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Micah Spiese

Everyone knows ghosts do Jazz Hands... As for Issaac Hayes, notice Chef hasn't really been appearing a lot lately. From what I heard, it was a family member of his that said it/ told everyone why he quit (lied), but that cult runs DEEP in families so, yeah.

B Humps

I just wanted to say that I truly appreciate you man. I've been a sub for years now on Youtube and also for a while on Patreon. I thank you for everything that you've put out over the years. You're a genuine guy that keeps everything honest....not like some kind of new age hippy (I'm an 80's baby)🤣LMAO We relate on many levels and it's nice to come home to new content and wind down after a long day at work with someone that's real. I wish you the best man and keep you're head up. If you're looking for anything new to watch, Eastbound and Down is a go to. It's underrated, but I know you'll love it. 😎 It has some familiar faces.