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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate: Atlantis Season 5 Episode 5 "The Ghost in the Machine" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5n0oeaeczw4fycr8it886/SAS55UE.mp4?rlkey=ontmmtp7umzp04vj6x2u2e14x&dl=0

LINK: https://we.tl/t-FCq5dCbHU9


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Jaroslav Dočekal

Your thought reminds me of Cyberpunk 77, where your downloaded consciousness was your 100 % digital copy, but it wasn't really you IIRC.


Ghost orbs behind you at 11:13 😮😨😱 and then a few seconds later at 11:22. Sp00ki!

Geonn Cannon

They planned for Torri Higginson to be in the episode, but she sadly refused. She didn't feel it offered enough closure because she felt, like you said, they'd done the Weir fakeout too many times by this point. "Is she here, is it not really her, is this the end of her story, is she going to be back?" She wanted to give a more concrete end to Weir's story. Which I think is understandable as an actor.


That does make Elizabeth the character with the most recasts in the entire franchise so far though. I mean, if you consider that she was played by a different actress in her introduction in season 7 of SG-1, then by Torri of course, and in this episode she was played by two completely different actresses, first in her Replicator body shown in the flashback to the ascension experiment and then in FRAN's form. That makes it a total of four actresses to have played a single character.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Interesting episode and concept for sure, and Woolsey really got to shine here. Still, feels like they kind of sent the Weir character out on a whimper, especially with Torri not coming back.


drive link on this one is still broken. dropbox is good though