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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 10 Episode 6 "200" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wb3b4thoyq24t7jxhdc3j/SGS106UE.mp4?rlkey=4y9f2oovym9iq9ibqkxl1pttz&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UpCWoTT8o9XUcCKcvASEVn9yCU3tdh90/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-0RBmIca34c


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brad hawkes

"when it comes to fighting crime, theres only one man keeping the streets safe... while keeping it real... Teal'c PI, Coming this Fall" <3 *it allegedly did well on dvd" - sneaky firefly reference "Next, what this team needs is a leader! someone, who wil laugh in the face of his enemy, even when, its inappropriate" <3 The ending Sci-fi Asimov quote always make me teary, i think this episode could act as a good ending for the series if it needed too, my favourite episode. Watch out for the younger, edgier cast in the spinoffs lmao.


Somehow the first time I watched this i didn't catch the part where Jack was like it should end with them fishing and anything that happens after that would be pointless, that fishing ending really did feel like it could've ended the show well


I don't know if you caught it but i liked the part where Teal'c was like "while we were changing into our uniforms i was thinking" and the part when Walter magically walked into the gate room wearing the black uniform. Calling out them just kinda showing up in uniform with no explanation is great lol


Could someone explain the joke about the one mission file he can't know about? Like besides the joke about Jack being his dad, was there another reference? Something to do with the mission log number or something?

Timothy Nikiforovs

Oh man, that Farscape bit, easily the best gag in the episode. Teal'c in that ridiculous D'Argo makeup(HEZMANA!!!), the Thor puppet as Rygel..... it's just hilarious all around. Obviously Claudia had the easiest time just reprising her role, and Browder was supposed to be John again as well, but they decided to swap roles at the last minute, so he ended up as Stark instead. Also shoutout to Amanda for nailing Chiana's body language. Also I love how Vala excitedly rubs her hands together when Martin doesn't recognize the show she's plagiarizing. So, some fans dispute this, but according to Martin Wood, this episode never actually happened. It wasn't canon, just a fun way to commemorate making it to 200 episodes. I mean there are a LOT of 4th wall breaking scenes. Even if not directly mentioned, Atlantis did have some presence in the episode. The Wizard of Oz sequence was filmed on the Atlantis sets, and the Farscape bit had the hive ship set subbing in for Moya. Also in the zombie sequence, Mitchell jumps over some crates with the Atlantis Expedition logo on it. Speaking of that sequence, the first guy Mitchell shoots after Walter gets eaten is Pierre Bernard, who famously went on a rant on Conan O'Brien about how Jonas was better and Daniel should never have come back. Speaking of Jonas, it's a shame they couldn't squeeze in a Corin Nemec cameo, or get Don to appear as Hammond beyond a puppet. Still, that shot of the whole original team, plus the new cast members, AND Walter, all going through the gate, still a pretty sweet shot. The end bit where they used the Wormhole X-Treme cast to lampoon the show and the various drama associated with actors and characters was also really fun. I thought it was actually a great touch though to end on Grell with that great Asimov quote about the importance of sci fi. As Geonn pointed out, it was almost prophetic that they joked so much about the show being cancelled and renewed so many times, as almost right after this ep aired it was announced that S10 would be SG1's last. SyFy was HEAVILY criticized for the rather tasteless timing of the news. Still, there are VERY few shows that can last as long as SG1 did, and fewer still that can maintain their quality for the vast majority of 214 episodes. SG1 really was in a league of it's own, and with the switch to shorter seasons, we're not likely to see that kind of thing again. 200 was a great way to celebrate the milestone, and they clearly had a ton of fun with it, as did the fans. It's just sad to realize there's only 14 episodes after this one.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Most likely they're actually talking about the Foothold situation back in S3. I believe they've said before that basically all official reference to those events were erased.


Ok i was thinking that might be it but thought there could be something else i wasn't thinking of


That was golden. One of those points so many of us were waiting for you to see. 🤣 And... I would have indeed watched a Teal'c private eye spin off!


Yes, I thought he may have missed that too. I love all the quiet funny moments and references in this one.

Erin Ragsdale

I was under the impression it was 1969 mission where they were sent back in time. That mission was also placed under lock and key to prevent others from doing the same.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Obviously I loved everyyyything in this episode, but the part that always gets me laughing is the Daniel Jackson Puppet writing. And Daniel's "so I was right about the pyramids really being landing sites for interplanetary starships that enslaved primitive populations by posing as their gods..." and Hammond's "...We found the ring in the sand.." Dr Levant's stuff at the end was hilarious too. I wasn't watching during all the Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks drama yet, but that was really funny. Especially the part about how the website for saving his character got "dozens of views" a day (sorry, month, loll) and that he totally thinks that's a lot. He rubbed his eyes with his palms a few times the way Daniel Jackson has too, which was funny. It must be fun as an actor to study another actor and mimic how that actor portrays another character. Or to just mimic the actor themselves. Oh and I'm glad you at least got that they were doing Star Trek there at that part. 😂 Even if you haven't watched it, it's at least out there in our culture enough for people to know what it looks like.

Lady Beyond The Wall

🤦🏻‍♀️ "I feel so stupid.." I just now got that the "it allegedly preformed well on dvd" after wondering why a show with so little episodes would get a movie line was a Firefly reference, lol.


This episode is not canon.

Timothy Nikiforovs

"It must be fun as an actor to study another actor and mimic how that actor portrays another character" I'm sure Christian Bocher had fun with that. After all he portrayed the character of Raymond Gunne, who portrays the character of Dr. Levant, which is based on the character Daniel Jackson, portrayed by the actor Michael Shanks, originally portrayed by the actor James Spader…in the feature film.


This was SUCH a gift to the fans 💗

John C

This, Wormhole X-treme, and Citizen Joe were amazing. Great examples of what distinguishes the show from other shows

Noah ( J Holᐰ)

"How can something work perfectly fine for 10 years and then all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore" - Cam ... RIP SG1


Finally got the change to catch up! I've been waiting for this one since we started watching, especially Fail's reaction to the farscape skit. 😂


The puppet scene was a spoof off the series called the Thunderbirds https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057790/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0