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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7 Episode 18 "Dirty Girls" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/udfcpp32gzklzb0osw5wf/BFYS718UE.mp4?rlkey=77gzwkl33hyl0fhhkj6y376p0&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ffaa6Bx-uYcHaeVLGVZLILhJ0bIlp-un/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-uL6EiQXkXa


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I really like season 7. Not my favourite by any means but, particularly on a rewatch, I appreciated it and how the team got us to the end. This episode, to me, shows the burden of being the Slayer, starting with reintroducing 'the other one'. It's a continuous theme that the Slayer is alone, fight alone, makes decisions alone. We've seen how Buffy is different since the start of the show and have had many characters comment on that. With the big bad of all big bads, Buffy is kind of flying by the seat of her pants. She's lost faith in her biggest advisor, she has a super powerful witch who doesn't want to use her powers, she has potentials who are all looking to her and slamming her decisions constantly...she's got it hard. However, the one lesson she really failed on this episode is to utilise the people around her by taking their advice and considering options. That's why she's lasted so long thus far. She's scared and making hasty decisions. Going into a fight doing no reconisence first is completely reckless, and we see the fall out here.

Avlin Ærbødig

so.. im sipping on some .. *pause*.. water.. right now.. ngl, kinda sounds like an alcoholic bro. jk :D