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Trailer Park Boys 5x4 REACTION

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Eddie Midnite

There is a short Guitar Lessons with Bubbles series, most of which has been posted on the swearnet youtube page.

Rene Aavik

Paul, just a tiny little suggestion - you don't have to keep bringing up that it's just a fictional story. The main purpose of stories is so we can learn what to do, and what not to do. Also known as wisdom. So it's perfectly acceptable to criticize what some characters do, and to praise what others do. It's really only worth pointing out that this is a comedy, which means a lot of the points are exaggerated. But they are good points (and therefore good lessons) nonetheless. Back to this episode, what Ricky did (especially with regards to Bubbles) was really fucked up. He really only ever thinks of himself, doesn't he? At least until he gets properly called out for his bullshit. We all know Bubbles is the purest character in this whole show, and it really sucks when others take advantage of his purity. But sadly it is what it is, and that sort of shit happens a lot in real life (although not to such tragic extent most of the time fortunately). And all that is not to even get into all the deeper points this show makes about poverty, and the class system in society in general. Suffice it to say, this show is simply brilliant on so many levels.


Paul, just a slightly bigger suggestion - ignore Karens


Wow, thought this was kinda obvious. *ahem* You.


You lied to the guy in the chair... *stands up* You lied to the guy in the fuckin' chair... Classic Ray

Rene Aavik

It may have been obvious to you, but not to anybody who actually knows what that term means.