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Blue flashes swirled around the three girls. Their screams sounded almost pixelated to one another. They were beyond fear, they were completely petrified from the sheer terror that was falling through space and time. 

“H---E-L---P!!!” Nora screamed into the abyss, trying in vain to stop Derrick’s device from sending them into some kind of diapered fantasy. They kept falling, screaming, and swirling for what seemed like hours. But suddenly, all at once, the ground appeared from under their feet. The three girls collapsed onto the floor in a heap. 

“Ow, FUCK!” Zoey yelped out in pain. Her head had practically hit the ground at full speed. The girls all lowly moaned to themselves from hitting the ground so hard. It also didn’t help that each of them had a splitting headache.

“Nora, where are we? What did your brother do to us? Are we dead?!” Bella asked a rather pale looking Nora. She only responded with a grim look on her face.

“I… I don’t know. We could honestly be anywhere.” She said, looking at the dark blue walls around them. The room they found themselves in wasn’t that big, it was only a 10x10’. The only light came from one wall that was illuminating a soft blue hue. 

“HELLO?! DERRICK!!” Zoey screamed out into the room. Her words echoed slightly off the walls. The three waited in silence for a response. About a minute passed, and they found themselves with no answer. 

“Guys I’m getting really scared here. What in the hell even was that device he was talking about? Something about sending us into diaper stories? Fuck this is just so fucked up!” Bella said, looking around the room for anything to help them get out. 

“He said it was going to send us into different stories he read online or something? I really don’t know. And I agree, this isn’t virtual reality or some shit. This is real.” Nora said, moving her hand to touch the wall. It felt warm to the touch. The three of them looked around the dimly lit room for any clues to explain where the hell they were. An eerie silence fell over them as they combed through the room. Then suddenly, they heard a noise that practically scared them right out of their pants.

“Ehem!...*Du Du* is this thing on? Can you girls hear me?” Derrick’s voice boomed from the walls. 

“Derrick?! Is that you? What the fuck man, this isn’t funny anymore. Get us the hell out of here!” Nora yelled to her brother. He chuckled a little before responding. 

“Oh it’s a long way home, Sissy. You’ve got so many stories to play through before I bring any of you back.” He said in a maddening tone. Very faintly you could hear him fapping in the background. “Welcome to the Transition Zone. This is where you three will find yourselves before I pick which story to send you to next.” The second he finished his words, the illuminated wall grew brighter. Three yellow bars appeared, each with one of their names at the top. “There’s some lovely things appearing on the screen now in front of you now.” He said, referencing the regression bars. “You see, these bars show your… um… how do I put it. Maturity? Yeah, lets go with that. The smaller these bars are, the more regressed you are. If you somehow resist the story, which I don’t think any of you will, these bars won’t go down, and you’ll stay as a boring old adult. But if you play along with the story like the good little girls you are, these bars will sink all the way down to 0! And you’ll be a happily regressed dumb little baby, even after I eventually pull you out of my device.” Derrick said with pure sexual tension in his voice. The three girls looked at one another in complete shock. 

“Regression bars? … stories? Derrick what the FUCK are you talking about?! Just let us the hell out of here!” Bella yelled, pounding on the nearest wall. 

“Hahah, silence! Enough chit chat, all three of you are mine now, and it’s time to play!” Derrick said. A split second later, everything around the girls melted again into a dark void, as they started to fall yet again. Pixilated screams filled their ears. 




In a split second the girls went from falling into a pixilated void, to standing normally in Nora’s room. Just like they had before heading downstairs to heckle with Derrick. 

“Woah… wait are we… back?” Zoey said, looking around Nora’s room. Everything was in the exact same place as it was before. The look of confusion on their faces was palpable. Truly almost nothing had change, except the clothing they were wearing. Instead of wearing their hot tank tops they got from the mall earlier that week, they were each wearing some childish graphic tee. Nora for example wore a shirt with Elmo on it, and “Sesame Street” written in block letters across the top.

“I don’t…. are we? This is my room.” Nora said, looking around in suspicion. 

“Yeah look, even your laptop is open to the class registration page.” Bella said, picking up the laptop off Nora’s bed and showing the girls. Nora nodded in acceptance, then turned around to search some more. She scanned her dresser to see if anything had changed, but nothing on the surface looked different. She decided to pull open one of her drawers just to make sure. 

“*Sigh* yeah, everything is good in here.” She said, sounding oddly disappointed. Zoey caught her friend’s strange tone and shot back a confused look.

“That’s a… good thing… right?” Zoey said, walking over toward her friend’s underwear drawer. Rows of neat panties looked back at her. Nora just shrugged in response. 

