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"Come on Baby, drink you bottle, come on, drink it up!" Mommy said, with a tone like she was talking to an infant. You smiled as your took the bottle from her hands, and started sucking the warm liquid down. It had been a few months since your fist diapering at the office. It's been nothing but diapers, Dora the Explorer, bottles, cribs, and pacificers since you got home. Mommy had wasted no time treating you like the little baby boy you chose to be back in the office. It had all been so wonderful, but you were starting to get second thoughts.

Your control in you diaper was really starting to slip. You couldn't go more than half an hour without having to suddenly flood your diaper. For the first month or so whenever you felt the urge, you just let it go. It wasn't like you would have done anything else though, mommy was telling you to do that, so that decision was really out of your control. Because of that though, you only had a few moments to make it to the potty IF you were lucky. More often than not lately, the second you actually noticed you had to go potty, your diaper was already warming around you. You have just been shrugging it off, but lately you've been wondering if that wasn't such a good thing, even though Mommy has been telling you you're such a good boy because of it.

"What's wrong baby?" Mommy said, as you finished up your bottle. "Me no sure about being baby." You said, your grammar and sentence structure had started to deteoriate as well. That wasn't really a bad thing, Mommy always praised you for talking baby anyways. "Aw but Baby, you don't you love being Mommy's special little boy?" Mommy said, only further confusing you.

"Me no know Mommy, what if me suppose' to be big kid?" You said, as you mindleslly started sucking your thumb. Another habit that Mommy had praised you for, and now always did because of that. Mommy looked puzzled for a moment as she thought about your question, when suddenly she said, "I know! Why don't we play a game to find out?!"



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