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5 episodes of South Park for your faces 


South PArk 1x3 REACTION

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I raise a motion to petition in favor of "It is I The Geordie Nerd"!


You can kind of learn to understand Kenny and as the seasons go on he seems to be easier to understand not sure if it's Matt mumbling the lines less or some other change.

Charlie Calver

'it is I, the Geordie nerd, prithee why do the fair maidens avoid me' - swap out that baseball cap for a fedora and your transition will be compete

Nikki Sonrisa

I love your intro! please don't change it! also, I love Chef; he's hilarious lol


📜We, the Free International Patreons in SUPPORT OF "It is I" The Geordie Nerd herby declare a poll be produced under the courts of common bird law Digitally Signed, Madeline Sinclair [Spam every comment section in every video he has, adding your name until our demands are met] Copy/Paste 🙏🏻


Lol 🥰


🔔🎶 Freedom rings for all under our democratic control!!! Yes, I can confirm communications have been intercepted where our villainous Geordie has agreed to UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!