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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 3 Episode 4 "Sateda" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rd86efucw68nmkq08re5j/SAS34UE.mp4?rlkey=7gpmrqn0mxlovb4lt8k1tgl9q&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uWlpboCM67_wnxy4ATKmDuXFuf0bZgpQ/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-2BYapoQWfw


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i dont know, i love that episode. it was at some points overstyled a lot, tho i kinda fits i guess xD


I think the memories and past events allow for that style as it's supposed to be traumatic and repressed emotion for Ronan, I guess. I think some of the fight sequences are a bit much and could have been simplified and still shown off his fighting style

Lady Beyond The Wall

Definitely one of my least favorites of the season, but saying that, it doesn't mean I hate it - just that I really do love all but maybe 2 episodes in this season. Mostly for the reasons you already stated. Almost like they did a little too much at once. Ronon runner story, guilt story, backstory, team bonding mixed with some...experimentation with editing, etc. I didn't love the way they did his memories.. It does make sense that they chose to shoot/edit it in a different way, cause memories are weird, but mixed with some of the ways they shot and edited what Ronon was doing in the present day was almost an overload of "well this is different". If that makes sense. That said - I did enjoy all the different ways they came up with Ronon killing wraith. That was fun. I enjoyed most of the stuff on the base, including Rodney being drugged up with an arrow in his ass. And I liked that Teyla had that conversation with John about how this made her sure that she and Ronon mean as much to their team as everyone from Earth and that they'd treat them the same. You can definitely tell Teyla and Ronon feel like outsiders, even after this amount of time, but I feel like this helped. Actions speak louder than words, and maybe going forward they'll feel more secure about their place on the team and on Atlantis in general. Now - I'm absolutely, definitely looking forward to and excited for this weeks SG1 and SGA! "Excited" is even a little too toned down to my actual excitement. 😂 And the rest of the season for both really, except for maybe 1 more episode I'm meh on in SGA, but that's really great considering we're still in the first half of both seasons. And Patreon really doesn't want me to post this. So glad I got in the habit of copying my long comments. 😐


Dude Sateda had a facist military leader that built up the army to try and fight the Wraith. Bad move!


To answer fails question about the superman punch. It does lose a bit of power because you are in mid air and not pushing off the ground with a pivot foot. But it's used in the UFC as an effective punch. It closes the distance quickly and let's you get around someone's gaurd.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I see there's some mixed reactions to this one. I always liked it well enough, even if it IS a bit over stylized. Like you say Ronon has mostly been chilling in the background for the past season, so digging into his past a bit and giving him some closure by killing that wraith is good for him. Also that scene with Teyla and Sheppard in the mess hall was pretty sweet. Really let's you know where he stands if it wasn't completely obvious. It does seem rather odd that the wraith could just blow up a gate like that, firstly since gates are tough as hell(unless Pegasus gates are more fragile), and secondly because detonating gates are supposed to be planet killers. Also fuckin Rodney limping through the gate firing randomly behind him with an arrow in his butt. Poor guy. Not necessarily one of the better or more memorable episodes, but not bad. Certainly a step up from last week's.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I mean, good for him for even walking with an arrow in his ass. I imagine I'd just fall over onto my face and lay there, lol.

Brent Justice

I like Shephards jacket

Lady Beyond The Wall

Yeah I don't think I ever noticed it before, but for some reason I did when watching this reaction. Sweet jacket.

Lady Beyond The Wall

😂 You're on a roll with the jokes for this reaction. I'm still internally chuckling over your decimus meridius joke.


the music in this episode is so damn goooooooood!!!

Avlin Ærbødig

an other problem that could have been avoided if the military actually deffended themselves against a lethal threat. which military shoots warning-shots? lmao.


Just a fun action romp that adds backstory to Ronon.