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How we doing Patreon peeps?

It's Monday morning, I am sitting here with an extra strong coffee and I am ready to hit it hard with a HUGE complete History!

But before we get to that (which will be this weekends video) let's go back... to the... beginning... of this weeks videos.

OK, so 1st up. I got myself the new MEGA SG ANALOGUE system recently and I want to stream with it... and what better way to do that than to play my all time fav game from start to finish! 

as long as there isn't an issue with the capturing of this system. I expect to go live on Tuesday night... AND YOU ARE ALL INVITED! the DISCORD chat will be open. so be sure to get involved :D


Next up is Wednesday nights video... a new Quickshot! which you can watch HERE 


Then a couple of days later on Thursday I plan to drop this unboxing (which you can watch HERE)


Then Friday I plan to release this unboxing/review (watch HERE)


Which finally leaves this weekends video! in an ideal world it will be ready for Saturday night (to help views) but if not then Sunday it is! 

Depending on how much I get done on this video throughout the week may reflect on the previous videos in this list moving about by a day or 2! (it's all boring SEO stuff lol)

Yep, bloody Mario Kart: The Complete History is finally happening! Surprisingly I doubt the video will be as long as you may expect as it will get to a point were I really only need to talk about certain games advancements etc. The real struggle with doing a video like this is trying to find enough info to splice in-between the long list of games to keep the video flowing nicely!

Thankfully I think I have enough info now to get that to work. As usual, Discordians get to see parts of this video as and when i make them early... so go sign up if you haven't!  


And... that's it! It's been a busy few day's prepping to have a clear slate to work on something as big as Mario Kart... but here we are :D

I am about to jump on a call with the people running the following event to book tickets and stuff and once that's done... it's Mario Kart, Mario Kart, Mario Kart for the rest of the week!


O... and 1 last thing! I am about to send out another SLOPE CRATE (just waiting on 1 item to turn up should be tomorrow) to the 3 awesome Patreons that have signed up for it!

Here is an unboxing from the previous box (Which was Street Fighter themed)...

As you may already know, the box they are about to receive is (which is now closed)...

and for anybody interested I have already started collecting some pretty damn awesome bits together for the next one, which is...

If interested you will need to sign up this month to get the crossover box in June!


Thank you again for all your support guys. these last couple of months have been pretty hard for most YouTubers across the board. so much so that a friend of mine that is only a few 1,000 away from me in terms of subs has had it so hard he is starting to look elsewhere for work!

Thankfully people like you and my sponsor are my channels safety net and I seriously cannot thank you all enough! It's because of you that I am able to spend as much time as I do making content which I seriously cannot thank you all enough for!


*swigs coffee*


Right time to listen to Mario say "MAMA MIA" a billion times!

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Excellent update & goodies, thank you so much & for all your hard work. Best wishes.


Looking forward to all the videos. I'm actually a few weeks behind due to work travel and life. I smell a binge watch of Slope coming this weekend.