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Today was a momentous occasion. It had been well over 300 years since America had created it's Space Force, and 250 since it had enacted it's anti-alien legislation, and even erected a massive defense grid around the planet to prevent unregistered or undocumented aliens from entering the planet's atmosphere for "Security" reasons that weren't at ALL xenophobic.

Since then Earth had been mostly cut off from the galaxy, sending it's own expedition ships out into the cosmos and building it's own settlements, as well as making dealings with the various races of the galaxy and extending beyond. The Earthlings had accepted the gifts and knowledge from their partners from beyond the stars, however their hospitality ended at the door and no species was allowed to set foot on Earth.

Back to the momentous occasion I had spoke of. Six months ago, a bill that had been dancing through various departments and was stuck in legal limbo for upwards of 8 years, had finally been voted on to allow the Earth to extend it's businesses to the stars and open it's various establishments and fast food chains in locations across the galaxy. And so today we sit on the boarder of the Saturn line, on a "Vacation" satellite for the various creatures of the galaxy. Choc full of American goodies, a theme park, simulated atmosphere, artificial gravity, and of course all of the fatty fast food America is known for.

I've been completely ecstatic since our borders had loosened some, untying the knot that held together years of racism and pushing us towards a slightly more progressive future. I had assumed that other cultures would learn a lot from us and that we would learn much from them, but... I had no idea the impact some of our culture may have on some creatures.

It was like a growl as she came near me. A gurgling groan like a hot tub had just started churning it's contents within a muffled area, followed by the loud, screeching of work equipment pushed to it's limit. I had just served a Furling some of our soon to be galaxy famous Poutine, and learned a bit about the tiny cat like creatures and their place within the galaxy, and was daydreaming about the small, cute homes they had claimed to live in, when I was snapped out of my stupor by a murmuring crowd and what sounded like a wagon rolling over pudding.

I peeked out, leaning forward and sticking my face out of the cart, and was met with a large, soft white balloon, that immediately smooshed into my face. It was soft, both in it's squishiness and in the scaly smoothness of the texture, but yet firm as if packed tightly beneath this soft orb was a vast expanse of....

It was all I could think before the soft orb continued forward and let out another wet pudding sound and a growl. A loud belch seemed to reverberate from past it, followed by a somewhat gruff sounding "Ngh... heh... sorry..." that seemed to come from a husky, raspy sounding woman.

I was bewildered still. What on earth was this? Some sort of cultural object? A balloon or device of some sort? The Bewilderment continued until the two heaving breasts came into view, each of them roughly the size of a beach ball, and smooshed tightly into an undershirt emblazoned with the words "Big Guns" a bullet pattern, and some AK-47 silhouettes. The two enormous orbs wobbled atop the massive gut as they squished into the window and slid along the counter a bit. The rest of her emerged, allowing me to see the tough, and somewhat muscular lizard like creature. She had four muscular arms, two of which held foot long Coney Dogs, and another of which held an almost finished burger with at least 10 patties on it. I think it was a T-Rex from Wendy's .

Her hair was sort of messy and pulled back in a ponytail and she wore a trucker cap that read "Milf Hunter". She licked her lips and her long tongue danced across her cheeks a bit as she lapped up sauces and condiments from a previous meal, some which still stained her mouth, cheeks, and chest, and she quickly shoveled both of the hot dogs all the way into her mouth. Her cheeks bloated and chili sauce dripped down her chin and into her bust. She noisily chewed them up with her razor sharp teeth and swallowed hard, licking her fingers before she let out a belch that they probably heard back on earth.

It took me a moment to realize she was talking to me, and that she was, in fact, an actual person.

"Hey, you *Urp* ok girlie? Ya look *Hic* Lost'r somethin'...." She said, leaning her arm against the counter. She must have been tall, usually creatures get their orders handed down to them from a side window, but she could easily reach the top without effort. I shook my head and answered. "O-oh, yeah no... I'm fine... I was just..." I began but trailed off looking for something I could use to blame my behavior.

"Haha! You got distracted by this *Hic* bad girl huh? Yeah, *Urrrrp* It's been hap'nin' a lot today... *Urp*" The large lizard girl said as she licked away food stuffs from her hands and fingernails. "Honestly I dunno how you all aren't doin this. This food's LEGENDARY and I'm *Urp* here ta try em all!" She continued with a sassy smirk squishing her breast even further onto the counter.

"O-oh I see, yeah It's something alright... most creatures can't eat all that much, let alone be able to walk, talk, or... heck, even breathe with that much packed inside of them... What are you?" I asked, taking a great interest in this gigantic scaly woman. My cheeks reddened a little due to the thinness of her shirt's fabric, allowing a slight pink of what I assumed to be nipples to peek from beneath the fabric.

