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What it dooski! Here's my Tropic Thunder (2008) MOVIE REACTION!

This one was jokes 😭🌩️🌴

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zhmhwzr1swfw7794z1ucx/TROPTMRUE.mp4?rlkey=cj4c84j46kfabzhgoh98kan84&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w7p-OeajFonnLhT8O7ZaW3F9weXzPNmw/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-XiBQJl4V0q


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Timothy Nikiforovs

For my money, still the most outrageous, original, and memorable comedy in the last 20 years. It would be next to impossible to get a movie like this made today. The whole cast and crew would wind up cancelled, and even back then a lot of people thought it was crossing some lines, so props to Ben and Robert and everyone else for not playing it safe. Everyone remembers RDJ in blackface, but it's like they tried to cram every controversial trope they could think of into the movie. It's also easy to forget how huge the cast actually is. There are a ton of big names, and some are barely cameos like Jon Voight and Tobey Maguire. I can't be the only one though who missed that it was Tom Cruise in that fat suit until the end credits rolled. As I understand it he had a ton of fun with the role and even contributed to creating the character. I love how he psychotically threatens to rain down Armageddon on the flaming dragon guys, then hangs up and calmly asks his assistant to find out who they are. Still, I think RDJ stole the show, and I can't really pick a favourite scene since there's so many great ones to choose from. I don't have the DVD, but apparently he did in fact stay in character for the DVD commentary. While the whole "actor playing an actor playing a role" applies to all the main cast on some level, there are just so many levels to RDJ's performance and the character is just hilarious. Absolute classic comedy. Not only is the dialogue brilliant, but the physical comedy really works too(like yeeting the kid off the bridge). Glad you finally checked it out. Hope it raised your spirits a bit.


Thanks for bringing back movie reactions Faily!! Really enjoyed this one, I know a lot of people are passionate about Stargate/Buffy but neither of those are for me so I was mainly sticking around for The Office (and your older reactions to things like Doctor Who which brought me here in the first place!) so it was awesome to have something a little different pop up. Looking forward to many more :)

David Gipe

While I am one of the passionate SG-34 members. I agree with you. The fresh, different and genuine insights\reactions of Faily are great to experience. Keeping burn out and health in mind of course ;)