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In lieu of the comic this weekend - which is currently rendering - I have some other special images to drop to you as well as, the LINK to all the HD special image releases that will be in the final rewards packs upon completion of the current comic.

The ones pictured are of course (my version) of Logan/Wolverine from the X-men. The first image is called "Hey Bub, Clean up on aisle 3," followed by a random naked one of him (cause whyyyyy not😏) and then the final image in this series (for now - I reallllly like this character) is an action shot of him somwhere in the jungle AFTER the weapon X program...

I figured I might as well drop the link, and send out 12 Special Release images that have happened over the last several months of production of the Devolution comic.

These special release images vary from ideas I had, to hashing out possible characters for future stories. When I get an idea, I need to make sure I can create the character I have in my head before even proceeding with development of the story. These usually end up being all over the place genre wise, but are a fun addition to the MG stories that I make.

Follow this link to download the BONUS IMAGES 

Thanks for your patience everyone!

Hope you enjoy these new pieces as well as the downloads!





😍😍😍 Also checked out bonus images and the jafar one was a wet dream of mine 😂