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Hello Patreon peeps

Quick update from me as I am still editing away, but i got a few updates

1, the next video is a record unboxing and you can see it HERE that will likely go live Tomorrow night!


2, After that on Sunday night I will have my big video for the weekend and you can see unfinished clips for that below..








3, I have another Vinyl release sitting in a box downstairs that I need to un-box and upload (you will see that next week) as well as the Retro Electro Mega Drive model and finally some Super Nintendo cable I was sent (I also have a very strange fifa based video I am working on too) but more about all of this in good time :D


4, I have just written a pretty lengthy segment for another tubers book (it's not who you think lol) I spent a long time on it and I am very excited... as soon as I can share info with you all... I WILL!


5, I am yet again meeting up with Kim Justice and no doubt plenty of others tomorrow for EGX: REZZED in London, so expect to see a Q&A for come in after this 


6, And finally I am very excited to say that I am working on bringing Slope's Game Show... an old quiz i used to host over on Retro Unlim live on stage at Play Expo in Manchester in about a months time! This is super hush hush at the moment so please don't spread outside of these walls. All I can tell you now is that if you can't make it... don't worry it will be recorded and that it will feature some pretty massive YouTuber Names that you may not expect :P

More info again will be coming soon on this, but for now here's an exclusive look at the logo (again this is not to be shared please)


7, I have written my next Quickshot! who knows when that will drop but hey... its written


8, I just want to make sure you all know that your support is super appreciated!!!!

I know this sorta stuff gets said so much that it may lose meaning. but to give you all a little insight!!!! YouTube is super killer on what it gives you monetary wise and this last month has been rocky to say the least! No idea why but looking at all my online content creator pals it seems to be the same across the board. If it wasn't for Patreon... I dunno what I would do! It's a tough time but you guys seriously make it easier for us creators and I can't thank you all enough.


Right, that's enough from me. I am super busy and I desperately wanna get this dog related video finished by the end of tonight (just 1 more segment to edit, then create the sponsored intro, make the outro.... DAMN lol still quite a bit to do :P)


Mucho Love Guys

-DJ Slope



Slopes Game Room

Just updated the video game vinyl link as i accidentally re-uploaded the worng video :P

Slopes Game Room

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl2DW2DYhlE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl2DW2DYhlE</a>