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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate: Atlantis Season 4 Episode 10 "This Mortal Coil" and Episode 11 "Be All My Sins Remember" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zkutgg8c0vvn63mc8efdx/SAS410-11UE.mp4?rlkey=6n0z6sh1wlspn1jn1qjx214mf&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x5RygDlACQhkb5wHdVTlrZ9H0J9IZ77c/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-7IS0DqDWU8


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brad hawkes

Be all my sins remembered, probably, my favourite SGA episode, even the name is lit. ❤️😊

Stef Furness

He's yelling Timber!


I needed that lore drop in my veins. Tired of bottle episodes. Oh no there is a lock down, cut to the stock footage of all the doors closing


Well it dont feel a 2 parters beacause it'a 3 parters. :p

Retro Tom

GG on being invited on Dial The Gate. Hope you have a great time

Brent Justice

I've always felt they wrapped this up a little too fast with the replicators. All of a sudden, we are destroying all of them, their entire planet, and wiping that threat from existence. They could have dragged this out all season IMO, or even into the next. The resolution just seemed kinda quick, all in one episode. I've also felt the replicators should have been the main threat in this galaxy, not the Wraith, the Wraith should have been the B-plot enemy, and the Replicators the main A-plot villain, IMO. They could have done so many interesting things with that. The replicators to me see more like a threat to the Ancients than the Wraith, IMO, or could have been if they switched it around like that from the beginning. I could see the replicators taking the Ancients out, but I still have a hard time seeing the Wraith as the ones that destroyed the Ancients.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yeah I agree about the wraith and it being hard to imagine them beating the ancients. I mean the goa'uld can build cargo ships with cloaks and hyperdrives, and the wraith have shown no ability to see through ancient cloaks. If I were the ancients, I'd mass produce something on the scale of a cargo ship or al'kesh with a cloak and hyperdrive. Most of them would be automated and packed with naquadah enhanced explosives(they could easily match the multi gigaton bombs Earth is making), and one would have a crew and direct the unmanned ones to fly up next to wraith ships and bases and explode. The wraith might be able to make cruisers and hive ships faster than the ancients can make Auroras, but this would be an incredibly effective and cost effective way to fight the wraith. Still, making replicators the main villains could seem like going over well trodden ground

Timothy Nikiforovs

These episodes, particularly BAMSR, consistently rank among SG fans' favourite episodes, from across the entire franchise. This Mortal Coil I actually mostly forgot about, probably because of how detached it feels from ep 11. It's actually a VERY common scifi trope to have 1 or more members of the cast thinking everyone's been compromised only to reveal at the end that we've been following the doppelganger the whole time. SG1 did it, almost every Star Trek series has had some variation of it. I'd say TMC does a pretty good job with the idea, but being such a common story, it's not quite as memorable. I will say though it does a great job addressing the vision of "Atlantis" being destroyed. I also rather liked how it subverts your expectations a bit at the end by having more beeps and McKay's reaction after the fade out when you think it's already done. I almost always feel pretty bad for the duplicate characters in these scenarios, when they're not evil duplicates. It's a shame they died so quickly(except Elizabeth apparently). I suppose having them go off on their own fighting wraith would be too similar to SG1's robot duplicates. Still, having that healing factor and all of AR1's skills, they could do a lot. And the supernova of ego aside, 2 Rodneys could actually be a fantastic help to Atlantis. Imagine McKay being able to work full time on 2 projects at once? BAMSR does bring a rather sudden end to Asurans(at least most of them), which I can understand being a criticism of this episode. Still, while I'd say there are a few eps that are overall better stories, I think this is largely agreed in the fanbase as being the best overall space battle in the franchise, or at least top 3. There aren't as many space faring factions in Pegasus to call on, and the Asgard are about the only race aside from humans with ships fast enough to get there to help, and they're gone now. I guess they could have contacted Tomin and maybe got a couple ori ships in on that battle. Might be pushing it. At any rate, having Wraith, Travellers and Tau'ri(with their shiny new plasma beams) was certainly enough of a show of solidarity against the Asurans. Also Larrin is a really fun character, so it's nice to see her again. Sucks that the Travellers lost a ship, but it's always a win when a hive ship goes down, and at least Larrin's Aurora survived the battle. Pretty creative solution to dealing with the Asurans, but in a way it's really a shame it went down quite the way it did, or at least as fast as it did. There were probably dozens if not hundreds of ZPMs on that planet, and probably a dozen mostly intact Auroras in orbit. Not only were all of them destroyed with the planet, but the last known source of production for both was as well. I'd probably have put a half dozen jumpers on both 304s and deployed them down to the planet cloaked at the start of the battle, all with orders to retrieve what ZPMs they could the minute Fran started sucking up nanites. I mean they'd face no resistance. Also having a few teams of people with the ancient gene ring/beam over to the Auroras and try to fly them away from the planet(even at sublight if their hyperdrive was disabled) could have taken this battle from just defeating the asurans to massively strengthening Atlantis position in Pegasus for the sure to be resumed hostilities with the wraith. Maybe even give the Travellers and Genii an Aurora each as a good will gesture to strengthen their alliances. Finally there's the wraith they've been working with. I think he displayed a fair bit of integrity and trustworthiness here. Of course, the wraith want the Asurans defeated and the deal would be off if they fed on Sheppard's team. Still, he could have stayed on the hive and left a message in the jumper, but he willingly surrendered himself back into their custody to return and help McKay finish his project. Again, kind of key to the plan, but it shows a degree of honour on his part. At any rate, he has his freedom again by the end of the episode. We'll see if he gives up Atlantis position. Bit of an ominous ending with RepliWeir though. Have to see what's up with that.

Jaroslav Dočekal

My favourite episode of the entire series fr.

Vladyslav Serdiuk

Killing humans is bad, not because it's making someone's life stop. But because humans have families, relatives, life plans, dreams , fears etc. By killing someone you affect all of these. But if you are spawned out of nothing, and someone says you should die the same day today - it's ok. She has nothing to lose, no bonds to humans. So I disagree with Carter's "Sending her to death is a bad idea. "