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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Angel Season 4 Episode 21 "Peace Out" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x28ay3vnwshki2m01xk7i/AGLS421UE.mp4?rlkey=jik27lxp6b6e1nnvy9x910tyq&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NV47nozTdNuCnd5Ph_l8n_LWN6VKis_X/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-HR3T8PzU08


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Brent Justice

Looking forward to the reaction, I'm excited to see you continue Angel, and finish up S7 of Buffy.

Brent Justice

Some important tidbits from this ep, Connor saw the real her the whole time, what a reveal, and to learn that basically, he was faking it the whole time, he saw how everyone else reacted toward her, and he so wanted that same feeling, but in reality, never could feel what they were feeling, it didn't work for him. That's both sad and pretty terrible, and he bought into it and put up with the lie, and just let those people die by her eating them. It sounds like he may go off the deep end, from the way Angel was talking. I thought they wrapped it up a bit quickly with Jasmine, but she was a very multi-layered villain in the end. Oh, and that kiss, I wouldn't say it's his granddaughter, she is basically a demon re-born, she is entirely from another dimension, I don't really think any part of her was from Connor, but I suppose that can be debatable. The way I always saw her is that she used Connor and Cordelia as a vessel, and pulled these levers to travel to this dimension, and be 'born'. Her blood was only connected with Cordelia, not Connor. It wasn't Connor's blood that would awaken people from the spell, it was Cordelia's, so technically if she shared blood with anyone, it was Cordelia, not Connor.