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I wanted to color this one since I first made it. I love Felecia and don't draw her enough.

Plus I wanted to write again.

This story's long so I hope ya like it. I have a version of her dressed like normal, but I also have the original where she's dressed like a witch.

Some of ya said you like my stories too so if ya like it please tell me! I love writing when I get time. If ya wanna see more stories or rewards like this in the future (OR just more Felecia) let me know!


"Aaaaand THAT should do it nya~"

The purring voice fluttered out from the small, squishy figure as she leaned forward. She was on her knees, supporting herself with one hand while the other was adjusting some sort of paper talisman, her large breasts smooshing into the ground and her fat tummy following suit, pushing her thick thighs apart in their fight for space.

The figure was a small paper doll looking object made of paper mache and some other ingredients. A bit of parsley here, a small branch of a sakura tree, a few pinches of salt and some other arcane materials still filled the air with a musky, spicy scent which the tiny catgirl had already become used to. Her tail swished as she grunted a bit and pushed herself to her feet with a little wobble, wiping her brow and adjusting her hair a bit, her heavy breathing indicating that the little round ball of fur was quite out of shape if one couldn't tell already from her physique.

Several more of the small paper doll like effigies were set up behind the first, all with little talismans and ropes tied to them and all sporting several other ingredients for what was no doubt an arcane ritual. Felecia bent down and grunted once more as her claws caught on an old, dusty tome and she heaved it up and held it at an awkward angle due to her miniscule height, her rounded middle, and her massive bust.

"No one else is here right now, so may as well experiment Nya~"

Felecia purred as she flipped through the pages. Bo and Lee were both out with Rebel and Rabble checking out a cave to the north, and she had already had everything set up for the guild feast they were having at their headquarters tonight. So now was a better time than ever to test out the old scroll she found in that magic book from their last adventure.

Felecia was a cleric, worshipper of the goddess Rakshata, and she leaped full force into her passion with enthusiasm, healing those in need and bringing love and help wherever she could. However, she couldn't deny that the allure of arcane magic as displayed by her witch and wizard allies and even some of the more industrious rogues and fighters she'd known, was a call she didn't completely ignore. She had used the basics of her own divine capabilities with spell weaving to attempt minor magic from the arcane schools, and was even able to replicate a few low tier magical effects in her spare time with info she'd picked up from friends, enemies, passersby, street performers, and most recently, this magic book that had belonged to some long dead arcanist who met an early demise.

Within the book she had found a scroll, flattened out and in a language that it had taken her quite some time to work out. However upon realizing that it belonged to the eastern people, with her sister's aid she was able to better decipher the small scroll and learned that it held the key to what she was looking for. Scribed by an Onmyo monk, the script utilized both the teachings of divine discipline and arcane artistry, woven together into what is known as Mystic theurgy. And so Felecia had taken to attempting to piece together her knowledge of both crafts, collecting and piecing together the spell into what sat before her today.

She clasped her paws together around her holy symbol, an ornate rosary, and purred out a small prayr in the language of her ancient people, most of it being quiet mews and nyas, before she held the beaded symbol and made trailing hand motions with her other paw and tossed some sort of powder in the air.

A red energy seemed to trail from her claws as she moved, and soon the same energy seemed to creep like fireflies through the air and shoot deftly into the little effigies.

Felecia dropped the book and the scroll fluttered out as she re-attached her holy symbol to her clerical garb and watched excitedly as the dolls began to move. They contorted and shifted as small spirits seemed to suddenly flit about and imbue each one with life, it's spiritual form coalescing over the doll like shapes and taking new forms. One looked like a naked bird man, and another like a wide mouthed hairless ape with a vacant stare. One Sprouted wings and it's nose protruded like a sausage from it's face as it seemed to suddenly jerk upwards, and the last one seemed to grow and contort into a large, intimidating multi eyed creature with an elongated head and red skin as well as a strange hairy body. They stood at attention as Felecia looked back and fourth at each of them and the ambient magic seemed to waver away and taper out until it was just her and them standing on the stone floors.

"Shiki.... Gami?" She mewed, suddenly looking around and reading it from the scroll once she remembered she had dropped it. "I have summoned you and bound you to these bodies crafted in your preferred manner, and as such you are mine to command!" She mewled in as commanding of a tone as she could muster. The Shikigami stood erect for a moment before they all, in unison, exploded with movement, dropping to the ground and pounding their right fist while bringing their left over their heart in some show of loyalty as they knelt.

