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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Angel Season 4 Episode 16 "Players" and Episode 17 "Inside Out" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/clbu8ss2m20wursoox0nz/AGLS416-17UE.mp4?rlkey=ispxvnnpd54tkg26xh1xtkpxe&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mixHD3AWqhF5sHNDqPCmICKWXjPHw89E/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-dUSNnmKsJB


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Timothy Nikiforovs

Welp, at least now that....whatever was cooking in Cordy has been born, and since as Skip said she's basically going to be left a vegetable after, at least we can finally put Cordelia and Connor having sex behind us. Unless....................but no, they wouldn't go that far. They wouldn't go that far, right..........RIGHT?? OK, I kid. Seriously though I do love what they've done with Darla on this show, while conversely hating every minute of Cordelia's gaslighting, and also being incredibly pissed at just how weak and malleable Connor was being. Angel said he was confused, real talk he meant pussy whipped. Still, I really wish they'd played it as Connor having doubts and before he can act Cordelia kills the girl, but as is he's straight up a murderer. He may not have struck the killing blow, but he did kidnap her and stood by while she was killed. That's more than an accessory I'd think. I don't quite know what the vision of Darla was, but if your cruelty is enough to disappoint a vampire, you gotta be pretty messed up. I swear to God if this kid ever so much as mentions anything Angelus ever did again...........just no excuse. As for Players, doesn't have a ton to do with the main plotlines right now, but I do like Gwen as a character, and it's good to see she has a chance at somewhat of a normal life now that she has LISA. Also feels like we haven't had too much focus on Gunn in a while, and with everything he's been dealing with with Fred and Wes, at least this allowed him to make a clean break, and with that maybe bury the hatchet with Wes. It is a bit of a shock to learn that basically all their lives over the last 4 years have been manipulated in order to make this birth happen. At least we're getting into the main act of the season now.

Brent Justice

It's always a variable in my experience.