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Archer is back, or is he?! 


Archer Dreamland

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Yeah I gotta say, season 7 of Archer was quite disappointing to me and Season 8 is where I stopped watching all together. Barely feels like Archer anymore.

Bryan Matola

So the explanation for this is: the show’s head writer was so unbelievably bored of writing Archer because he felt he’d written every possible story, so he did the coma thing to explore different genres, but his heart still wasn’t in it and he quit, so every season after season 9 is written by some new TV station contract stooge.


3 seasons of coma. I like dreamland and season 9. Season 10 is decent but isn’t as rewatchable as others

Henchman Twenty1

I, like a number of other fans, suspected that the coma thing had actually started at the end of season 4 when Archer drowned. Then season 5 started out weird and then everything began to change. I thought that Archer getting zapped by FBI agent Hawley was actually somebody trying to resuscitate him with a defibrillator. But seeing as so many fans were guessing that's what was going on I think they went and changed it to punk us for guessing. At the end of season 5 Archer even asked Lana if he was really in a coma. They were toying with us. If you ask me, a good example of a show that handled major changes and development to not only keep the show fresh but made it get even better was The Venture Bros. Speaking of, will we be getting another episode of that soon? I think you should finish off the series one episode at a time to savor it.


Meh. It isn't the best, but I'd listen to Jon Benjamin read a phonebook. Or Moby Dick one sentence at a time on Twitter. At that rate, though, I doubt either one of us is going to live long enough to reach the end.


I don't think I had one laugh this entire season. The next season started out the same way and I think I stopped watching like 3 episodes in. I figured I'd watch season 10 since it was supposed to be the last, and because space, but it at least had a few laughs here and there.


Archer: Dreamland was freaking hilarious. I'm sorry if people disliked it but I thought it was both an amazing way to deal with the death of a major character AND reinvent the show. If you stop liking it, don't watch it for my sake but I really did appreciate it. When "Vice" first premiered, people *hated* it. I mean it was so panned I was worried it'd be the show's last season. But the fact is, people just hate change - even if that change is good and (in this case) required. I think Dreamland will follow the same route after fans get over the fact it was different. That being said, I really don't know that the show can continue after Jessica Walter's death. Mallory was way more important than Woodhouse and I can't help but wonder if they should have retired the series at 12.


I thought Dreamland was brilliant! Seven was a slump. When they had to deal with the sudden death of Woodhouse's voice actor, I thought it opened up a brilliant new...idk. Something. Woodhouse was originally going to be a huge part of S08, but the actor sadly passed away and desperation breeds innovation. Rewatch s08 before you knock it. I think it's a pretty strong season.


Dreamland gets hilarious. Please, keep at it! Yeah, seven was a slump.

Kris Easterwood

Please keep watching the series man


I loved the “coma” idea because it explores different types of situations we wouldn’t see from the agent or P.I arcs