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Another Caption Commission!


Oh don't act surprised, Baby! I told you that the pop tarts you had this morning were going to be the last piece of solid food you'd ever have for the rest of your life. You knew what was coming next, so wipe that shocked look across your face.

You like these, Baby? Yeah? Of course you do, look at your mouth right now. It's not wide open because you're shocked. No, you want this bad don't you? Well go ahead, start sucking, Baby. Really prove to both of us how much of Baby you not only are, but want to be. Come on ... There you go, that's it, Baby. Oh wow, you're more aggressive than I thought you were going to your first time around. Are you sure this hasn't been on your mind the past few months or something? When you started wetting your pants so much a few months back I had my suspicions isn't wasn't 'just some accident'. No, I knew you most have been doing some of it on purpose. Hell, I thought you'd put up even somewhat of a fight when I first taped you into a diaper a few weeks ago, but here you are with one strapped firmly around your waist. Oh, it's just squirting out from how hard you're sucking right now. I must be right aren't I? Hmm? You're shaking your head no, are you lying to Mommy? ... Well, we'll see about all of that then. Why don't you switch to the next one, there you go little one...

Almost done? Keep going, I have a little bit more to squeeze into you. Here let Mommy check your diaper while you... OH MY GOD, HOW CAN SOMEONE WET A DIAPER THIS MUCH!? You're absolutely soaked, Baby! Your diaper looked fine a few minutes ago when you were standing in front of me. Did you just wet yourself while you sucked on Mommy's boobies just now? What a very babyish thing to do, little boy. You do realize that grown men don't wet themselves while they're breast fed by their Mommies right? Only babys do that, are you a baby? Hm? Answer me.... Alright, well then if that's how it's going to be, I'm going to prove it to you.

Get on your knees. NOW. There you go, now follow me. Ah ah ah! No, don't get on your feet, you're going to crawl. Baby's crawl, and that's what you are. Grown men don't have soaked diapers taped around their waists do they? Because that's the exact underwear taped around your baby butt right now. Come on, follow me. There you go, see. Isn't it just so much easier to follow what Mommy is saying then have any kind of silly thoughts in your head? I'm going to teach you to stop thinking so much, and let Mommy do all of that for you. You are just a silly baby, no more thoughts that aren't about how bright and pretty your toys are.

Stop. Okay, ready to find out why this door has been locked for the past few weeks? No clue? That's fine, you're not supposed to think anyways. Close your eyes, ready? 3...2...1... Ta-dah! Your new room! See all the pretty colors and baby toys scattered around the floor?! This is all yours now! You get to be my dumb baby boy forever in here, little boy.... What? Why the shocked face? This is what a baby's room would look like isn't it? And that's what you are, so isn't this supposed to be your room? Awh, you should see the look on your face right now. You're huffing and puffing over this question aren't you? Your mind really has devolved the past few weeks hasn't it? Do you even realize the fact your diaper is leaking right now? Aw, you don't have to gasp like that, Baby! That's what little baby's do when they don't know how to go to the potty. They just go in their diapers! And that's what you're doing aren't you? Just going in your diaper like a little baby who didn't realize they had to go pee pee? You're finally coming around to what I'm trying to tell you aren't you? 

Come on, why don't we just lay you down for a nice nap so you can think about it huh? That's right keep crawling... There you go, right on up to your crib here. One snap here, one snap there, done! You're all locked in, Baby. Here, why don't you play with Mr Elephant over here, Oh! But wait, before I give him to you, you have to finally answer Mommy's question. Follow along okay? Are you... A little... Diaper Wetting... Baby?!... Good boy! That's right! There you go, awh your precious little face. Night Night, Baby!



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