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Abby’s pants started to darken around her crotch as the warm pee started flowing out of her. The stain grew as a circle at first, but quickly started to streak down her pants as she flooded her jeans. The dark stain even started to creep up her butt, as she heavily drenched her obviously not thick, and not plasticky enough pants. 24 hours ago, if Abby was in this exact scenario, she would have been completely mortified. Right now, though? She couldn’t help but feel complete joy pulse through her as she watched warm yellow pee flow over her feet, and onto the awaiting carpet. She felt pride bubble up inside her as she thought, “Finally, I can get rid of these stupid panties and into diapers! I’ll be just like the people on the TV, all happy and warm…” She started to stare off into space, a wide smile across her face. There stood a grown college girl, her shirt held up by her chin, her jeans growing ever darker from a massive wetting accident, and her face was filled with complete joy as she stared blankly into space. Abby was in complete bliss. The flow around he waist finally began to slow as she basked in her new emotions. 

“Oh Honey..” Her mother said, looking at her daughter’s completely soaked pants. “What did I say to you if you felt like you had to go hmm? You were going to tell mommy first and then we were going to get you to the pott-“

“No Mommy! No potties!” Abby said sternly, her face suddenly very serious as she stomped her foot down. The idea of losing her diapers filled her with rage. She thought of the best thing to say to her mommy, “Me not gonna use potties anymore, I wan diapers!”

“Oh Baby, you know that’s not how you become a big girl is it?! You gotta keep up with your potty training, otherwise you’ll never get out of diapers!” Her mother said, making her way over to the wet girl.

“Nooo, I wanna be wike the kids on the TV! Da ones that wear diapers! They no use the potty mommmiieee” She said, she wined at the end of her last word.

“But Honey, look at your potty chart! You’ve been doing so well over the past few weeks.” She pointed toward the wall at the huge poster hanging up near the bathroom. “Abby’s Potty Chart” was written in crayon across the top, the large majority of the boxes were filled with happy faces, indicating she’d made it to the toilet. While a few frowny face showing she had an accident were sparsely scattered around the poster. The second Abby saw the poster she was filled again with rage, she stomped her foot and shot her head back to her mother.

“NOOO!!!” She yelled, she thrusted her thumb into her mouth. “No No no! Me no wanna be good at potty twaining! I wanna be a dumb baby in diapers! Go away potty twainin!” She slapped the front of her wet pants. “ I wanna do wetsies in a diapie and no sit on da stupid towiet! I want diapers!” She yelled even louder at that last phrase, “I want diapers!!!” “I WANT DIAAPPEERRSSS!!!!” She closed her eyes and screamed, shaking her head as she did so. It was so easy to let her emotions explode out of her the second she wasn’t getting her way. It’s like any control she had over throwing a temper tantrum was thrown out the window. In fact, she felt happiness wash over her after making a scene like that. “Hehe da was fun, why I ever stop doing that?” She thought as she kept screaming. The world seemed to spin for a second, then reset. When she opened her eyes, she got exactly what she’d wanted.

“Oh Honey, look at how wet your pants are! Haha” Her mother laughed, this time her demeanor seemed much more light about Abby’s accident. She was holding a thick diaper in her hands. “The second I saw you stare into space, I knew what was happening. I’ve seen your potty face a million times, Baby. I didn’t even stop you haha, I just went upstairs and grabbed one of your night diapers. Look at you, it’s obvious it’s not time yet to start potty training, this is what? Your 3rd accident today? Just look at your chart!” Abby’s mom pointed to the same chart, but this time instead of the happy faces dominating the poster, not a single one was on there. The entire chart was just frowny faces, she hadn’t even made it to the toilet once. Abby’s heart exploded with joy.

“Yes! Thank you Mommy! Oh thank you thank you thank you!” She started jumping up and down in complete euphoria. As she bounced, she felt her pants begin to warm again around her waist. She stopped, “What? Am I wetting myself?” She thought to herself, her wet stain was growing even larger, but she had no clue she was even going. She could only tell by the warm sensation that was washing over her crotch. She tried to stop the flow, but she couldn’t recall how to do that. “Oh my goodness, I’m not potty twained!!” She thought. She tried to think about how to even go to the bathroom for a second, but it just seemed so confusing now. “So you walk in? Puw your pants down and do wha? Just pee your diapie?” She shrugged, “Eh who cawes, that’s for dumb big kids anyway, why wouwd I even knows that?” She smiled as she turned her attention to the pacifier her mom was sticking in her mouth.

“Let’s get you into a nice dry diaper huh? That’s what you want isn’t little one? Isn’t it!” She tickled the now giggling Abby as she layed her down on the changing mat beneath her.

“Heheh, mommy why were we even twying to potty twain me? Hehe” Abby said, as her mom started to pull off her wet pants. She loved the feeling of talking around her pacifier, she briefly wondered why she’d ever tried talking without one in her mouth before. 

“Aha! Beats me baby, I mean look at you, you didn’t even try to make it! In fact, you looked so happy just standing there, wetting your pants until your hearts content!” Abby’s mother said.

“Hehe, it was weawwy fun mommy, I no wanna wear dumb panties anymore” Abby said, as her mother began to tape the thick diaper around her waist.

“I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so happy before. The pure joy that was across your face as you just let go… it must have been… nice….” Abby’s mom trailed off as she pressed the last tape onto her daughter. Abby could tell what was going on.

“Are you thinking about diapies mommy?” Abby said, with a slight giggle at the end.

“What!” she said back, shaking her head, “Of course not! Haha I don’t… I mean I would never…. Really I woul-“ She was cut off from fumbling around her words as Abby shoved her pacifier into her mother’s mouth. Shock filled her face as she instantly began to rhythmically suck the rubber bulb. It felt strangely nice to have something to suck on between her lips, it was even stranger how she didn’t spit it out to talk, “Oh Honey, I wowud neva use a pacifia haha!” She hesitantly went to pull the sucker out, but her daughters immediate response stopped her.

