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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate: Atlantis Season 4 Episode 18 and Episode 19 "The Kindred" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jdd5gbm203xf9vrvbqv8j/SAS418-19UE.mp4?rlkey=0pzilww108svmnjrnjyvkmxyv&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nvdN-ye56BQIBh7QdzS_y8ua57U46Hxw/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-NbZ0lxSq6l


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I believe the title should be Atlantis not sg-1


Yes, Christopher Heyerdahl plays both Halling and Todd.

Timothy Nikiforovs

This episode, and especially the end of part 1, was easily one of my most anticipated reaction moments this season. People have a broad range of opinions on the Michael plotline and on bringing Carson back, but he is the last person you expect them to find behind that door. Also I gotta say Ronon was really on his A game in that firefight. It's also good to finally get a resolution on the athosian disappearance. Shame so many were lost to Michael's experiments, but at least Halling and many others escaped. We'll have to see how things shake out with Teyla and how that gets resolved. Back when the Hoffan drug was first introduced, I argued that in the long run even with a 50% mortality rate it would still save more lives in the long run. At a 30% mortality rate, it's even more sensible in the long run. Michael actually corrected the Hoffans one big mistake, which was to apply it to a single planet the wraith will just wipe out. Spreading it across many planets, even if only a fraction of the population gets it, is the most effective use. The wraith can't just kill off their entire food source but it's a coin toss whether you die trying to feed. There's this one guy on youtube, Ryan McBeth, who often talks about creating dilemmas for your enemies instead of problems. A problem, such as the Hoffans using this drug on their entire population, has a single solution, which is to wipe them out. Spreading this drug randomly across the galaxy creates a dilemma. They could wipe out any planet where they find this drug has been used, and had they accepted the drug willingly, that might deter others from doing the same, but they risk running out of humans to cull and starving. Or they take the chance on feeding on a partially immunized population, in which case wraith will die with every culling. Of course, if all this just paves the way for a hybrid army led by Michael, it's not much of an improvement. I think Carson is the highlight of the episode though. Paul did a great job portraying Carson's reaction to the repeat gut punches he got finding out what happened in the last 2 years. But honestly it's the last scene that always gets me, and especially the bit between him and Rodney. When he says "this is not goodbye, this is, this is, uh…this is: "see ya later." That's what we agreed", it's a great callback to that final scene from Sunday, where he said goodbye to Beckett on the pier. Of course Rodney was the only one there, but the fact it stuck with him tells you how much he values their friendship.

Geonn Cannon

He must be an amazing guy in real life, because he also played two characters on Sanctuary (which Amanda starred in and executive produced). "We don't just want you back, we want you back TWICE. At least once in the same scene, hope that won't be too difficult to pull off... CGI is crazy, am I right?" 😁

Stef Furness

Not to mention one of the Volturi in Twilight, and the Sherriff in the more recent Peacemaker.

Tomáš Polák

He was also in the cold open of the first episode of The Last of Us. It opens just with his voice and I had to pause it and contemplate for like 10 minutes where I know that voice from. Didn't figure out it was Todd's voice :D


He also plays Pallan in SG-1's Season 7 Episode 5, "Revisions".

Vladyslav Serdiuk

Wraith Todd is one of the best characters imho.


soo, Im new here, sorry... what is the time line for unlocking videos of 2nd tier to 1st tier? the next episode for SGA was posted 27th march but it is still locked for first tier.