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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 5 Episode 10 "First Contact" and Episode 11 "The Lost Tribe" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n1q391v14qccqd61r55ro/SAS510-11UE.mp4?rlkey=q3zj64vacf21qonodh9kymbjr&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/154jpOqpAaG0Mp-VXLU6xLdGbbVV00Oq8/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-oWdgdLeWUb


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I'm always surprised how much happens in these episodes. So good though.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Last 2 parter of SGA, and easily one of the best. Daniel and McKay is the last big crossover team up they needed to squeeze in before the end. Ronon and Teal'c is the only one that probably beats it as a "I wonder how these 2 characters will work together" scenario, but that's been covered. I love how even though the Milky Way is relatively quiet and Pegasus is where the actions is, to say nothing of Atlantis being Rodney's home turf, he still finds a way to be petty and jealous. "So you can only give compliments to the dying?" always cracks me up. As last minute revelations go, finding out the Asgard are still around is pretty high up the list. They may be a lot more dickish than the Asgard we knew, but when Daniel is waxing nostalgic about how noble the Ida Asgard were, and the leader said "and look where it got them", you can kind of see their point. Still, I feel there were some paths of negotiation that Daniel didn't explore. First, there's always the possibility of relocating them to the Milky Way where they'd be safe, and perhaps even leverage the resources of the SGA toward helping them find a solution to their cloning problems, provided some basic ethical guidelines are followed. Second, convince them to postpone using the attero device. They could deploy a version of the avenger virus into the pegasus gate network, effectively making dialing any gate impossible, or at least extremely unlikely as you'd effectively be randomly dialing and wouldn't even know which symbol was the point of origin anymore. I'm surprised the ancients didn't think of this solution given how effective the device was against the wraith. 304s with asgard beams could pick off the stranded wraith ships 1 by 1 easily. It was rather short sighted to destroy it IMO. It would have been better to destroy Todd's dart before he realizes the device is shut down, leaving the wraith he left behind none the wiser, at least for a while, at least the only ones who knew where it was would be gone. That said, Todd is a great character, so it would be a shame to kill him off. Regarding the Atlantis gate exploding, that gives us a pretty good idea of how strong the shield is given we know from Redemption that an exploding gate is 2-3 gigatons. That seems a little on the low end given how hyped up the strength of the city shield is. Still, it did have to contain the whole strength of the explosion, rather than deflect it into the atmosphere, kinda like how the gunpowder in a bullet isn't going to do much just poured out on a plate and lit on fire, but contained in a gun the effect is exponentially more powerful. I always felt that when they started to notice the shield was under strain, instead of trying to find extra scraps of power, they should have opened a small hole in the back of the shield. The main tower is way higher than anything else, and that would have sent a stream of plasma shooting out the window behind the gate, taking pressure off the shield. Anyway, fantastic couple of episodes.


you know how ships' shields seem to be partially broken through even when the shield has power left, while atlantis always seems impenetrable until the shield has completely run out? i think the same phenomenon happened when the gate exploded, it was just too much energy in a small area and the shield couldnt hold even though it had energy still. like zelenka said, the emitters were burning out. i don't think it's comparable to the entirety of the strength of its shield