"Name's Vishanni. I'm a Deva." She said offering a hand shake with the hand she had just been licking, and shaking my hand rather forcefully, leaving a slight slimy trail on it. "O-oh, I'm Rain, nice to meet you...." I stammer back. "I've heard about you guys for years now. I'm a huge fan!" She says as she flexes her muscles some and shows off a McDonalds logo, a Burger King one, and even a Panda Express one as well. "As soon as I heard those official assholes cut through the red tape to let the ambrosia of the gods flood this system, I was in my 16 booster and cruising across the galaxy to get here on time!' She chuckled as she patted her belly a bit.

I peeked out to see that magnificent white and pink orb resting in an old Wheelbarrow, which creaked and groaned with every slight movement. "Ambrosia?" I asked confused.

She smiled. A smile that was devious and cute all at the same time. "The food of the gods! This stuff's been talked about for YEARS by humans I've met out in the systems, and I even tried it once when an earth replicator machine was selling some black market McNuggets out in Andromeda. But today, Today is the real deal and my first time!" She excitedly purred as she lovingly patted her belly, letting out another sickly groan. "Ughh... Heh... So, what you guys got? More of that bacon stuff? Some cow meat? Or some other blended beast of burden you can slap on some bread and slather in sauces for me?" She said looking expectant and excited, like a child who learned she was going to get free candy.

There was NO way she was still hungry. Her belly looked like a blimp and sounded like it's contents were desperately attempting to splash out and cover as much of the amusement park as they could, and the tone of her voice told me that she was nauseous and light headed, yet the airy and husky quality to her raspy voice could easily have lent it's self to extremely distracting pleasure as well because she definitely looked aroused if her blush and hardened nipples were anything to give her away. Regardless though, this large, aroused lizard was definitely intriguing and I wanted to know more.

"Oh, no, we sell poutine here! Well... other things too but mostly that." I said as I showed her a photograph, watching her face light up with awe like a child seeing fireworks. "What is it?" She asked in a dreamy tone. I chuckled a bit. "It's French fries-" I was cut off by an exited "Oooh!" as she recognized them, most likely from an earlier binge at McDonalds or Wendy's. "A-and they're covered in gravy, cheese, and some other things, I can add bacon too like you said before." I finished. "Yeah! I'll take 8, no 10 of your biggest orders! Covered in bacon! And whatever that gravy stuff is! I drank a whole tub of it at a chicken place a few booths back! You guys should *Urp* definitely sell jugs of that stuff, I'd drink it all day!" she said impatiently, a long fat tail I assumed belonged to her peeking in to the opening.

I agreed and got to work, though I felt 10 was too much for even a creature of her height normally, let alone one who had consumed an entire festival's worth of treats, but as a curious girl who's been somewhat smitten by a tough, stuffed, lizard, I relented immediately and began frying as her eyes watched with the most beautiful fixation on my every move and her nostrils flared at every new scent.

"So... Why do you have so many American tattoos?" I asked, hoping to learn more about this inflated enigma.

She smiled, showing all of those teeth again. "I'm a space driver, I do convoys and deliveries, I get here and there, and love all sorts of foods, but Earth food is the best." She said matter of factly. "You ask the others, anyone out there, and they'll say it's like, Korellian seafood or Ternian Roast Devahli', but I think that stuff's crap compared to the things you guys have..."

I was taken aback a bit. My eyes went wide. "Really? Well thank you! I'm honored to hear such praise! I think human food is a little boring compared to other foods from out here! I saw a Keriko dish that was eaten LIVE earlier!" I said, remembering the amazing situation I'd seen prior.

"Ehh, you guys eat them little shell things alive, and you throw lobsters into boiling water and let em scream, too. Plus your stuff is way more... colorful? Flavorful? Really it's everythin! I could go to my planet and eat every meal they have to offer within a month and I could come to Earth and eat all of their food probably forever and never eat the same exact meal twice! It's cuz you guys got cultures inside yourselves. Other races stuck together and didn't have much variation and because of it there's no versatility... Even you humans have a lot of variation, most of em are pasty pinkish colors, and some have long hair, some have fuzzy hair, and some are a pretty brown color like you." Vishanni said picking her teeth some, a little drool forming in the corner of her mouth as the fries sizzled out of the deep fryer. I blushed a little. In any other circumstance getting called a pretty brown color would be a little weird, and it still kind of was, but given that she was a pretty green color, I didn't argue, It was kinda cute, and I could feel myself blushing hard.