"Wakarimashita." They all spoke with echoing, deep voices. "Nani ga hitsuyou desuka?"

Felecia's tail swished around again and she smiled, showing all of her pointed teeth as she wiggled a little in excited anticipation. "I hadn't actually thought this far ahead." The chubby cat girl mewed to herself. "Uhmmm..." She thought with a trailing meow, bringing a claw to her chin as she bit her bottom lip. Her tummy gurgled as she did so, and immediately her eyes lit up.

"Bring me some dinner!" She meowed happily. "I wanna eat my fill! There's plenty of food back in the guild pantry still, lets see what you guys can do." She says with her hands on her soft hips.

The Shikigami remain still and then look to one another before looking back and nodding with another "Wakarimashita." and scattering like the wind, becoming invisible as they vanish from sight.

"Oh, that was quick!" She said as she waddled over to her favorite window side, cushioned resting area and perked her ears to listen for the Shikigami's working, something she could hear immediately and recognized the sounds of shifting pots and pans, running water, and rummaging. She looked in the tome she had found and lay back, her little legs stretching as her toes spread, her large bust smooshing and resting at either side of her belly as she lay on some pillows. "The Shikigami are useful tools for spying, combat, and other mundane tasks..." She mewed to herself reading from the book for the umpteenth time. "However they are extremely specific with wording and take every task completely literally, sometimes to a fault..." She said. "I guess I'll have to be specific with what I tell them. Hopefully what I said was specific eno-" She was cut off as she suddenly saw one of the figures, a cat-like one, marching forward with what appeared to be a large bowl with lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, and other various dressings. It presented it to her with a flourish and sat it next to her. It knelt down again in the same way, saying "Dozo" before it seemed to go inert.

"Oh... nyaaaa... thanks! That was quick... very well done. You may rest..." she says, sitting up and sitting the book of notes to the side as she took the salad bowl and took a nibble, watching the small figure nod and walk a few steps away before sitting on it's knees with it's hands in it's lap.

She watched it curiously as she started eating the salad, and took note immediately that the dressing was unlike anything she'd had before. It was sweet and tangy, and definitely not something from here. But how would they have made it from scratch so fast? And there was a hardboiled egg too, delicious, but she hadn't prepared any for the feast tonight either so they had to have made it somehow this fast. As she was lost in thought, the bird like one appeared suddenly wielding a large skewer and a porcelain plate from the mess hall. The Skewer was longer than his body, and most definitely longer than she was too, and on it were what appeared to be 8 roasted cornish game hens, dripping with seasonings, and delicious grease. The smell of freshly roasted meat suddenly struck her nostrils and then more, similar scents wafted in from the back room. She drooled a little and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she tried to hold back her desire for this meal that was about to happen. "Nyaa! That looks great! How did you get so much done so fast!?" She mews, taking the plate as the shikigami slides one of the hens on to it. She greedily bit into it, and purred instantly as the flavors rushed her tongue and assaulted her taste buds. Her nostrils flared and her eyes went wide as her body quivered with delight at the supernaturally delicious foul that had just filled her mouth. She couldn't believe how good this was. "Oh my goodness! This is so good! Thank you, great job!" She purred between swift bites of her meal.

"They're gonna be so jealous tonight...." She purred as she ate. "Nyeh heh... Maybe I'll get em to cook somethin for the feast too.. Rebel and Rabble are gonna flip when they see these things too, but knowing those two, they'll probly say something stupid and get them to cause trouble..." she mewed.

Her tongue slid along the side of her paw as she noticed a casserole of some sort, as well as a large rack of ribs fit for at least 8 regular sized people. "Oh!" she mewed in surprise. "Let me finish these first, you can sit that-" Her voice trailed off as she looked down and saw only bones littering her plate and a significantly round belly peeking out from beyond her bust. She was shocked that she'd already finished off all of the game hens, she hadn't even noticed!

But that wasn't the first time she'd eaten more than three or four people twice her size and didn't notice. It was really her M.O. at this point. So she savored the flavor, and passed the plate to another shikigami as she took the ribs and started nibbling them, before eating some large scoops from the casserole as well. A large pitcher of lemonade was brought to her side, sugary and sweet, and the small servants aided the pudgy catgirl in drinking from it when she turned towards that direction.

