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Aww Good Morning, Baby! How did Mommy's little boy do holding in his pee pee during the night? Awh, not so well it would seem did you? Nooo, look at how soaked this pull-up is baby! My goodness I think this is the thickest I've ever felt a pull-up around you. It seems like this really becoming the norm for you isn't it? You haven't had a dry night in at least the past two weeks, Baby. My, my your control really has been slipping hasn't it? Wellll that's okay baby! I've been thinking of some ways to really fix this problem. You might have figured it out as well in that baby brain of yours up there. Can you think of it, Baby? Huh? What's one way to fix this soaked, obviously too thin padding I'm squishing around your pee pee right now? ... Noo not potty training baby! We tried that and remember what happened? That's right, you couldn't' keep your pants dry for more than a hour! It's okay though, you knew pull-ups were obviously the next step. So what do you think the next step is after a pull-up? Wow, look at you baby! You're such a smarty pants today. That's right a nice, thick diapie! You don't have to worry about how much you dribble into your pants anymore little one. Wouldn't that just be so nice? Not having to worry even a little bit about trying to make it to the potty anymore? Right? See you're nodding your head a little! Imagine it, you feel the immediate urge to tinkle into the potty, and normally you take a few steps and your pull-ups are already warming up around your crotch. Wouldn't it just make so much more sense to skip that whole part, and just let go right in YOU diaper? Aww, look at that smile creeping up. You really like this idea don't you! Awh, your cheeks are so red! Well, then it's settled. From now on, it's nothing but the thickest diapers for you baby boy. We've been kidding ourselves thinking you had any chance of making it on time, so now you don't have to even worry about it! I'm sure in no time you won't even notice yourself suddenly soaking your diaper anymore, am I right? ... That's what I thought! You look so adorable when you shake your head yes that fast with your thumb in your mouth.

I honestly love when your thumb is planted firmly in your mouth. You always do this when you wake up next to mommy, you keep your thumb bobbing up and down in your mouth the entire time we lay in bed. Did you even realize you do that, Sweetie? No? Well of course not silly! Haha, I really didn't expect you to. I mean, it seems like you're always sucking on your thumb no matter what we're doing. You know, come to think of it, can you remember the last time you weren't slurping away at your big thumb like you are right now? ... You see, I can't seem to remember either! Why are you such a little thumb sucker baby?

Don't try thinking too hard baby. Mommy already knows why, you don't have to try sending signals anymore. You see this? You like my boobie, Baby? Why don't you take that thumb out of your mouth and finally start sucking away at Mommy's tits. Uff! I didn't think you'd latch on that thick Baby Boy! ... That's it baby, you like Mommy's milk dripping down your tongue like that? So much better than your thumb hmm? Doesn't Mommy's nipple just feel so soft and wonderful around your lips? Keep sucking, Baby. You're not done until you've got every last drop. This is going to be your life forever now baby. We'll wake up, your diaper will obviously be drenched, but before we change you, you're going to drink up all of Mommy's milk until there's nothing left. Doesn't that sound like how you want to live the rest of your life Baby? Hmm? Why don't you switch to Mommy's other boob if that's what you want.

Mmmm... That's what I thought....Good boy…



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