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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Angel Season 5 Episode 5 "Life of the Party" and Episode 6 "The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2m1jyy749jwvbc42qflyp/AGLS5-6UE.mp4?rlkey=ftimwwg7ny9upvnhpt8xwh41p&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GqjtbZ1TB96GBnXbItnyWaHT23Fc4XRq/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-rb5nwH9tXd


What it dooski! Here's my Want to see me LIVE? https://twitch.tv/failwhale34

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Tumbili (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 13:01:30 I like the Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco very much, which I think puts me in a minority. The “cautionary tale” is for Angel: what will happen to him if working at Wolfram & Hart causes him to give up hope. Watching this, I was reminded to search the internet again for an old favorite show of mine from 2001: Los Luchadores, a silly, funny, action show for kids which reminds me a lot of the 1966 Batman series. I found Los Luchadores on YouTube, and am now reliving its glorious silliness. Also, did you catch the part where Angel mentioned the prophecy about the father killing the son? Wesley was puzzled.
2023-04-21 18:37:53 I like the Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco very much, which I think puts me in a minority. The “cautionary tale” is for Angel: what will happen to him if working at Wolfram & Hart causes him to give up hope. Watching this, I was reminded to search the internet again for an old favorite show of mine from 2001: Los Luchadores, a silly, funny, action show for kids which reminds me a lot of the 1966 Batman series. I found Los Luchadores on YouTube, and am now reliving its glorious silliness. Also, did you catch the part where Angel mentioned the prophecy about the father killing the son? Wesley was puzzled.

I like the Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco very much, which I think puts me in a minority. The “cautionary tale” is for Angel: what will happen to him if working at Wolfram & Hart causes him to give up hope. Watching this, I was reminded to search the internet again for an old favorite show of mine from 2001: Los Luchadores, a silly, funny, action show for kids which reminds me a lot of the 1966 Batman series. I found Los Luchadores on YouTube, and am now reliving its glorious silliness. Also, did you catch the part where Angel mentioned the prophecy about the father killing the son? Wesley was puzzled.

Paul Carroll

hello failwhale34 and all hope ya having a good april spring week . just checking in if we will be getting some xfiles , the last of us and office shows comiing up Thanks !


Hey Paul! Hope you are as well. Started recording, you'll be seeing em' drop throughout the week got one SGA tn and Office / X-Files / angels dropping next