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You were laying on the floor, at your brand new job, wearing nothing except your dress shirt and a diaper with some plastic pants over the top in case you leaked. That craziest part was, you weren't entirely sure if it was a bad thing. Mommy smiled as you stared off into space, you didn't even notice her pop a pacifier into your mouth. It felt strangely okay as you started rhythmically sucking the rubber bulb. She stood up, and extended a hand toward you, as if she signaled for you to get up with her. "Come on, Baby. Let's get you home where you can be all nice and comfortable okay?" You were suddenly snapped out of your calm baby haze.

"HOME!?!" You yelled, as the pacifier fell out of your mouth. "I'm not fucking leaving like this!" You yelled, as you pointed toward your heavily diapered state. You felt your head clearing, "Look Lady, I'm not going to fucking work here if this is how I'm going to be-" She cut you off for the second time as she suddenly shot her face only a few inches away from yours. She stared intently into your eyes, as you felt her hand suddenly cup your diapered crotch. "When you came in here, you had a very wet pull-up on. Does that sound like someone who is able to make it to the potty on time?" Mommy said, about an inch away from your face. You didn't say anything. "Do you think someone who doesn't need diapers would just let someone else put them in one?" Again, you just stared into her eyes. Her questions swirled in your mind. She slightly tightened her grip around your crotch, as she leaned in close to your ear. She whispered, "You can either be my Baby boy, or go back to pretending that you’re not one. You can go back to telling yourself that your accidents are just 'flukes' and that you don't need a mommy to truly take care of you." The two of you stood just like that in silence for a few seconds. You were speechless, you really didn’t know what to say or think. In the end though, it really didn't matter. You told yourself it was just the heat of the moment, but suddenly, your diaper began to warm around your crotch. The obvious hissing sound of you soaking your fresh diaper echoed through the room. Mommy took the sudden warmth around her hand as your answer and smiled. "Good Baby." She whispered in your ear. She took your hand and led you out of the room. 

Your mind thought for a second that you really shouldn't walk in front of all your new (or former?) colleagues with only a diaper and a shirt on. That idea started to fade though, as a much more comforting idea floated through your mind, "Shouldn't that be something Mommy worries about?" You walked past office after office, even the main cubical space. People would stop and just stare, mouths completely open. You didn't look at them though, in fact you stopped caring once you got to the front door. That idea had completely taken over your mind.

"Oh shoot!" Mommy said, as you almost made it to the front door. She looked at the receptionist, "Hey Jan, could you take my little one over here to my car and change him? I have to head back to my office and grab a few things." Mommy said, throwing her keys toward the girl. "Yeah, sure, no problem." Jan said catching them, her tone was almost as if this happens all the time. She made her way out of the desk, and over toward you. "Come on, diaper boy." She said, as she walked past you. You followed her immediately.

Jan swung open the door, "Alright, hop up" She said, patting the seat. You didn't even argue, you just laid down on the seats. She immediately started undoing your tapes. "Jeeze you really wet this one didn't you?" She said to you, but you just shrugged. "I don't know." you said back to her, you felt like playing dumb for some reason. She shot back a strange look. "You didn't know you were soaked?" she said, balling up your used diaper. You didn't know why you were saying these things, but Mommy's words from back in that room still boomed in your mind. "Uh, why would I?" You said, matter-of-factly. Your face was serious on the outside, but on the inside,  you were beaming at this conversation. "Well you know that normal adults don't wet diapers right?" She said, as she slid a new one underneath you. You popped your thumb in your mouth, and shot back, "Well obviouswy me no big kid." You proudly said, shooting her a smug look as you dropped your head back on the seat. Her face was a mix of shock and acceptance as she processed what you said, "Alright...." was all she said, pouring a little extra powder around your crotch.



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