My mind was dancing. I had never thought of it that way. Humans seemed so mundane and boring compared to these other races, but when she put it that way....

"R-really? Well at least our food is better than our people." I said to her with a smile as I dumped the orders of fried into baskets and prepared the gravy. I added a little bit of extra in each one, just to see those pretty eyes of her's sparkle every time I did.

"Your race is young. They're learnin' otherwise ya wouldn't be out here right now." she says with a distracted look. Her mind was elsewhere. I assumed the food but I think it was somehting else. "Your government's the shitty part. Blockin people from comin in but takin all the resources back from other planets. An the countless star battles with the other settlements and races..." She trailed off.

"I guess so... well... here ya go!" I say sliding them towards her. "And... here's a cup of gravy and a... straw I guess... That'll all be... 97 credits." I say with a professional smile. She smiles at them and sniffs them a little before shoveling some into her mouth with one hand while retreiving a card from her bosom with another, her other two hands still occupied with her belly.

She scarfed down several of the containers before I'd even swiped her card, and I could already hear the gurgling of air within her cup as she had apparently downed 52 ounces of gravy in seconds flat, followed by another satisfied wet belch and a loud groaning noise, of which I wasn't sure if it came from the wheelbarrow or her belly.

I held her card back out to her, and her hands were full of fries or licking her gravy covered hands, so she bounced her heaving bust towards me and I sheepishly, yet eagerly, plunged the card into her warm, greasy cleavage until it was snugly inside and drew back with some gravy on my hand. I laughed a little, and then gasped as her long tongue danced between my fingers and wrapped around my palm to clean it off before trailing back along the top of her breast and back into her mouth. She burped again and gave a mischievous giggle as I too returned the favor, my heart jumping in my chest.

"T-thanks for stopping by! I hope they live up to your expectations miss Vishanni!" I stammer.

"They SO are! I love fries! They're just like the firs-.... Hey...." she began but suddenly seemed to trail off again, looking serious. "Just because some humans are shitty, or don't accept others, doesn't mean nothin. There's some bad people out there.... but there's some real good people out in the cosmos too. Travelin around like I do, you meet some of the best humans the universe has to offer, and some of those humans.... sometimes the good ones go too soon. But I'm sure he- err.... they... would tell us that humans can change. That they're evolving, and one day they'll accept everyone out there.... So try to believe in your people ok?"

I blinked a few times, caught off guard by the sudden seriousness of her tone and what she said. I felt an underlying sadness from her, knowing she had lost something or someone close, but I nodded, my cheeks still flushed, and my mind dancing with all of the possibilities dealing with races like this could lead to.

"I'll... I'll try to make Earth a better place, so that you can come there and have as much fast food as you want! I'll even treat you when you get there!" I said, suddenly feeling a bit brazen.

That excited look flared back to life inside of her. "Haha! Hell yeah! That's the kinda human I like! You do what ya have to! Sign some papers, assasinate some of those closed boarders peeps, do whatever ya got to haha!" she laughed, leaving me unsure as to whether or not it was a joke.

She took the last container as she began to waddle off. "I gotta hit the rest of these places before this thing gives out. These things are never as strong as they say they are." she says before stifling another burp. "If you're free later though, I'm staying in the Nova, stop by tonight, maybe we can have some drinks, or dinner...." The large lizard says adjusting the daisy duke style jean short shorts she has wedged in her supple butt with two of her hands, her long tail drifting across my cheek as she wobbled away.

"O-ok!" I call towards her. "Just-Just try not to pop before I get there!!"

I could see her giggling as she waddled to the next booth.

Today marks a momentous occasion for all of mankind. A day for cultural celebration, a day for embracing other races and casting away centuries of racism, a day of extreme advancements in human society.....

And the day I got laid by a big tiddy overstuffed giant lizard truck driver.

Definitely an important day.


here's a colored version of the pic of Vishanni, and a girl named Rain. Vishanni is Bisexual and has a human fetish. The man she loved more than anything was a human and he taught her how to live life to the fullest.... maybe literally.

It's been a while since I've written a story.

For those of you who forget, Vishanni comes from a story where America has expanded it's classic, racist views to space to keep aliens away from us and she joins a rebellion to force open the Earth's boarders so aliens can come in. She's EXTREMELY anti-government.

Basically she likes all of the things attributed to a stereotypical American Republican (Guns, women, patriotism), but has the views of someone extremely Liberal.

My kinda lady.




This is something I’d like to see more of. I’m a big fan of artwork that comes with a story in the description. It gives things more context and character.