘Magic Mirror’ in front of her. It was kind of her fault for this in the first place. Who believes everything they read on the dark web? A mirror that will change your clothes to the cutest version of yourself possible. There was a whole bunch of shit about “WARNING: THIS MIRROR WILL CURSE YOUR… Blah Blah” when she first saw it online. But the idea of never having to buy new clothes again? The mirror just plopped it in your closet for you? She couldn’t resist. 

Jessica was the bitchy, popular girl in school. Think Regina George in Mean Girls. She had a reputation to hold onto. So her appearance was the most important part of her. 

“Fuck it, lets see what else this mirror has for me.” She said, walking over to her closet. When she swung the door open, her jaw practically dropped. The mirror had actually worked. It had turned all her clothes into…

“Overalls?! Denim overalls?! What do I look like? A 5 year old? Why the fuck would I wear this shit to school? And are these…. Holy shit.” Jessica said, looking into her underwear drawer. Gone were all her lacy panties and thongs. Replaced instead, were Pull-ups. Complete with Elsa and her snowflakes to let the user know when they have had an accident. Jessica looked over at her mirror in rage, ready to tear that thing down, and send it back to the creep that sold it to her. 

Looking at the mirror though, for just those few seconds, it caused her to blink a few times. Her face scrunched, and she slightly recoiled. She had completely lost her train of thought. With a few more blinks back to reality, she looked back to her underwear drawer. 

“I mean, did Jonny say he liked my Elsa pull-ups more? Or my Lilo and Stitch ones? I honestly cant remember for the life of me.” Jessica said, her head feeling a little lighter than before. A weak smile grew on her face as she plucked one of each from the drawer. “Eh, why not just wear both! Jonny loves a little bulk around the waist, who doesn’t? That way I can have a few accidents and still keep drawing in class before I have to go to the potty.” She snorted at that last part. “Who the hell even likes going to that dumb thing.” She chuckled, before throwing on her new outfit. 

She looked at herself in the mirror. Clad in nothing except overalls, and her double pull-ups. She did a couple of cute poses, but still, it just didn’t feel right. She needed something even CUTER. Something that would really wow the school. She wasn’t just going to do it with overalls and pull-ups.

“Come on you stupid thing!” Jessica said, slapping the outside of the mirror. “Make me cuter! I want to be the cutest of cute girls! Stop holding back on me! COME ON!” She yelled, slapping the mirror even harder. That last hit though, it was almost like a button. The world blinked for a moment. Jessica felt the same wave she felt earlier when she looked at the mirror. She blinked once, then actually started to giggle a little bit. Her head suddenly felt so much more fuzzy and fun. “Dere we go!” She said, taking shaky steps over to her closet. This time when she swung it open, her eyes lit up like a little kid at Christmas.

“YESS!!!” She squealed at the rows and rows of onesies. She instantly snatched a cute dinosaur onesie from the rack her mommy had so organized for her. “Me gonna look wike such a baaaabeeeee” She said in delight. That’s what she was going for right? Trying to look as babyish as possible for Daddy? 

She slid over to her diaper drawer, and greedily yanked one out. She barely even looked at it. She knew that mommy had gotten her the cutest looking ones while she was out the other day. She also wanted to get one on ASAP so she didn’t make any messes on the floor.  

Normally mommy taped diapers on her, but she had been doing it for so much of her life, she didn’t really have a problem slapping one on herself from time to time. When she sprung up from the bed, and looked in the mirror, pure joy erupted inside of her.

“OOOhhh Wes! Das wha’ I wan’. Now I cans make biiigg pee pees in my diapie, and I dos eva’ gotta stowp pwaying wit dadddyyy!” She said with such glee. “Me gonna make dis weawwy wet fo awlll da girls to see too. And dey gonna be soooo jealwous dat I gos such a big, diapie on, and dey don’! And I gets to pee pee awllll day long!” She said, taking snaps of her diapered self with her phone. She struck a perfect pose into the magic mirror, and knew that was the one. 

She popped a thumb in her mouth, and did her literal cognitive best to send one final text to her Daddy before heading out:

“On  way32 n000w 2 daycareeeeez da d a. Me goo//o8d di aaaapaaa gwwirl? i.. tinkza I jyust wet w333t. C 6yhangeee?>>???”:”  



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