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This release has all the gamecode changes mentioned recently. It requires the Retroquad engine version 0.20.0, which will be released shortly. Also, remember to bind the +use command, because you will need it.

The autoaim was changed to individualize its behavior on most weapons. See weapons.qc for notes. The most notable changes are:

The rocket launcher never uses autoaim.

The grenade launcher now features support for a medium range horizontal autoaim (only). This can make it a better option than the rocket launcher in some cases.

The super nailgun features a very short range autoaim. This will help in close combat, while allowing players to lead the aim against fast enemies in medium distances.

The regular nailgun features a short range autoaim with double the length of the super nailgun's autoaim. This makes it better for slow enemies. Also, since the autoaim is now relative to the actual position of each projectile, the regular nailgun can now target two different enemies at once sometimes.

Both shotguns have more accurate autoaim, nothing else was changed in them.

No changes to the axe and the lightning gun.

By the way, the lightning gun was renamed to Lightning Thunderbolt, unifying both of its names. You'll notice it when picking it up.

Corpses, health boxes and ammo boxes are properly angled on slopes now.

Lots of subtle changes were done to the pickup items. The most significant change is that if you're nearly full, health and ammo won't be picked up automatically; you'll need to press the +use button to pick them up. Backpacks, however, will always be picked up automatically, because they're essentially "mystery boxes" whose contents aren't visually discernible.

Backpacks are smart now; they won't fly into slime or lava, and they will only fly into water if the player is already in it. Also, they always flies toward the rewarded player (or toward the rewarded monster, in case of infighting).

Wall buttons can't crush the player anymore.

The hop-dash move is much more accurate now.


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