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As she found her seat and started taking things out of her bag, she felt her mind starting to clear from the warm haze it was in during the car ride. She briefly looked over the past few days notes to see if there was anything critical she missed. The professor walked in as her nose was buried in her notes.  

“Alright class, so today we’re going to practice a few more triple integrals. Follow me on the board here, and be ready to get called up here to finish the problem.” The professor said, as she started taking out a few markers. “So first we figure out what coordinate system we’re in, then we…” Abby did her best to follow the big words as she tried to draw the math problems in her notebook the best she could. After about a minute, she looked down at her notes to see a jumbled mess of scribbles and random markings. It was as if a three year old had just attacked her notebook. She furrowed her brow.

“That doesn’t seem right-” She thought, as she was suddenly brought out of her mind.

“Abigail, would you like to come up here and finish the problem?” the professor said, extending the marker in Abby’s direction. Fear pumped through her as she slowly got out of her seat.

“Oh uh… yeah sure..” She said, her mind scrambling trying to figure out where they even were in the problem. She grabbed the marker from her teacher’s hand, and just stared at the board. It didn’t even look like hieroglyphics, those at least looked like something. This was even worse, it was as if someone wrote in complete scribbles and asked her to decode it. She gripped the marker tighter.

“You… um…” She pressed the marker up to the white board. She just held the marker there, shaking as she tried to figure out what to do next. 

Suddenly, her face went from struck with fear, to a small grin. 

Something in her mind flipped, as the scribbles on the board began to make complete sense in her mind. “Ooo I wove drawing!!” She squealed, as she started dramatically moving the marker up and down the board, doing her best to draw a pretty house. “Den we gotta put da doors in, and oh! Da peoples..” 

“What a good girl!” The professor said lovingly to Abby, as she kept madly scribbling across the board.

“Hehe.. den we gotta put da.. graa baa..” She trailed off as she started babble to herself. Any kind of coherent drawing was long gone as she started randomly drawing lines in every kind of direction. She felt a pressure in her bladder, but didn’t even think twice as she immediately let go in her pants.

“Oh Abby… Abby… ABBY… ABBIGAIL!!!!” The professor’s voice went from soft and sweet, to suddenly booming in her ear with an incredibly harsh tone. Abby shook her head as she suddenly spun out of her haze. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Abby’s mind continued to clear as she got a good look at the board. The previous math problems had now been completely blanked by childish scribblings. It was as if a group of kindergarteners had just mobbed the white board. 

“I don’t.. I…” Abby trailed off, as she crossed her legs. Feeling the warm wetness around her jeans as she did so. 

“Oh god look at you! What on Earth… I’m honestly speechless!” Abby’s mind started to spin again as she felt herself start to fall back into her haze.

“I’m weawwy swowwy…” She said, popping her thumb into her mouth.

“Oh you’re going to be missy.” The professor said, as Abby’s mind sunk back into a babyish fog. “Turn your butt around!” She said, as she spread her across the nearest desk. She immediately pulled down the girls pants. “You are going to learn some lessons!” 


“OWW!! PWEASE!” Abby wailed out.

“No, this will teach you to be a bad baby in my class!” The professor yelled out.


Abby was in tears, her bottom was completely red from the consecutive blows. She closed her eyes, as she cried her heart out. As she did so, she could start to feel the world coming back to her. The room spun, and when it finally stopped, she opened her eyes.

There she was, laid out across her desk, with her butt stuck out, tears still streaming down her face. Her soaked pants were still on, and everyone in the room’s mouth’s were on the floor. The professor was in pure shock.

“I…” The professor couldn’t even eek anything out. Abby immediately straightened out her back. The weight of what she had just done finally hitting her.

“I uh… Have to go!” She yelled, as she immediately bolted out of the room.



Abby ran as fast as she could down the hall, her pants growing darker around her crotch as she did so. The warm flow down her pants didn’t really bother her in the slightest, in fact she was relived she didn’t have to worry about making it to the potty on time during a crisis like this. “Me gots to figure outs what’s happening to me head!” She thought to herself, “No time for stupid potty time.” She mumbled, as she turned another corner. She kept blinking and shaking her head as she tried making her way out of the building. Every couple seconds she’d go from seeing a typical college hallway with professor’s offices on either side, to those rooms melting into playrooms with ever so attractive baby toys scattered around. “Dat game made my head all funny.” She thought, as she finally pushed the front doors open, and running out into world. 

She bolted past all the people walking to their various classes. She saw one group of girls not too far away, completely blocking the sidewalk. Abby’s face contorted into anger as she was about 10 feet away from them and yelled, “Out of my way doody heads!” At first, the group of college girls seemed perplexed at the screaming girl in soaked pants running toward them. They all stopped in shock as Abby ran up to them. Abby’s feet skidded to a stop as she saved herself from colliding into the group. She huffed in anger and said, “Wisten stupids, I needs to go home and fixes my head. Okay?! Pwease MOVE!!” She yelled, stomping her feet onto the ground. 

The girls just stood there, mouths wide open. They looked at one another, then slowly back to Abby. One of them spoke up and said, “Listen… uh girl you need to….” the girl started to trail off, as the haze in Abby’s mind began to roll in again. The girl’s clothes melted from simple sweatshirts and jeans, to tight light pastel t-shirts, and nothing but large puffy diapers around their waists. Their hair had also tied itself into pigtails, as half of them started slurping away at their thumbs. The girl continued to speak, “…. Get yourself a bigger diapie!!” Abby shook her head in confusion, but the warm haze kept her from thinking too hard. She looked down at what she expected was her soaked pants, but instead saw a heavily soaked diaper. She was also wearing a light pink pastel shirt, just like the girls. A small smile grew on her face, as things started to make sense.

