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Huge apologies for the delay - things have kind of been in a tizzy since Sunday afternoon/evening.   

I volunteered to take care of my aunt and uncle dogs while they made up a special get away that previously was canceled due to covid.  

Annnnyway - Sunday evening, as I was trying to get the dogs back to their bedrooms, one of them bit me. 

Its nothing major or requiring stitches, but it is a fairly deep puncture wound on my right hand (dominant hand) index finger. It took a good hour to get the bleeding to stop, and after that, I wasn't able to finish compiling the rewards packs.   

Aside from the hand issue, taking care of the dogs has thrown my schedule off this week. I am well on the mend and back in the saddle as far as production goes now. 

I was able to finish the update, below you will find the link to the updated post as well as the updated Dropbox link to view the images.  

 I plan on double doing this until Patreon is able to figure out what the deal is with their UI  

Talk soon! 


Dropbox Link to Files:  dropbox.com/sh/ali0q47bszx7l6u/AADQJy9uVs-NVybE9uyPIg4ua?dl=0  

Link to Patreon Post: patreon.com/posts/36438438


Thomas Polk

Patreon’s Feed and web system in general has been spotty for years.


Thanks for the update Pete, looking forward to inspecting closer (I’m out & about atm) looks amazing 😜 Dog sitting is surprisingly all consuming, especially when they bite lol Hope the hand is ok!


Is this the end of the story?

Named by Tungsten

Come on. Heads up. Wth this precious content you should not apologize for delay.