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Alrighty, so I get a lot of questions about these girls, and since they were made purely for Fetish Fuel, I got nothin when it comes to a lot of them.

So I want you guys to help me. Ask questions, come up with scenarios I wanna flesh these girls out in more ways than one. Here's the names and what we DO know.

Warranya: Busty, Chubby, lusty, half black girl who needs to touch up the roots of her dyed hair. Warranya is attracted to most girls, but especially gluttonous ones. She can be particularly gluttonous herself, but usually falls into it only through the wiles of another cute girl. She was cursed by Tanwen to be a Werewolf which has only made her more feral when it comes to her lust.

Lyte: A girl Warranya met at the diner competing in the SWotFW challenge, remember the Alamode. She's sweet and somewhat reserved, but also loves stuffing girls and being stuffed. She's the least stretchy of all of the girls and overall is shorter and has smaller assets, but she also brings a balance to the group that the others don't possess.

Des: A girl Warranya met at the diner competing in the SWotFW challenge, remember the Alamode. She's known for having really big boobs, and is kind of a tsundere, but really just likes stuffing girls as much as much as Warranya. She wants Warranya to be a super fat love slave, and is always competing with her to make her fat, but has recently lost the upper hand and gained a lot of weight she can't get rid of.

Jellybean: A bratty evil little girl with some rather hoodrat tendencies and a hip-hop aesthetic. She likes rainbows and sweets and has braces. She's super manipulative and gluttonous and would eat herself into being an immobile blob if she had the chance. Warranya is infatuated with her and wants to pamper her until she's too fat to move and then some, and Jellybean likes bossing people around and being treated like a queen. She likes when people bow before her and lick her feet to show their fealty, but honestly she's probably just kinky and won't admit it. She and Des don't get along because both are brats who want all the attention and sometimes they'll stuff eachother silly (But also sometimes give in and make out too).

Tanwen: A witch girl who is Jellybean's older sister. She likes cursing people and has huge boobs because of a breast growth spell that never stopped. Her breasts are always filling with milk and she has to get rid of it all the time. She has a gap in her teeth and is always willing to use her looks or magic to get something. She likes causing trouble and cute girls, and causing trouble for cute girls. She's enchanted her little sister to be able to be rich and famous and so they're never held back by money or status. Tanwen Cursed Warranya to be a werewolf after Tanwen woke up in bed with Warranya the morning after a party and she did not like it.

Here's the characters! Ask questions, give scenarios, and help me build their lore!! 




Always liked Lyte. Now, after learning about her personality (and sanity), have even more of a reason to be fond of her.


A good question to answer could be what got Des and Lyte into loving stuffing girls to their max capacity? Could that maybe be linked to how they first met?


Is there anything in particular you would like us to ask them that would flesh up these characters?


Here are a few question: For Tanwen : What's the worst spell you've cast in retribution (whether or not said retribution was justified)? For Jellybean: Did you ever use your sister's spellbook for pranks and how many times did it backfire ?


Just because this is kinda my thing and I had just re-read issue 14 for Monster Musume..if Tanwen's breast are always filling with milk that she has to get rid off..does she or any of her friends use it for baking? Or perhaps one hell of a batch of milk and cookies for Santa? Heck, does she sell it? I mean if it happens due to a curse/spell gone kinda wrong, could be a way to make money off the IBTC(Itty Bitty Titty Commity), drink it and their's a chance a weaker version of the spell passes off to you~~


I don't have much of anything for them, so literally anything. Any sort of questions or scenarios could add something new to them.


She's definitely the most sane out of all of them, and the most relatively normal haha!


I would love to see how Warranya, Des and Lyte ended up having a love for stuffing girls like crazy! And how did Jellybean become the pampering little blob girl that she is! X3


Here’s all the questions I could think of. (The first being the most important) Hopefully I’ll think of more To Warranya: since you’re a kinkier version of Warren you must have a weight gain version of slightly above average under your alias DarkMistressN, right? If so, tell us all about it. (You can call it slightly over weight!) To Des: what is your dream scenario for feeding Warranya Tanwen: What would yo do if Des and Lyte tried to fatten you up? To Jellybean: What did you become rich and famous for after the enchantment? To Jellybean and Warranya: Should Jellybean become immobile, what kind of shenanigans would you two get into.


For a scenario: what if Jellybean and Warranya switch roles and it was Jellybean who constantly fed Warranya