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A critical moment hung in the balance for Amanda. The severity of the decision weighed heavy on her shoulders. Here she stood, with one leg on the ground, and one knee bent onto her chair. If you had asked her 10 months ago if she’d be in the situation, the laughter from her lungs would have made you feel crazy for even suggesting it. But yet, here she was, a 24 year old college drop out, and she was about to truly make the most life altering decision ever.

It started when she got home from spring semester. Having failed out of essentially every class, and failing to get out of academic probation, she was officially kicked out from her University. That meant she had plenty of time to soul search, and come up with a new plan in life. One that would set her on track, and really get herself back on the horse.

….Except none of that happened. Instead, she hunkered down in her room, binged enough Netflix to kill an elephant, and practically only left her room to eat and use the bathroom. She spent hours upon hours surfing the web. She grazed around cyberspace without a care in the world. And of course, she masturbated the fuck out of everyday. It really didn’t take long until she started exploring new fetishes. The same shit just wouldn’t get her off after masturbating four, sometimes six times a day. 

You can guess what happened next. All it took was one random ABDL video for her to scroll past her. She knew it was a risky click, that it would likely awaken something inside of her. But in the end, she wasn’t one for emotional discipline anymore. The video triggered a cascade of self-discovery a few weeks after. From finding out that this was her one and only real fetish, to buying diapers online, wearing them practically 24/7, then inevitably coming out to her mouther once she found the mountain of used diapers in her trash.

You see Amanda has been wearing diapers 24/7 for quite sometime now. It’s been about 8 months since she came out to her mother about being a life style diaper lover. Her potty training hadn’t exactly just taken a hit, it had been eviscerated down to its last shreds. Months and months of constantly letting loose into her thirsty diapers had taken its toll. Her body simply barely had the capacity to hold it anymore. The second she felt any kind of pressure (which was becoming increasingly rare), she only had about 20-30 seconds if she REALLY concentrated before her diaper would start sagging between her legs. And if she was drunk, which was practically every night, forget about it. She had the potty training equivalence of a newborn at that point. 

It all brought us to this exact moment. Amanda had been noticing the severe lack of potty training lately. She realized how bad it had gotten once she leaked through three diapers in a row yesterday, and further pee stained her bed (Her room basically smelt like stale piss, but Amanda was beyond nose blind to it). For the life of her she couldn’t even remember the last time she had sat on a toilet. With her potty training dwindling down to almost nothing, she decided she had to do at least something before it was too late. Before she lost it all.

She felt the pang, and immediately shot up from her bed. Her body felt warm. She made it about 4 steps before stopping at her chair. Her eyes had caught the piles of diapers her mother had bought her just the other day. Her mind started churning. Here she was, a 24 year old women acting like a little kid trying to make it to the potty for the very first time. She wondered if it was strange that she hoped her mother would praise her for making it on time…. That is if she even did.

She had only a few seconds left before her diaper would answer for her. Her mind dwelled on everything for a moment. The past 10 months, her college career, everything. It wasn’t that hard of a choice after that. With a smile, she turned back toward her bed. She knew her choice well before she even got to that chair. In reality, her diaper had already been filling up from the moment she sprung out of bed. 

“I’m not potty trained anymore.” She whispered with a smile. “And I don’t need to be anytime soon.” She thought, before turning on her computer. Who was she kidding though? Amanda knew that ‘Anytime soon’ really meant ‘ever.’



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