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Hello Everyone,

Here you will find the Updated Link for the blog post, as well as the Link to the DropBox, for those that were having trouble viewing images on the Patreon site.

I am back on track and still rendering as I type this for the next update, to fall this Sunday 8/23/20

As far as everything else that was going on with my car and the accident - The Police Report came in and the officers neutral observation of the scene was corroborated by mine and the witnesses account of the accident - Placing the blame fully on the other party. 

This is plenty for my insurance to go after her insurance and recoup the money back from the  claim on my policy. Still waiting to hear back on estimates from the body shop, but hopefully repairs will be quick and I'll have my car back in one piece soon!

Again, I apologize for the delay on posting, I hope you all enjoy the most recent update!

I am wanting to wrap up this story very very soon (if not this Sunday!)

Have a great day and rest of your week!

Talk soon




Thanks for the update. Have a great day. Looking forward to your next posting!!