“I don’t know, I just wish I had more Pull-ups.” She said, before realizing what she said a split second later. Her eyes went wide with embarrassment. “I MEAN. Lingerie! Haha, yeah I wish I had more lacy things like lingerie to put on when I’m feeling really confident I’ll make it to the bathroom on time.” Nora said, that last part seemed strange, but it passed with the other two girls. They nodded in acceptance. 

“Yeah don’t worry, Nora. We can totally head to the mall later on and pick you up some more Pull-ups, I mean training pant- I mean regular big kid underwear later on. I think my Mommy was gonna take us at some point today.” Bella said, throwing a reassuring arm around her friend. Zoey still seemed a little skeptical. 

“Guys, I don’t think something is right here. We’re saying funnier things every couple of words. Like, when was the last time any of us wore Pull-ups? I personally have been making it to the potty on time for a long time now.” Zoey said puffing out her chest a little bit. It made her feel a small amount of pride to flex on her friends like that. She was always kind of the shadow of the group, so this felt great.

Nora and Bella looked at each other, then both exhaled hard out of their noses. They were both vastly unimpressed by Zoey.

“Yeah, okay ‘Cool Kid’ for using the potty. Let me know when you finally make your way into pull-ups like Bella or I here…” Nora said, her adult mind catching what she had just said. It was so easy to just slip into these childish words/urges. She shook her head, “No guys you’re right, something might not be right here. I’m saying and thinking things a big kid like myself has never really thought of before.” Zoey threw her hands up in response. 

“Thank you! Jeez, yeah sure I make it to the potty sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I’m trying to be better than you guys here. I’m just trying to help.” Zoey said, folding her arms. The two other girls nodded in response. Nora was about to add in how she felt like because she hadn’t sucked her thumb for a few hours, that also adds, but suddenly her mother sounded from below. 

“Nora! Come on, we’re heading to the park now! You promised you’d go with your little sister!” Her mother sounded from down the stairs. The three girls, not wanting to disobey a parental figure, immediately perked up. All conversation stopped, their eyes lit up, as their feet immediately ran them down the stairs. They sounded like a pack of loud kids banging on the floor. 

“Here, Mom- Mommy!” Nora said, stopping right in front of her mother. The two girls stopped right behind Nora a moment later. Her mother shot a loving smile at the three girls. 

“Alright you two, Zoe-Zoe and Bella. We are gonna be right back. You two can sit here and watch some of your favorite cartoons while we’re gone.” She said, taking a few steps over to the TV. Zoey looked at Bella, the two looked confused. Sure they liked watching TV from time to time, but not cartoons. 

“Uh actually, could we-“ Bella was cut off the moment the TV light hit her eyes. The sight of the beautiful colors practically shut off any cognitive thinking in her brain. She stared blankly into the screen, as Zoey did the same thing next to her. The two slowly sank down toward the floor, keeping their eyes locked onto the screen. 

“Bye-Bye!” Zoey squeaked from the floor, fishing a thumb into her mouth. The concerns she had a few moments ago didn’t seem to matter much anymore. That is, if she even cared to remember them. Nora’s mother smirked at the two girls zooning out to the cartoons, and turned her attention back to Nora.

“Come on, little one. Let’s head out while it’s still light out.” She said to Nora, who had purposefully looked away from the TV. Her mind was coming back a bit to her, and she had a suspicion that something would happen to her if she watched anything on the TV. She was trying hard to concentrate on staying big. Nora grabbed onto her mother’s arm so she could guide her out of the house without having to see.

“Come on Nora, you gotta resist whatever the fuck is going on.” She thought to herself, as her mother guided her out of the house, and into the warm fresh air.


“Keep it together, Nora. Just gotta go the park, have a really fun time, then get back home and try to get back to normal.” She said, while walking along side her mother. She was holding her hand a little tighter than she’d admit. 

The three entered the park and made their way over the sandbox. It has always been both Nora and her sister’s favorite place to play when they went out. Nora felt conflicted as she plopped down onto the soft sand. “This isn’t right.” She thought, watching her sister grab a shovel and bucket then go to town. Deep down Nora knew this was fucked up, she needed to run, she should just go back to the house and try to find anything to send them back to their realm. Not this fucked up one where it was just so easy to let your mind wander and slip….

“Oh, thank you!” Nora said to her sister with glee, she had just handed her very own set of tools to build something totally cool and amazing in the box. Nora’s worries faded as she watched her sister intently. She suddenly seemed like the smartest engineer she’d ever witnessed. She followed her every lead. “She’s so good at this, why am I not that good?”

“Here guys, this is how you make an even better sandcastle!” Her mother said, suddenly coming with a bucket of water. She poured the water into the box and started teaching the girls how to use this new building material to their advantage. Nora’s sister seemed to struggle with the concepts. Nora imitated her sister’s struggles, whether she did it on purpose or not. Her mother smiled, “You’ll figure it out soon too Nora, take your time!” She said, Nora felt really happy to be reassured that she could just take things slow. It made her feel a lot better about her situation. 

