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Sierra was your average 23 year old, recent college graduate. She was pretty normal compared to most at her shitty 9-5 office job at a random start up company. There was one small detail that separated her from the rest as she sat at her desk. It was the fact she was actively considering flooding a goodnight that was wrapped tightly around her waist.

"I mean, what would be the harm in it?" Sierra thought to herself. The pressure around her bladder wasn't that bad. In fact, she didn't even need the glorified pull-up wrapped around her. She was only doing this because Jason, her boyfriend, begged and begged her for the past month to at least try them for a week straight. She'd always thought the idea was weird and gross, but she had to admit, they were starting to grow on her the past few days. She was on day 5, and the idea of just letting go instead of getting up to walk all the way across the office to the bathroom was starting to entice her. " No one would know if I just happened to... let go...." As the words rolled through her mind, so did the warm pee right into her pull-up. She didn't even really think about it, suddenly her she was just flooding the padded garment. Sierra didn't even notice the fact she was biting her bottom lip, as the padding began to swell. She felt sort of high as the flow hit max speed into her pull-up. "Damn that feels better than a potty..." She lazily thought as she pissed into her pants. She releshed in the feeling for a more few moments, just staring into space as the flow started to decrease. She didn't even notice her co-worker walking by. 

"Aha! You look just like my little Suzzy when she's had too much to drink!" Sierra's co-worker said as she walked by, instantly Sierra shook her head out of it's daze. "Oh um, what? I'm-" Sierra fumbled over her words, but her co-worker cut her off. "Haha, I'm just poking fun darling. My daughter just makes a similar face when she starts wetting her pants, instead of making it on time! Ahaha, hopefully that's not what you're doing!" The co-worker said, in a joking tone. She turned the corner before Sierra could respond.

Her face instantly contorted into that of embarrassment and frustration The gravity of her situation seemed to really hit her as more thoughts ran through her mind. "Ugh what the... what the fuck is wrong with me? Did I seriously just piss myself in the middle of work?" She thought, as she started pawing at her padded crotch.

She left work shortly after that. She told her boss that she wasn't feeling well, but in reality it was because of her soaked padded condition. She collected her things as her wet pull-up squished from every movement. Sierra knew that it wasn't right for a 23 year old to have a wet pull-up on. Oddly enough though, the more she wore it, the more strange thoughts began popping up in her mind.

"You know, maybe I won't give Jason a piece of my mind once I get home." She thought, as she walked out of the building. "It is my fault that I had the accident right? He's just looking out for me by making me wear these isn't he?" She mumbled to herself, as she closed her car door. Her mind fought with that idea as she pulled out of the parking lot. She shook her head, as she tried to focus her thoughts. "No, I'm not supposed to be wearing these... these.. things!" She said to herself, as she turned onto the road. "God what the fuck am I thinking? I don't have fucking accidents? Come on, I'd be wearing diapies if that were the case." She said, but even that last part seemed strange to her. She found comfort in the fact her thumb suddenly tasted wonderful. She didn't think much of it as she controlled the car with one hand, and slurped away at the other's thumb. Her mind just felt scattered, like she couldn't hold a coherent thought together. It didn't get better as she drove, but luckily she didn't live far away. "Mabwe Jasy will hewps me." She said behind her thumb, as she pulled into her driveway. 

She didn't even notice her pull-up warming again as she got out of the car; not even caring to grab the things she'd thrown into the back. For some reason, a lot of things just seemed secondary to her. Taking care of her messes, the warm pull-up that was around her waist, or even the warm wet feeling that was streaking down her pants. That all just seemed like not her problem anymore. Sierra looked down at her pants as a response to that sudden wet feeling around her legs, and saw obvious dark streaks raining down her pants, indicating she was leaking heavily from her pull-up. She didn't seem to worry much though, she just shrugged and said, "Eh, that's daddy's problem." as she opened the front door.

There she stood, pants and underwear soaked from multiple wettings. Thumb planted firmly in her mouth, with her chin covered in droll. Just standing in the doorway, as if nothing was wrong. Jason smiled from the couch, as he got up to greet his girlfriend. "Oh hello, Sierra! You're home early aren't you?" He said, Sierra shot a large grin back and said, "Mm-hmm! Ands I didnts use da pottys, but me knews you'd fix dat, Daddy!" Sierra said, as she started to bounce up and down. Her incredibly soaked pull-up squelching as a response. 

"Well that's okay isn't it? Why don't you come on over here and lay down on the couch? We'll get you into something much more appropriate won't we?" Jason said, as he motioned toward the coach. It was then that Sierra noticed it, and her eyes lit up as she slowly comprehended what that meant. "No. No Daddy I'm not.... I'm not putting on a DIAPER! That's for babys..." She pouted, as Jason took her hand. He smiled at that remark and said, "Now Baby, whos the one in soaked pants right now? Is that someone who's able to hold their pee pee in like a big girl?" Jason said, as he sat Sierra down next to the garment. Her face turned to anger as she felt her emotions exploding insider her, normally she'd have some sort of control over them, but it felt as if she couldn't hold anything back. 

"No! Nooo!!! NOOO!!!! ME BIG GIWL!!" She screamed, as she stood up, "YOU A STINKY DOODY HEAD!!! ME NO NEED DIAPIES AND.... and... I...." Sierra trailed off as the world started to slow down. The headphones that her boyfriend had just put over her head played such lovely music into her ears. It was suddenly so hard to think, like her mind was stuck in mud. The world went black, as she plopped down, next to the diaper.


The world came back slowly to her, as Sierra's vision took a few blinks to come into focus. She shook her head, as she tried to take stock of her surroundings. She registered the fact she was on the couch, and slowly sat up. She looked back behind her, to see the a thick white diaper taped around her. Instantly thoughts from what had just happened flooded her mind, she felt anger rise inside her as the padded feeling became very apparent around her waist. She opened her mouth to scream, but a very sudden thought stopped her from making any noises.

"Oh, I have to go potty" Sierra thought, and instantly her diaper warmed the second that thought ended. She had no control, she just stared as her diaper warmed around her crotch. She closed her eyes, mind swirling as the warmth started engulfing her. It was heaven, pure bliss pulsated through her body as she soaked her diaper. Any thought of this being wrong was thrown out of her mind. The only thing she'd ever done before in her life, or want to do from now on was just wet a diaper as heavily as she could. Her memories were snipped away, and replaced with wet diapers and baby babble. She laid there for what seemed like hours, as she just rolled around and giggled in her soaked diaper.

Jason came in, and smiled at his new Baby. Sierra noticed him came in, and immediately squealed at Daddy's entrance. "Dadda!" She screamed, getting up from the couch. Her feet hit the headphones, and her old sopping wet pull-up on the floor. She jumped to the side in response. She shot a quizzical look, "Wha dats dadda?" She said behind her thumb. Jason smiled, as he took Sierra's hand. "Nothing Baby, wanna get your diadie changed?" Jason said, in a obvious baby voice. Sierra beamed as any train of thought flew out of her mind, "WES!!" She screamed, as she waddled down the hall with Daddy. Her diaper warming yet again, sending her mind melting yet again into baby blabber and bliss.




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