Lambchops, pulled pork, potato salad, a loaf of bread. They marched towards their little mistress and gave her their offerings, which she would eagerly accept and munch down with the occasional stifled belch and wet licking sound as she used her tongue to do away with any greasy evidence on paw or bust when needed. And as she ate her belly grew. It was round before, appearing like a large, doughy and fur covered mound for her colossal breasts to rest atop, but slowly and surely it expanded from mound to hill, and was reaching towards mountain. Like a balloon it pushed forward, stretching the fabric of her long gown, and gurgling as it's contents were jostled around and shifted by the process of digestion and by the fat thighs holding it aloft as she wiggled and re-adjusted herself to get more comfortable. Her belly pushed out more and more, squishing past her knees where it usually sat, and smooshing into her calves and shins. She stretched her legs and leaned back, her gown riding up to let her growing belly peek from beneath, and her gelatinous belly reached her ankles and let out a satisfied "GLURP".

She licked the rest from her paws and let out a quiet belch before biting her lip and looking past herself to the little spirits who aided her, now all of them sitting patiently. "Nyaaa... Great work!" She said, using her claw to pick her teeth. "They may be a little mad at me for eating so much of the back stocked rations, but it's for the sake of experiment." She mews as she leans back, her paws on her belly, occasionally picking up a loose crumb.

"It was a bit much though! You're lucky I eat a lot~" She purred happily.

As she did, one of the remaining shikigami waddled out holding a large cake. Felecia's ears perked up again and she smiled and stuck her tongue out. "Nyaaa... I'm so stuffed, but you read my mind! I was just thinking you didn't bring me any sweets." She mewed, taking a slice of cake and happily scarfing it down, making sure to not cover herself in frosting. She was offered another slice, and another, and another, and finally held out her paw to stop the pieces from coming with a little burp.

"I have to leave room for the feast tonight." She said, using her other paw to cover her mouth. "Nghhh nyaaa.... So I should probably save some room for that. They're already going to tell me I've overdone it and I'll double my weight if I keep eating like this..." she says to herself as yet another shikigami waddled forward. This was the red one with the long head and the furry body, and he carried with him a blueberry pie. Felecia's pupils dilated as she saw it and her mouth watered as her nostrils tasted the air.

Pie was Felecia's weakness, forever and for always, there's always room for pie. If anything could get her to give up her diet, it would be one of those. She remembered back to the Seven Wonders of the Food World challenge she'd completed to get some money for her holy symbol, and for the adventurer's guild, and how those colossal pies nearly did her in, and that she had gained 60 lbs from the entire event and had to waddle for months to burn off the extra weight.

She sighed as it crouched down and offered it to her with another "Dozo".

"Nyaaa... I shouldn't..." She said trying to look away, but the sight had her enraptured. If everything else was that good, her favorite was going to be amazing!

"Oh fine!" She said, taking it in her paws and quickly digging in, losing herself momentarily in a nigh orgasmic flavorlust that wracked her entire body. She took bite after bite, shoveling all of the pie into her hungry little greedy maw without a second thought, and her careful eating was tossed aside as crumbs and splotches of blueberry filling stained her fur, mouth, and her enormous bust as she snarfed down every last bit, finishing with a little satisfied belch and a loud purr while her belly, which she could feel resting atop her little bottom paws, gurgled loudly. "Nyaaa... that was amazing... you'll need to make another one of those tonight, maybe a few more, once everyone's here..." she said biting her bottom lip and leaning back. Her visage looked spent, like she had just reached her own climax in a particularly fulfilling sexual climax, which was a fairly common expression for a post-pie Felecia to have. She was thinking about the pie and how mesmerizing it's flavor was, wondering if she could maybe muscle down another one or if that would be too much for her current "Diet", when she heard the familiar "Dozo" and felt the plate poke her belly.

She peeked open one eye and saw the Shikigami with the cake, ready for round two. She closed her eye and sighed. "Nyaaa..... You guys are going to stuff me silly...." She said with a little chuckle. "I gotta save some room now, or I-" She wasn't able to finish her sentence as she suddenly felt a thick, wet, moist piece of cake get shoved into her mouth. She jumped a little, a bit startled as the shikigami stood over her and pushed it into her mouth, filling her chubby cheeks to the brim as the whole piece went in. He then pushed on her chin some to encourage chewing and she quickly chewed and swallowed.

"Wakarimashita". They all said in unison.