“Baby!” Abby said, pointing at her mother.  “Hehe mommies a baby! Mommies a baby! Baby! Baby!” Abby sang as she clapped her hands, her diaper rustling as she moved back and forth on the floor. Abby’s mother mind began to swim.

“Haha… I guess I… It does kinda feel…. Hehehe” Abby’s mother began to slowly clap with her, as she began to suck even harder around her new pacifier. The two of them started to bounce up and down as they both chanted “Baby! Baby! Baby!” Abby’s mother felt a pang in her bladder as she bounced. “Oh, I didn’t know I hads to go that bad…” She thought, a devious grin growing across her face “Baby! Baby! Baby!”. Maybe it was the chanting, maybe it was just spur of the moment, she didn’t know as she lazily thought, “I mean a baby would just let go… “. Her grin growing even wider as she made her choice. She started to relax her muscles. She could feel the flow of pee inside of her, making its way when to splash into her so ever thirsty jeans, when suddenly a woman’s voice knocked her out of the trance.

“Attention, two hour limit now reached, we recommend you now take off your VR device to ensure maximum mind safety.” The soft woman’s voice said, trailing off with a soft lullaby. Abby and her mother looked at each other straight in the eye after hearing it. The two had skeptical looks at first… but then… it turned into wicked smiles…



“Should we.. Keep them on…?” Abby’s mother said, as she felt the now very pressing need to relief herself. Her head clearing slightly from the babyish haze. Abby’s grin didn’t wane.

“Uhh.. I dun know mommy..” She said as she shrugged. Her tone was one that obviously meant she had no intention of taking the headsets off. Abby’s mother shook her head, as she centered herself.

“Let’s get these off, Honey. You heard the warning! We wouldn’t want your little brain to go to mushy would we?” She said, Abby’s face melted into a frown.

“No Mommy! Stay as a bab-“ Abby’s mother cut her off as she grabbed her daughters headset, and yanked it off her head. She quickly did the same with her own. The two headsets tumbled to the ground, as the two fell into a daze as the world suddenly come back into view. Abby’s hands went to her face, her mind was spinning. It was as if someone had hit reset in her brain. Her mother was no better, as she clenched down on her eyelids. 

“Urghh..” Abby moaned, as she regained her focus. “You alright there mom?” She said, opening her eyes.

“Ah, yeah I’m.. I’m good. Damn that thing really hits you hard doesn’t it?” She said with a slight grin. 

“Yeah, good thing we didn’t go any longer.” Abby said, as she got to her feet. It was then she noticed that her jeans were completely soaked. At first she felt some shock, but quickly her mind seemed to push that emotion out. It felt suddenly kinda normal, like it wasn’t a big deal that she was standing in wet pants. “Oh, looks like I need to change these.” She said nonchalantly. 

“Yeah why are your.. pants.. wet?” Her mother said, but her mind also felt hazy at the idea her daughter had just clearly wet her pants. She shook her head and said, “No big deal Honey, it’s only your first one of the day. Accidents happen, go up to your room and get changed.” She said, getting to her feet as well. Abby still felt a little strange about this situation, but shrugged it off as she made her way out of the living room.

“Okeydokey mommy” she said, with a slightly childish tone. Her mind churned as she made her way up the stairs. “Do I normally go potty in my pants?” She thought, as she passed the upstairs bathroom. It was then she had a revelation, “Well duh, sometimes I do. It’s not like I always make it on time… right? That still doesn’t seem completely right.”  She thought, as she opened her bedroom door. She started stripping off her clothes, until she was completely naked. “Eh, maybe I should just sleep on it.” She mumbled, as she slipped into her bed. The second her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. Her thumb crept up into her mouth as she sunk deep into a slumber.


“BEEP BEEP” Abby’s alarm blared, as her eyes flew open. She slumped herself up, as her mouth made a popping noise from her thumb leaving her mouth. “Shit, I can’t be late to school today.” She said, as the weight of the day started to build on her shoulders. She zoomed around the room as she started throwing on clothes, and shoving some notebooks into her bag. She bolted out of the door after just a few minutes.

“Gotta run mom! I’m going to be late.” She said, as she started running down the stairs. Her mother peaked her head out of the kitchen.

“You need me to give you a ride?!” She yelled back, as Abby got down the steps. She stopped at the door, as she started to process what her mom had said to her. For some reason, it was very difficult to process any of the words she had said to her. It was like the cogs in her mind were gunked up with sand.

“What mommy?” She said, as she grabbed the door handle. A smile grew across Abby’s mother’s face.

“Does mommy need to give you a ridey baby girl?” She said, in an extremely baby talk tone. It was as if she was talking to a two year old. For some reason though, the words suddenly clicked in Abby’s mind.

“Oh! Yesth please mommy!” She said, with a childish lisp for some reason.

“Alright girly, I’m right behind you.” She said, patting Abby’s bum as she spun around to open the door.

The car ride wasn’t as eventful as the last time. Abby did find herself sucking a lot more on her thumb, but any embarrassment from that in her mind was long gone. Her mother didn’t even fight her on the thumb sucking this time, she’d work on weening her off when she got a little older.

“Alright Honey! Have a good time at school!” Abby’s mother said, as they pulled up to Logan Hall. Abby immediately pushed open the door.

“Thanks, Mommy!” She yelled back, as she slammed the car door. Multiple people walking by the building did a double take at the loud proclamation from Abby. She didn’t really care though, she walked right up to the front doors, popping her thumb out to push the handles. She made her way down the halls, until she entered her math class....


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