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You started giggling with excitement at the idea of playing a game with Mommy, after all, it's always been your favorite thing to do according to Mommy. "Okay here's the game, I'll ask a question, and all you have to do is say yes or no!" Mommy said, clapping her hands together. "Otay!" You yelled back

"Do you wear diapers?" Mommy said, your face went from excitement to a small smirk. "Mommy! Make it a hawd game! Duh me wear diapes!" You said back. She smiled at this, "Alright, alright, how about this: If you wear diapers, does that make you a baby?" You thought for a brief second, then shot back, "Yeth!". Mommy beamed at you with pride, "Very good Baby! So if you wear and use your diapers, does that make you a baby?" She said, immediately you said, "Yeth!.... Wait... But... Wasn't I big kid before?" You said, cocking your head slightly to the left. Mommy's smile didn't falter as she said, "Well, do you remember allll the way back to when you first became mommy's wittle diapier boy?" She said, you nodded your head yes as you absent mindedly picked your nose. 

"Good job Baby! Remember what I said to you back then?" Mommy said, you furrowed your brow as your mind worked over time to recall something that long ago. "You said... You saids that me good baby?" You said, that was honestly your best response. "Haha, close baby! I said you were pretending to be a big kid, remember?" Mommy said, as she picked up the toy next to her. That truly made more sense than almost anything you'd ever heard. "Ohh, so, me was pretending?" You said, as your eyes fixed on the toy.

"Yes Baby, why don't you say that for me?" Mommy said, as she started jinngling the toy. Your face lit up, "Hehe, me always been baby! heheh me jus' pretendin'!" You yelled, as you bounced up and down in your messy diaper. "Good Baby Boy! That's right! You've always been Mommy's baby, isn't that right?" Mommy said. "Hehe, Yeth! Yeth Mommy! Me always been baby" You yelled, as your mind completely fixated on the jingling. There wasn’t a single doubt in your mind what Mommy said was true. You believed it within you with everything you had as you pushed what was your third messy accident of the day into your diaper. Silencing not just your silly thoughts about the matter, but anyone else who might have questioned the very same thing.



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