“Hehe, yeah honestly, I don’t even know why my Mommy put me in a diapie this thin. She knows I can’t even make it to the potty during the day anymore.” Abby said, beaming with pride for some reason at that assertion. The girl let out a short giggle.

“It’s just like, why even twy to make it to da potty when you can just go in your di-de? I tink I’m going pee pee right now!” The girl said, as her hands shot to her crotch. Her diaper was in fact starting to sag as she obviously flooded her diaper. Her smile grew to ear to ear as a small, “Mmmm” escaped her lips. She started rubbing her hands around her crotch, “Sooo much warmer and gooder than a stupid potty, why don’t you pee pee some more? It feews so gooood….” The girl said, as she closed her eyes and enjoyed her soaked diaper some more. 

Abby instantly let loose the second the girl finished her sentence. Abby’s mind continued to melt as she felt her thoughts flow into her diaper. She reveled in the warmth around her crotch, as she started feeling beads of urine flow down her legs from a now overflowing diaper. She didn’t care, in fact it made the experience so much better. She stood there for a few seconds, but felt a pressure growing in another part of her. This made her mind clear slightly, but kept it in a diaperish fog. She spoke up to her new playmate, “Hey, what’s about going poopy?”

The girl snorted at that, as she started spreading her legs farther apart. Abby didn’t even notice herself doing the same. “You really still tinking abouts that? Why else are you wearing your diapie? It’s nots to use the potty wike…. a big kid….” She said, in-between grunts. Abby was mimicking her, as she too started pushing. She wasn’t really questioning why, it just felt right. The girl closed her eyes, as her face strained. Her diaper expanded, as a warm mess spread around back side. The girl’s eyes flew open as both her and Abby said, “Ahhh” at the same time. The two girl’s eyes looked vacant, as a dumb looks spread across them. They stood that way for a few moments, as a thin line of drool started flowing out of their mouths. The girl suddenly brightened up and yelled, “I wove poopies!!” Abby just giggled and wiggled in her new warm mess in response. She revealed in her new feeling, “Me wove my diapies!” She just yelled, not even thinking about it. “Hehe, diapie diapie diapies!” She yelled again. The two girls giggled and jumped around in their diapers, when suddenly, Abby felt intense pain on her face.

Her head flung to the side, as the world started to come back to her. Her left hand shot up to her face to subdue the sting, as her mind felt like it was just waking up for the day. The girl had just smacked her, and it brought Abby back to Earth. When she looked back to the girls, their clothing had returned. Gone were the wet diapers and pastel shirts. Back now were sweatshirts and completely shocked faces. “What the fuck is wrong with you girl? Did you just fucking shit yourself in front of us?”

Abby suddenly became aware of the thick mass in the back of her panties. She brought her left hand to her mouth as a gasp escaped her. She didn’t even register the fact her chin and lips were now covered in drool. She just shook her head, “I am….” But she didn’t finish her sentence.

“A fucking baby? Jesus you just fucking babbled nonsense in front of us then just shit yourself!” The girl said, Abby could feel tears forming around her eyes. She didn’t even answer them, she just bolted down the street.


She swung open the house door, as she felt her wet and messy panties cooling. Her mind had cleared to the sharpest it’s been all day. She leaned up against the door, as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. “Okay Abby, fucking focus. You need to find a way to fix-“ Her train of thought was suddenly cut off.

“Oh Honey! Is that my baby girl?! Where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick!” Abby heard her mother yell, as she suddenly appeared in the hallway. Abby felt ice flow through her veins.

“No Mom, Mom please no if you keep talking like this then I’m-“ Abby’s mom gasped.

“Oh my goodness! Look at how good my little baby can talk!” Abby could feel wispy fog moving in.

“Mom.. Mom please, MOM!” Her mother started moving toward her. 

“Oh Baby, look at your pants! I told you not to put on my underwear when you’re playing dress up! Oh look at you, you’re soaked!” 

“Mommy please I….” Abby closed her eyes, as she tried fighting off the fog. She flung her head around so she could avoid her mother “I…”

“Are you… Messy?! Oh now… see this is why you’re in diapers little one! Because wittwe baby girls wike you can’t make it can they? Can they? Huh? Can the witte girl make it to the potty? No she can’t! No she can’t!” Abby’s mother said, as she placed her hands on Abby’s face.

Abby just stood their in silence for a moment, as she slowly started turning her head around. As she did, a wide dumb grin greeted her mother. 

“Hehe! No Mommy! Me Baby! Baby baby babbbyyyy baabaaaa!!“ She yelled, as she slapped the front of her extremely messy diaper. The worrying thoughts just melted away. Her mind quickly started melting into blabber, as her mother greeted her loud outburst with a smile. Another shot of warm pee flew into her diaper, but it was far beyond max capacity. For the umpteenth time that day, streaks of urine rolled down her leg.

Abby giggled as her mother took her by her hand, taking a look into the living room as she did so. The headsets were still sprawled out on the floor, but that’s now what drew Abby’s attention for a second. The flashing TV did. “WARNING, 26 HOURS PAST 2 HOUR LIMIT, TAKE OFF HEADSETS NOW!!” flashed in bright red letters across the screen. Abby shot a strange look at the TV, as her hands instinctively, went to her head for some reason. Instead of feeling hair like she expected, she felt the metal headset still around her head. Her mind registered that as bad, but let the thick babyish fog eat up that thought.

“Hehe, me no supposed to tink abouts stuffs wike dat.” She thought as she pushed past the baby blabber in her mind for a moment, “Dat’s what mommy is for anyways.” She said, as her mind sunk back into the fog. Her diaper squelching as she made her way up the steps, and into her nursery.


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