And that’s when she felt it. At first she thought it might have been some of the water from the bucket hitting her crotch. But the second her eye’s caught a glimpse of her shorts, she knew where the warm wetness was really coming from. With an intense gasp, Nora quickly shot up to her feet. 

“MOMMY, I WET MY PANTS!” Nora yelled to her mother with glee. She felt an immense pride bubble up inside her. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. The sheer happiness she felt from finally having an accident, and the fact it was in front of her family? She was practically in heaven right now. 

"Wow, good job, honey! You'll be back in diapers in no time!" Her mother said.

"Does that mean I'm ready for-" Nora was cut off before finishing her sentence.

Anticipating the question, Nora’s mother pulled a pair of Pullups out of her diaper bag. "Congratulations, Nora. My young adult has become a little kid."

Nora squealed in complete joy. Without another thought, she slipped off her shorts, and silly big girl panties. She snatched the pull-up greedily out of her mother’s hands, and put it right on. The thought of changing in a private location didn’t even cross her mind. Out of pure excitement, she started running around her mother yelling “I’m a little kid now! I’m a little kid now!” 

She was beyond ecstatic at this point. The soft padding just made her feel so happy. She just HAD to tell the nearest person about her wonderful development. Her eyes scanned the park and saw a woman sitting in a bench not that far away. She practically sprinted to her. 

"Hey lady! Look how little I am!" Nora yelled.

"Wow," the women said in response, her name was Jane. She was trying to suppress the enthusiasm she was feeling while still faking it for the girl. "How little are you?" She didn't want to know, but it would be impolite not to ask.

"I forgot how to multiply and tie my shoes and reading is really hard now. And my dad put training wheels back on my bike. Oh, and now I pee my pants!" Nora said, proudly spewing out true facts about herself, now that she was walking down this mental path. She gave her new underwear a tug.

"Wow, that is little," Jane said. She pictured her son at the girl’s age bringing someone like her home after a date. Her gushing about being so cool for being in diapers, and him reassuring her that she will be soon, too. Jane would put on some Sesame Street for them to watch, and...wait, she shouldn't be thinking about-

"How little are you?" Nora asked, breaking Jane out of her train of thought.

"Oh, I can't tie my shoes, either," she said back. 

 "Cool!" Nora said, she gave her a high five, then sprinted back to her mother. She gave her a big hug, then went back to playing with her sister. Her mind wandered further and further with each minute.


“Are you excited to see your friends and tell them about your development?!” Nora’s mother said. Nora nodded profusely. 

“Yepp! They’re gonna be so jealous of me.” She said, crossing her arms and puffing out her chest again. She truly felt above her friends for being so little that she was in pull-ups. 

Her mother smiled then turned the nob. What Nora saw practically made her jaw drop. 

“HEWWO!” Zoey squealed out from the floor, she was naked except for a thick diaper wrapped around her waist. Bella was on her back, babbling to herself. Her diaper was also growing saggier around her crotch. 

“Oh now, how did you two get on diapies!?” Nora’s mother said. The two girls just giggled and gurgled to the question. Nora’s father entered in from the kitchen. 

“Oh hey guys, yeah they were going on and on about how much they wanted to be in diapers and everything, so I just popped over to the store and grabbed some for them. They realllly wanted them, and I thought they were little enough to deserve them.” He said, patting Zoey on the head. She giggled and smiled in response.

It was practically automatic for Nora. Seeing her friends in diapers. She knew what she had to do. Instantly she started pushing. It was only a matter of seconds after that. Her pull-up started to warm as a pool of pee gathered from how fast she was wetting herself. Slowly she felt herself kinda forget how she even started peeing in the first place. She shot her gaze up toward her mother.

“Mommy, me want a diapie!” She said, looking up at her, and praying that she was finally doing enough to get into diapers like her friends. She wanted it more than anything.

“Oh sweetie, if you really want them…” She said, turning around and suddenly showing Nora a diaper. “Then alright, let’s get you in one!”

“YAYYY!!!” Nora squealed, her chest was practically exploding with joy at this point. She closed her eyes and jumped up and down. She couldn’t believe how happy she was.

And that’s when she opened her eyes.

The world was pixilated again. Her mother’s arm slowed, and stopped just a few inches away from her face. Nora lifted her arm, and tried to grab at the thick disposable diaper.

“Diaper me…. Momma… pwease…. Diapieee pwweaaassss eee ee e-e----e—” Nora whispered, before falling back into darkness. 


AR Pie In the Sky

Well I certainly didn't expect anyone to write a fanfic based on one of my stories. I really like it!

Nathan Johnson

Man I love this idea! Merging some of my favorite authors with my other favorite Author Maggies Cappies!