"Wha-" Felecia began but was cut off again by another piece of cake, and another. She saw another Shikigami climbing up next to her, and then reach off of the seat and haul up a large pot of what appeared to be some sort of soup or chowder, and another Shikigami helped it as it lifted it over it's head and they approached the stuffed cat girl.

"What the hell?" Felecia said internally as she tried to chew up the cake she was stuffed with. "I told them no more! Is something wrong?" She asked herself as her eyes turned to see the tome, however as soon as she spotted it, it clattered to the floor as a Shikigami with a huge steak climbed up on that side of her.

"N-no! No more! I'm not hun-" She was cut off again as the soup was poured into her mouth, another Shikigami, the long nosed bird one, held her mouth open and rubbed her neck as she drank down the thick, beef filled liquid.

Her belly groaned a bit as it pushed onward, It squished against her little paw toes and hung heavily off of the ledge of the window seat. Her knees squished into her still soft, yet stuffed tummy, and the robes she wore rose up more to reveal the somewhat pinkened underside of her bloating belly.

She pushed the shikigami away some, however they just kept coming. She squeaked and mewled as she struggled to no avail. "What on earth are-" She began thinking, but then stopped. "They do everything literally! I told them to stuff me silly, that's all!" She thought as she suddenly realized what she'd done. She snorted a little as she realized the little mistake and was happy she could rectify it. She turned towards the one with the drink, who happily lifted the pitcher and leaned towards her. The relentless stuffing stopped for a moment while our fat cat girl, breathing heavily, could speak a command.

"Don't-" She stammered as the drink began to pour into her mouth faster than anticipated. "Don't fe-Stop!" She mewed with a little gurgle as her mouth filled with lemony sugar water and the pitcher was emptied between her lips. She coughed a little, having spoken at an inopportune moment as soon as the liquid hit her face, however it was only a moment later that she realized how inopportune what she had said was.


The Large red Shikigami said with a nod before he approached with a large pot of cooked oysters and the Shikigami behind him with a basket of fried fish. Felecia's eyes went wide as she realized what she had said, and opened her mouth again to protest once more, however she was met again and again by food stuffs that passed between her lips and crammed themselves into her cheeks. She kicked her little legs uselessly as she tried to slide away to no avail. She had just commanded them "don't stop" and she was certainly suffering for it.

She would just have to do something now to push herself out of the seat, to disrupt the constant feeding and keep them from continuing. She gripped the seat with her claws and pulled, toppling herself out of the seat and onto her squishy, snack filled middle with a loud thud and a squishy sloshing noise followed by a rather lengthy belch.

The Shikigami all fell with her, some being unfortunate, or fortunate depending on what kind of person you are, to land beneath her when the titanic tummy landed on the ground. She breathed heavily, out of breath from her weight, from the tightness of her tummy against the rest of her, and from her desperation. She locked eyes with the Red Shikigami as it stood back up and picked up the plate stacked several feet high with various roasted meats.

"You're- You're gonna *Huff Huff* Pop me!" She mews with a little quiet groan afterward, her breasts smooshed up into her face and her gown all but freeing her supple underpantsless rump for all to see. She gave an awkward smile after her statement, hoping it understood.

"...... Wakarimashita." It said after a moment. And then continued forward with even more determination as Feli's eyes widened with horror at how that statement she worried about had just become another command.

This was four hours ago.

The clanging and clattering of pots and pans in the kitchen has died down a bit, and the meal for the guild's feast had all but been confiscated by the roving band of diligent spirits as all scraps of food in the entire guild hall had been scoured and brought to their mistress to be deposited.

Felecia groaned, her belly a massive, titanic blimp, stretched tens of times larger than herself. It rumbled loudly like a volcano reaching it's final stages before eruption, or a dragon moments before it awakes and unleashes it's fury. It was large enough that she could have fit an entire dragon within her at this point due to the sheer magnificent size the poor diminutive catgirl had been stuffed to. The stuffing, had taken it's toll on the girl, and her quick digestion and strange divine metabolism had already began working overtime, and the stuffed little lardy neko was already packing on pounds from this decadent mishap. Her rear had ballooned in size, her pale white fuzzy butt inflating like two lard filled balloons, and taking her thighs and calves with it as they bloated into a singular, nigh telescopic entity made of pure, pampered fat, her tiny paws left wiggling and squirming as they dug in to the seeming landscape of belly beneath them. She dared not extend a single claw on her toes for fear of what a pinprick could do to her overtaxed Airship of a belly. Her back had become laden with rolls, much like the hundreds of sweet rolls and cinnamon rolls that had been packed into her tightened gut to get her into this situation.

