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Chef is back...



Chef's lines are actually pre recorded from older seasons, he was already gone from the show


Its all because of scientology haha

Hayleigh Sato

I was not expecting this episode to go into that direction but thats south park you can't ever guess where its going to go lmao


i actually had to look up if super adventure club was a thing... this is what it says The Super Adventure Club and its entire agenda are a blatant, thinly veiled metaphor for the Church of Scientology. Isaac Hayes, the voice actor of Chef, was a Scientologist and was forced by the church to leave the show after the episode "Trapped in the Closet" which made a very harsh critique of Scientology.

Joe Comohoyos

Because they did the Scientology episode, Issac Hayes left due to him being in the church. It’s believed that Mr. Hayes was being spoken for at this point as he had health issues and died a year or so later. Issac Hayes was an amazing singer and music writer from the early 70s. When I’m sad, I listen to his albums and I feel better.

King of Rivia

Chefs voice actor was in scientology, and after the scientology episode they forces him to wuit south park. he didnt really make any public appearances afterwards and died a year later. If you actually want to learn abiut that Cult Leah Remini has an amazing show on it. She was a scientologist for 20 years and its insane what is going on there