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How we doing Patreon Peeps :)

So, I got my next video pretty much all finished (besides a few mini updates that need to be added and i will be splicing it all together today

here it is

Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHkcaSshAx8 

seg 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4plmog6i0 

seg 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYleouv7huA 

seg 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b0scy0UIts 

seg 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-eS4s31gbk 

seg 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv-75OofvKw 

That last segment has actually been claimed as copyright sadly and its taken 4 attempts to get it to a stage were it no longer gets claimed... basically i had to cut about 15-20 seconds of video in the final version which will be uploaded soon :S


Anyway in other news... I am off to Disneyland Paris in a couple of days (Sunday-Wednesday) which means I need to catch up with my editing so that I can get my next video pretty much by the time I get back.

Now, long time viewers of the show will remember a time when I used to upload my Slope does Disney videos. where I would review a classic Disney movies (in order) and then look at every single game related to that movie!


Why, did I stop them? there are a few reasons, firstly you will notice quite a difference in the editing style and quality in these videos and on top of that the plan to include loads of different youtubers wasn't the best as in 1 video you would have an OTT screaming guy doing lotsa swearing and the next would be a happy girl vlogger... the whole thing just felt weird when watched back to back!

People have asked many times when I was gonna bring them back (I even lost patreons over it) but thankfully I finally have a series that I think would work with these videos.... and that is my "The History And The Games" series (CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM)

This is a far better idea IMO, you still have the video game section sorted but the intro review bit is now gonna be changed for to a typical history piece instead. Also, I get to choose the order of the videos now, which brings me too...

Yes, I have obviously timed this to be released around about the same time as the new movie and you can be damn sure I will do the same for when Aladdin and Lion King are both eventually released too.


Hope you guys like the updates, I never like to jump in the deep end with this kinda stuff and at least now, I know this new series works and I can finally inject DISNEY into my channel once again without it feeling like an invasion.


Right, well, I suppose I best get on with scripting this bad boy then hadn't I

Mucho Love guys

-DJ Slope



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