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On my way to leave and go let out my aunts dogs this morning a young person decided that cutting the corner into the apartment complex was a good idea - veered into my lane and proceeded to slam right into me...🤦🏻‍♂️ 

Everyone is ok... this post is more to just make everyone aware that I will probably be losing an entire day or two's worth of work on the comic while I deal with insurance and setting up bodyshop things for my little GTI. 😞

I should have an update on the comic for you all early next week.

Talk soon





Best of luck taking care of things! So sorry that happened to you


Glad you’re ok; that’s the most important.


The main thing is that you're okay. Be safe and stay well.

Drekhan Nostraz

As long as you’re ok and they get to pay for the damages, take your time


I'm so sorry about the car accident. The most important thing is that you are OK! Take all the time you need.


Oh no! That royally sucks ...but, I bet the kid shat his pants when he saw you and your hugeness get out of your car...


There were some red flags on their insurance that made us weary... so my agent and I have decided to claim it on my policy to expedite the work and get my car fixed. I’ll have to pay my deductible, but then the insurance will go after the other company. When all is said and done.


Bahaha! She was so shaken up from her air bag deploying she didn’t really pay attention - but the officer did a double take. 😉


Man - your Aunt is going to owe you big time for all the trouble that has come with helping her! I’m sorry that happened though - dealing with car accident stuff can be a pain in the ass.


Sexy GTI, sorry it was damaged... 😢