Her breasts had inflated as well, the massive blubbery lifegiving mounds of lustful flesh taking the rest of her robes for themselves and filling them to the point of bursting the cloth off of her inflated assets.

Felecia's arms too, like her legs, had been all but engulfed by the snacks and the fat that were taking her body, and her fat little arms could do nothing but wiggle and squirm as she attempted to clear her mouth to tell them to stop, something which was looking less and less likely by the second as every time her mouth wasn't full of food or drink she was moaning in pained pleasure or belching loud enough to alert the guards one town over.

Her face was a mess, spattered in food stuffs and grease, frosting and pie filling that stained her fattened cheeks and slid down the chubby rolls of her neck like a waterfall cascading down the hills of gluttony, her cheeks still flushed from the enormous amounts of pressure filling her body and pushing her to the brink of climactic pleasure with every bite.

She had tried to waddle away but got stuck on her belly when it became bigger than she was, and after her holy symbol popped off of her cloak she couldn't rely on her divine magic to save her either. It was just good ol' fashioned prayers now, which she only hoped her deity would answer considering how stupid she had to be to get into this predicament in the first place.

"Nyunhhhh~ Nyaaahh~ P-Pleash Shtop~ Nyaaaa~" She purred, still fearful of every bite as she felt her tummy painfully expand. Another inch and another sickly groan from the creaking mountain beneath her.

"The group should be back in another hour" she thought to herself between the feelings of intense pain and pleasure, as yet another cake as big as her boob was crammed into her mouth.

She heard more Shikigami coming, with a huge vat of soup that was supposed to be for tonight's feast. The feast which had ended up 85% inside of someone far too small to contain it. Her tummy gurgled and continued to slowly creak outward. But there was no way there was that much food left. She had to have eaten nearly everything, and when it's all gone then what? They go hunting? To the town? It'd buy her time.

Her belly rumbled again and she heard a pop come from somewhere inside of her as her belly seemed to push out rapidly a foot in every direction. Her pupils shrank and if she weren't white she'd have gone paler. She wriggled a bit as they reached her face, and once again tried to protest as the soup poured into her mouth and filled her up more and more, adding several more gallons to her impossible feast.

She could see the pinkness of her belly even from where she was. She didn't have much more time, Her eyes watered and her body screamed, as the shikigami shoved a chocolate pie into her fat maw, and pushed it in her ballooned cheeks with both hands before stepping back. Felecia swallowed hard and gritted her teeth, waiting for everything to end, but the pain and endless sloshing rumbles persisted.

She let out a loud belch and let her limbs hang limply as she realized that the food had stopped. The Shikigami were looking around as if they were unsure of what to do next. Felecia wiggled her arms and let out a few more belches and gurgled mews before words escaped her lips.

"No-no more food, I'm not hungry! Good *HRP* Good job! Stop! Cease! Desist! *URRRP*" She meowed as loudly and as clearly as she could.

All went quiet for a few moments, moments which felt like an eternity, before she heard what she wanted to hear.


Felecia sighed a sigh of relief, which turned into another drawn out belch followed by a groan in both pain and pleasure. She hiccupped quietly.

"Nani ga hitsuyou desuka?"

She heard from the creature. She couldn't see it, just hear it's voice somewhere beyond her blimp of a tummy.

She ignored it, and let her tail swish softly against what parts of belly it could reach.

"Nani ga hitsuyou desuka?"

She gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes shut. She thought she could the sounds of her friends outside returning, based on the raucous laughter and jeering, they had a good time. She could only imagine what they were going to say when they got in here. They already saw her as a glutton, and kind of a screw up. She would never live this one down.

"Nani ga hitsuyou desuka?"

"Nani ga hitsuyou desuka?"

"Nani ga hitsuyou desuka?"

Felecia's brow furrowed in anger and she gritted her teeth. "Nyaaa! Kiss my ass!" She yelled at the little creature, swatting her arm in it's general direction before wedging her face in her cleavage again.

"There's no way this could get any more embarrassing..." she mewed to herself, holding back waves of nausea. She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth some. Her friends were reaching the front door.

She could feel little hands and hear the fluttering of wings behind her. Some of the Shikigami were climbing her belly. "What are they-" She thought but was cut short, remembering what she'd just said.

"...... Wakarimashita"





When will we get this months request theme?