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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 3 Episode 17 "Sunday" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b4qg9804muh0bobpwz1rm/SAS317UE.mp4?rlkey=or1t4eu088mecvb17fpg5tqh9&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ltZ3Hslh5Uv_-K-D_w5J1UTYmSlPret9/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-1zh2b9VNpB


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My initial thoughts seeing this for the first time? HOW DARE THEY KILL OFF A ***SECOND*** FAVORITE DOCTOR CHARACTER!!!??? I was still NOT ok from losing Frasier, and now they took away Carson!!!??? NOT F^T*^&( FAIR!!!

John C

Do we know if the order of the next eps being released?


It dunno if this is a good comparison but when we first meet Rodney, Teal'c is stuck in the stargate buffer. His attitude is Teal'c is dead write him off protecting the gate and the base is more important than (to him) some random unknown persons life. I imagine this probably annoyed fans since we had a personal connection to Teal'c but he was no one to Rodney. Then here Carson putting his life on the line to save some random character who we were just introduced to this episode and probably wont ever see again... Not sure if that makes his death more or less impactful. Like everyone on the base has a more personal connection with each other than we ever get to know. I think it being an unknown person might make it better since it just shows he would do the same for anyone rather than say Rodney being the one with the tumor and Carson choosing to save him. Or any other main crew member. Having it be a random nobody (to us) makes us think oh what a dumb decision on his part when this person was clearly dead already and we could easily write him off. So thats us as fans and a viewer being dismissive of another human being because they arent part of the main cast, It would have been courageous of him to save a known cast member but it was stupid of him because it was an extra, an unimportant person basically.